General Discussion (Anxiety Free Zone) => Questions and Polls => Topic started by: Jim on 02 04, 10, 02:05:15:AM

Title: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for ALL
Post by: Jim on 02 04, 10, 02:05:15:AM

Throughout the entire past year Barack Obama (and everyone else) claimed over and over, as a selling
point to Health Care, that everyone who wanted to keep their own doctor and Health plan could do so.

This was a constant heated topic of eXcite, MyWay, and even here.
But now he claims "someone" slipped alternate wording into the Bill.

So, who is the "decider?"

1  What do you think he will do?
      2  What do you think he Should do?

Its only 6 minutes - Lets try to not kill the messenger. (

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: YStone on 02 04, 10, 02:47:16:AM
This should be a good test of who is really in charge in Washington.
With such a huge promise on the chopping block President Obama has a lot to lose by not following through. This is an issue that concerned Americans from all political party's, myself included, and is by far much bigger than "Read my Lips", this was "the pitch", as they say. This is like Billy Mays claiming a product will be manufactured in all colors, only to find out after you've backed the project, that it will only be offered in one.
Obama is going to lose a ton of support over this.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: takncarabizniz on 02 04, 10, 02:53:50:AM
Ain't it a coinky dink that now that they've lost their super majority, suddenly they discover someone inserted "alternate language"?
Does that answer your question?
I don't trust DC...and I don't trust Mr. Obama.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: fun n games on 02 04, 10, 03:37:43:AM
Does Obama really know what is in his Health Care Bill?  Or he has lied before he can lie again but too much lying is hazardous to your presedency.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: DaBoz on 02 04, 10, 04:31:26:AM
Does Obama really know what is in his Health Care Bill?

 Obama does not have a Health Care bill, Reid and Pelosi have one, but Obama did not have input or his finger prints on it anywhere.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: YStone on 02 04, 10, 04:37:55:AM
He still made promises concerning it. But you can bet the only reason his fingerprints don't show is because he is wearing a pair of Reid and Pelosi gloves.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: Baretta19 on 02 04, 10, 05:02:45:AM
The content of the bill is not important, as long as something comes out that has "Health Care reform" attached to it Obumbler will sign it, not becuase it's good for the couuntry or because it may or may not solve problems, he'll sign it because he wants / needs to stabd up and say "I signed HISTORY MAKING legislation today" content of the bill is not important just the name.
Obumbler is not and never will be the "leader" he lacks the character it takes

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: daroadie on 02 04, 10, 05:14:04:AM
Will a simple NO suffice Jim?

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: DaBoz on 02 04, 10, 05:37:09:AM
he'll sign it because he wants / needs to stabd up and say "I signed HISTORY MAKING legislation today"

 NO,,,, They need it for the POWER GRAB,,, CONTROL over your health care. IT is a pivotal position in the Agenda of the Progressive movement. Don't sell this thing short, tho that may be the reason HE gives.

 They control health care and they control the air you breath, and everything else that the Slave masters want.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: dont-blameme on 02 04, 10, 06:08:23:AM
What do you think he will do?
he will continue to push for healthcare,even if it is a watered down version,as long as it contains language that allows it to be added too,and altered..
What do you think he Should do?
back off from healthcare,and listen to the american people,and accept the fact "NO" means "NO" the number one issues are jobs and economy..!! what good is a sweetheart healthcare plan if you cant pay the premium because you dont have a job or you loose it..??
there should be an order of business,were the most critical is addressed and dealt with first.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: DaBoz on 02 04, 10, 06:16:16:AM
The agenda of ACORN and the Progressives was to bring down the economy.  This is all Part of the agenda. He will not take effective steps to change that. he will say he is, but you can already see the difference in what he does.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 02 04, 10, 07:11:37:AM
Glenn Beck is a lying fool.  Why would you post anything by this crybaby?

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: natalukjoe on 02 04, 10, 07:16:40:AM
"The habit of common and continuous speech is a symptom of mental deficiency. It proceeds from not knowing what is going on in other people's minds." --British journalist Walter Bagehot (1826-1877)

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 02 04, 10, 07:49:02:AM
the agenda of ACORN?  they have no real influence on government policy, you idiot.  and rush is the idiot who says he wants the president to fail, which means he wants the economy and the country itself to fail.  a president is judged by how the country does, and more specifically, how the economy does while he is president.  that is why clinton is regarded as one of our best presidents and bush is considered the worst.  you just embarrass yourself when you say dumbshit crap like that, dabozo...but then again, you are used to that...

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: allamericanmale on 02 04, 10, 08:04:21:AM
Obama has failed to keep any of his promises...this won't be any different.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: etripper on 02 04, 10, 08:17:32:AM
Do politicians keep all of their promises?   Absurd.  What should he do?  First of all it is not Obama's healtcare bill, it is a healthcare bill which is a long way from his signature.   Obama, thanks to the taxpayers has great coveage.   Excuse me from speculation.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 02 04, 10, 08:20:23:AM
you are clueless or a liar.  he promised to change the stem cell ban...he promised to stop the abortion gag rule.....he changed the rules about lobbying.....these are policies he could stop by executive order, so he did.  i agree, a lot of promises any president makes are kinda useless...they cannot initiate policy in most cases, only sign or veto bills that come before him....but remember how bush said he would not use our soldiers as nation-builders?....what are our soldiers doing in iraq and afghanistan?  and you are griping about what, specifically, that obama promised that he is not doing or has not done?  compared to bush's using our soldiers for dumbshit nation building in two countries we should not have any troops in?

