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Author Topic: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for ALL  (Read 48417 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 12604

« Reply #12 on: 02 04, 10, 12:16:40:PM » Reply

"The habit of common and continuous speech is a symptom of mental deficiency. It proceeds from not knowing what is going on in other people's minds." --British journalist Walter Bagehot (1826-1877)
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Posts: I am a geek!!

how cool that chemtrail can change profiles

« Reply #13 on: 02 04, 10, 12:49:02:PM » Reply

the agenda of ACORN?  they have no real influence on government policy, you idiot.  and rush is the idiot who says he wants the president to fail, which means he wants the economy and the country itself to fail.  a president is judged by how the country does, and more specifically, how the economy does while he is president.  that is why clinton is regarded as one of our best presidents and bush is considered the worst.  you just embarrass yourself when you say dumbshit crap like that, dabozo...but then again, you are used to that...
Honored Member

Posts: 1559

« Reply #14 on: 02 04, 10, 01:04:21:PM » Reply

Obama has failed to keep any of his promises...this won't be any different.
Honored Member

Posts: 1871

« Reply #15 on: 02 04, 10, 01:17:32:PM » Reply

Do politicians keep all of their promises?   Absurd.  What should he do?  First of all it is not Obama's healtcare bill, it is a healthcare bill which is a long way from his signature.   Obama, thanks to the taxpayers has great coveage.   Excuse me from speculation.
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Posts: I am a geek!!

how cool that chemtrail can change profiles

« Reply #16 on: 02 04, 10, 01:20:23:PM » Reply

you are clueless or a liar.  he promised to change the stem cell ban...he promised to stop the abortion gag rule.....he changed the rules about lobbying.....these are policies he could stop by executive order, so he did.  i agree, a lot of promises any president makes are kinda useless...they cannot initiate policy in most cases, only sign or veto bills that come before him....but remember how bush said he would not use our soldiers as nation-builders?....what are our soldiers doing in iraq and afghanistan?  and you are griping about what, specifically, that obama promised that he is not doing or has not done?  compared to bush's using our soldiers for dumbshit nation building in two countries we should not have any troops in?
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

MAGA Policies bring Misery and Death to America!

« Reply #17 on: 02 04, 10, 01:40:51:PM » Reply

Health Care costs surged to 17.5% of our GNP last year.  Roughly $2.5 trillion!!!
And it will only go up from there.
When you can't afford health care anymore, thank the GOP for killing reform.
When you lose your health care, thank the GOP for killing mandatorya cceptance.
When you can't get more health care due to a "pre-existing condition," thank the GOP.
When the "nameless bureacrats" from your private firm snubs its nose at you and denies you the coverage you paid for, thank the GOP.
Yup, "you're on your own!"
Honored Member

Posts: 7501

« Reply #18 on: 02 04, 10, 01:46:03:PM » Reply

Jim, the short answer is NO, he will not keep his promise.  He is, after all, your basic slimy chicago politician.  I trust him on nothing.
Honored Member

Posts: 7501

« Reply #19 on: 02 04, 10, 01:48:30:PM » Reply

Health Care costs surged to 17.5% of our GNP last year.  Roughly $2.5 trillion!!!

And it will only go up from there.

When you can't afford health care anymore, thank the GOP for killing reform.
When you lose your health care, thank the GOP for killing mandatorya cceptance.
When you can't get more health care due to a "pre-existing condition," thank the GOP.
When the "nameless bureacrats" from your private firm snubs its nose at you and denies you the coverage you paid for, thank the GOP.

Yup, "you're on your own!"

Interesting, and the Dems had a super majority in the Senate and a majority in the House and effectively locked out the Reps from negotiations, your points are quite humorous.  Being the minority, how, exactly, did the GOP do all these things?
Lead, Follow or get the Hell out of the way!
Full Member

Posts: 656

« Reply #20 on: 02 04, 10, 01:49:35:PM » Reply

a president is judged by how the country does, and more specifically,how the economy does while he is president.  that is why clinton isregarded as one of our best presidents and bush is considered theworst.  you just embarrass yourself when you say dumbshit crap likethat, hoser...but then again, you are used to that...
Don't hate me because I am beautiful
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

how cool that chemtrail can change profiles

« Reply #21 on: 02 04, 10, 01:51:44:PM » Reply

medicare and indigent health care and veteran's health care are paid for by the government and number about 55 million Americans.  most of these patients are either old, already have an existing medical condition, or a lot of them have been in war and have those incredibly expensive injuries to deal with.  adding another 80 million people or so to medicare, most of them much younger, most of them healthier, most of them not with war wounds, will bring down the overall cost per patient, but, of course, will necessarily be more expensive for the government....giving people the choice of a basic insurance plan like medicare versus whatever private plan they have now either on their own or from work will drive down the overall costs of all Americans....right now, there are only about 10 or so major health insurance companies, and only about 5 that you would call major players nationwide....they are protected from anti-trust provisions, anyway.  where is the competition?  opening up medicare to everybody who wants it would drastically decrease health care costs for everybody in this country and would cover almost every American with at least a basic health care insurance plan....
Lead, Follow or get the Hell out of the way!
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Posts: 656

« Reply #22 on: 02 04, 10, 01:56:54:PM » Reply

We have heard for about the last year how 500 billion dollars could be saved in Medicare by reducing waste, fraud and etc.
Anybody know if there have been any savings in those areas? If we know the problems exist, why aren't we fixing them?

More lies?
Sr. Member

Posts: 12729

There is a SEVERE lack of common sense these days.

« Reply #23 on: 02 04, 10, 02:37:02:PM » Reply

Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid - the ones who got behind closed doors and WROTE this monstrous piece of crap - have no intention of letting ANYTHING pass which would allow Americans to retain their freedom of choice regarding our healthcare.
Obama said a lot of things during the campaign, and since he was inaugurated.  Most have turned out to be a lot of wasted words.  My short answer is NO.
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