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Author Topic: No One Was Ever Killed By A Gun  (Read 24414 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 59190


« Reply #144 on: 12 26, 15, 06:42:05:PM » Reply

Sr. Member

Posts: 59190


« Reply #145 on: 12 26, 15, 06:43:59:PM » Reply

“The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own."
Sr. Member

Posts: 31404


« Reply #146 on: 12 27, 15, 06:48:12:AM » Reply

You're half right web10mhz, guns don't kill people.
Shoulder fired ground to air missiles have no moral status, since they have no will of their own. Everybody get some.
Honored Member

Posts: 6742

« Reply #147 on: 12 27, 15, 07:10:56:AM » Reply

people with guns kill people from 10' away, even people much larger, faster, smarter, better than they are.  People who they could never hurt with any other weapon but a gun.  and one loony tune person with an assault weapon and a high capacity clip, who would never even try to take over even a grade school classroom without the fake courage the very lethal assault weapon gave him, can shoot and kill 20 first graders and their teachers to death firing 157 rounds in a five minute attack.  plus all the other mass murders committed by loons with assault weapons.  only chickenshits try to deny assault weapons specifically, and guns generally, are used by people to kill most of the people murdered in this country and the rate would be anywhere near the same if no guns were ever used.  what liars and morons they must be, and dumbass gun defenders.   
Sr. Member

Posts: 99142

« Reply #148 on: 12 27, 15, 07:31:29:AM » Reply

The number of murders in the U.S. in 2011 committed with rifles: 323.

Most are committed with handguns using magazines of 10 bullets or less.

As for rifles, they are used even less than body parts, blunt instruments or sharp objects to commit murder.

“The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own."
Sr. Member

Posts: 31404


« Reply #149 on: 12 27, 15, 08:56:16:AM » Reply

people with guns kill people from 10' away, even people much larger, faster, smarter, better than they are.  People who they could never hurt with any other weapon but a gun.  and one loony tune person with an assault weapon and a high capacity clip, who would never even try to take over even a grade school classroom without the fake courage the very lethal assault weapon gave him, can shoot and kill 20 first graders and their teachers to death firing 157 rounds in a five minute attack.  plus all the other mass murders committed by loons with assault weapons.  only chickenshits try to deny assault weapons specifically, and guns generally, are used by people to kill most of the people murdered in this country and the rate would be anywhere near the same if no guns were ever used.  what liars and morons they must be, and dumbass gun defenders.   

You are right, a good guy with a gun has a far better chance of stopping, from a distance, a Looney tune intent on major casualties than a smooth talker with a large vocabulary.
Shoulder fired ground to air missiles have no moral status, since they have no will of their own. Everybody get some.
Honored Member

Posts: 6742

« Reply #150 on: 12 27, 15, 09:19:34:AM » Reply

It would be easier to name the number of mass shooters who used an assault weapon over the last year, even though it is a much much much larger list, than to name more than a few specific times any private citizen with a gun used that gun to stop a crime in public over the last 20 years.
Sr. Member

Posts: 99142

« Reply #151 on: 12 27, 15, 11:13:45:AM » Reply

The number of murders in the U.S. in 2011 committed with rifles: 323.

Most are committed with handguns using magazines of 10 bullets or less.

As for all rifles combined, they are used even less than body parts, blunt instruments or sharp objects to commit murder.


Just the facts...
Sr. Member

Posts: 59190


« Reply #152 on: 12 27, 15, 12:44:22:PM » Reply

Looking at the FBI numbers from 2005 to 2011, the number of murders by hammers and clubs
consistently exceeds the number of murders committed with a rifle.

Think about it: In 2005, the number of murders committed with a rifle was 445, while the
number of murders committed with hammers and clubs was 605. In 2006, the number of murders
committed with a rifle was 438, while the number of murders committed with hammers and
clubs was 618.

And so the list goes, with the actual numbers changing somewhat from year to year, yet
the fact that more people are killed with blunt objects each year remains constant.

For example, in 2011, there was 323 murders committed with a rifle but 496 murders
committed with hammers and clubs.


Another interesting fact: According to the FBI, nearly twice as many people are killed by
hands and fists each year than are killed by murderers who use rifles.

The bottom line: A rifle ban is as illogical as it is unconstitutional. We face far greater
danger from individuals armed with carpenters’ tools and a caveman’s stick.

And it seems fairly obvious that if more people had a gun, less people would be inclined
to try to hit them in the head with a hammer.
Sr. Member

Posts: 64463

~Well-behaved women seldom make history~

« Reply #153 on: 12 27, 15, 02:25:30:PM » Reply

Time to retire this thread to the extended discussions page...hot topics, whatever it's called...
Sr. Member

Posts: 89405

« Reply #154 on: 12 27, 15, 02:31:50:PM » Reply

guns have two purposes

1. to kill


2. to make right winger men feel like men
Sr. Member

Posts: 99142

« Reply #155 on: 12 27, 15, 02:33:44:PM » Reply

That was already debunked long ago, Cas.  Keep up.
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