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Author Topic: Vilifying the Right.  (Read 16551 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 45455

« Reply #48 on: 01 22, 11, 03:23:18:PM » Reply

But at a time when our discourse has become so sharply polarized - at a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who think differently than we do - it's important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we are talking with each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds.

There is too much difference between the Rep good guys and the liberal bad guys for there ever to be a way forward that will heal those differences..
The Rep's have the backing of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution, the liberals have the backing of communist and national socialist like hitler..
Griobhtha, that's not true, only the right does that from the heart and on their own, evidently you believe people should be forced to give which will not be from the heart..
The people on the right are the most charitable people in America and to say the right doesn't give is a blatant lie..
Sr. Member

Posts: 18590

« Reply #49 on: 01 22, 11, 03:35:37:PM » Reply

The democrats love to use the fear factor,and villify the right,and they have used this tactic for many years. Their latest is (people will die) if this big goofy healthcare bill is repealed.
Sr. Member

Posts: 59627

« Reply #50 on: 01 22, 11, 03:39:17:PM » Reply

Grio, the Right does't provide because someone wants something.  They provide when someone needs something.
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

MAGA Policies bring Misery and Death to America!

« Reply #51 on: 01 22, 11, 04:09:57:PM » Reply

And yet Texas will be ripping things from people who need it.
No more CHIPs for kids.
No more doctors for old folks.
No more schools for the disabled.
Will put more old folks in homes and stuff them in like sardines.
Will take cops off our streets and allow crime to increase.
Roads will crumble and pot holes will grow bigger.
Schools will have bigger classes, less teachers, less maintenance and less extra-curricular activites.
Libraries will close, pools will close, parks will close, no more concerts, less celebrations, etc...
All because of Repocon policies and the $31 billion they will cut from our next two year budget.
Sr. Member

Posts: 59627

« Reply #52 on: 01 22, 11, 04:12:55:PM » Reply

Great dem talking points.  That's just what dems want us to hear, but even they don't believe them.
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

MAGA Policies bring Misery and Death to America!

« Reply #53 on: 01 22, 11, 04:18:23:PM » Reply

I'm just reporting what I read from one of Texas' most respected papers.
read for yourself,...
Sr. Member

Posts: 59627

« Reply #54 on: 01 22, 11, 04:24:43:PM » Reply

The way politicians, mostly dems, have spent the people's money, it's no doubt people will get hurt as budgets are tightened.

But dems didn't care.  They figured they've taken care of their own.
Sr. Member

Posts: 37652

« Reply #55 on: 01 22, 11, 04:32:40:PM » Reply

All because of Repocon policies and the $31 billion they will cut from our next two year budget.

LOL. Maybe Texas could just print some more money, like the feds do. I can't wait to carry a truck load of 20 dollar bills to Kroger, to buy a gallon of milk.
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

MAGA Policies bring Misery and Death to America!

« Reply #56 on: 01 22, 11, 04:38:08:PM » Reply

Texas had no trouble taking $12 billion of stimulus money two years ago.
Yet all the repocons did was villify Washington for saving their asses.
Repocons have been in FULL control of Texas for over 15 years.
Democrats ahve almost no say in anything; less than 1/3 of Texas House is Democrat.  Just over 1/3 of Texas senate is Democrat & no statewidfe office is held by a Democrat.
This situation and all the cuts, pain and misery will come from Repocon policies.
This current mess would have happened 2 years ago if not for the stimulus.
Honored Member

Posts: 1404

« Reply #57 on: 01 22, 11, 04:50:25:PM » Reply

davik, where does the money come from that the government spends?
Sr. Member

Posts: 45455

« Reply #58 on: 01 22, 11, 05:04:25:PM » Reply

duhvik why don't you go cry to shelia jackass lee about it, maybe she has the money in her bank account she steals from the tax payer...
The constitution or the American people aren't responsible for providing a living to you loons, get a job, the mexicans did, are you people sorrier than that...
Honored Member

Posts: 2422

« Reply #59 on: 01 22, 11, 05:25:34:PM » Reply

According to Lluke:

"McVeigh was only getting even for that murder at Waco of innocent men, women and children..

Not one person challenged this.  So you all agree with Lluke that the  Oklahoma City bombing was justified?  This right-wing militant lunatic killed 168 people, 19 of them children and babies, and seriously injured 450 more.  If a liberal mentions something distasteful done by members of the right, you all scream and whine about being "vilified".  And yet all day long, 24/7, most of you post nothing but blind hatred for liberals on this very board.  If a right winger blows up innocent people, that's okay with all of you, or it's irrelevant and something to laugh off like your herd leader.  You're presented with facts and and answer with moronic video clips and mindless talking points that have no basis in reality.  You're all so blinded by your daily doses of venom on talk radio and hate blogs that you lost touch with the truth a long time ago.  Both sides of the political fence have extremists.  Both sides have committed violent acts.  Both sides have hurled hate and lies at the other.  Anyone who can't see this is a partisan hack and full of shit and a lying hypocrite.  You "free thinkers" wouldn't be able to find your own ass with both hands without some bloviating asshole on the radio telling you where it is.  Most of you could care less about the facts.  All you're interested in is hearing anything that validates the self-righteous hate you already carry around in your guts.  That's why people come here to laugh at you.  Poor weak little vilified victims on the right crying into their monitors because someone "vilified" them.  You assholes can dish it, but you sure can't take it!
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