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: Truman62 on 02 04, 10, 08:40:51:AM
Health Care costs surged to 17.5% of our GNP last year.  Roughly $2.5 trillion!!!
And it will only go up from there.
When you can't afford health care anymore, thank the GOP for killing reform.
When you lose your health care, thank the GOP for killing mandatorya cceptance.
When you can't get more health care due to a "pre-existing condition," thank the GOP.
When the "nameless bureacrats" from your private firm snubs its nose at you and denies you the coverage you paid for, thank the GOP.
Yup, "you're on your own!"

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: 2whyme on 02 04, 10, 08:46:03:AM
Jim, the short answer is NO, he will not keep his promise.  He is, after all, your basic slimy chicago politician.  I trust him on nothing.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: 2whyme on 02 04, 10, 08:48:30:AM
Health Care costs surged to 17.5% of our GNP last year.  Roughly $2.5 trillion!!!

And it will only go up from there.

When you can't afford health care anymore, thank the GOP for killing reform.
When you lose your health care, thank the GOP for killing mandatorya cceptance.
When you can't get more health care due to a "pre-existing condition," thank the GOP.
When the "nameless bureacrats" from your private firm snubs its nose at you and denies you the coverage you paid for, thank the GOP.

Yup, "you're on your own!"

Interesting, and the Dems had a super majority in the Senate and a majority in the House and effectively locked out the Reps from negotiations, your points are quite humorous.  Being the minority, how, exactly, did the GOP do all these things?

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: liehtr on 02 04, 10, 08:49:35:AM
a president is judged by how the country does, and more specifically,how the economy does while he is president.  that is why clinton isregarded as one of our best presidents and bush is considered theworst.  you just embarrass yourself when you say dumbshit crap likethat, hoser...but then again, you are used to that...

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 02 04, 10, 08:51:44:AM
medicare and indigent health care and veteran's health care are paid for by the government and number about 55 million Americans.  most of these patients are either old, already have an existing medical condition, or a lot of them have been in war and have those incredibly expensive injuries to deal with.  adding another 80 million people or so to medicare, most of them much younger, most of them healthier, most of them not with war wounds, will bring down the overall cost per patient, but, of course, will necessarily be more expensive for the people the choice of a basic insurance plan like medicare versus whatever private plan they have now either on their own or from work will drive down the overall costs of all Americans....right now, there are only about 10 or so major health insurance companies, and only about 5 that you would call major players nationwide....they are protected from anti-trust provisions, anyway.  where is the competition?  opening up medicare to everybody who wants it would drastically decrease health care costs for everybody in this country and would cover almost every American with at least a basic health care insurance plan....

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: liehtr on 02 04, 10, 08:56:54:AM
We have heard for about the last year how 500 billion dollars could be saved in Medicare by reducing waste, fraud and etc.
Anybody know if there have been any savings in those areas? If we know the problems exist, why aren't we fixing them?

More lies?

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: bhsgrad1972 on 02 04, 10, 09:37:02:AM
Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid - the ones who got behind closed doors and WROTE this monstrous piece of crap - have no intention of letting ANYTHING pass which would allow Americans to retain their freedom of choice regarding our healthcare.
Obama said a lot of things during the campaign, and since he was inaugurated.  Most have turned out to be a lot of wasted words.  My short answer is NO.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: ttopcat on 02 04, 10, 09:40:59:AM
I think they should drop the bill,I think they have proved they are not truthfull and open as promised. America voted for Obama for one reason,and that is because he said he would have the most open and up front transparent adm.ever, that was a falsehood,and I think the trust the voters had in him is gone.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: lluke47 on 02 04, 10, 10:40:19:AM
A health care bill  that will nearly ruin our economy is not going to lower cost or improve service one bit, that's a pipe dream....this is about money and power for the liberals...
Everything we do will be tied to health care evenually and they will gain even more power by using it to control other parts of our lives..The government should stick to what the constitution mandates and stay away from private industry..
btw, I see the liberals here can only attack the messengers and the Rep's, it just proves they have no idea what is going on IMHO..

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: stanl on 02 04, 10, 11:00:34:AM
Will Obama keep his promise???
Not sure if it really matter at this point in time.  With all the changes being made to the HC bill, it's kinda hard to keep up.  If and when the HC Bill passes Congress, and if Obama signs it or not, then it will be the time to decide if Obama kept his promise.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: upyrwazoo on 02 04, 10, 11:04:41:AM
.he changed the rules about lobbying.






Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: ttopcat on 02 04, 10, 11:24:32:AM
If the leadership had paid the bills,and held to promises they made over the past 50 years this country would not be in debt.They seem in the business of policing the whole world and supplying jobs for all other countries but our own.We are the tax payers and the suppliers of the funds the government recieves,Foreign countries need to stand on their own feet,and we need to quir supplying them money to make war.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: Byteryder on 02 04, 10, 11:59:25:AM
Wasnt Bill Clinton elece on a campaign shot.."It's Economy, Stupid"

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: darkflower on 02 04, 10, 12:43:39:PM
Will he keep that specific promise? Who knows? He is a liar, a warmonger, and a torturer. He is basically manson and bundy put together only way way way worse. Asking if he will keep a promise is silly and trusting him is suicidal.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: lluke47 on 02 04, 10, 12:47:50:PM
It wasn't that clintoon was a great president, he wasn't, he was a laughing stock of the world, an embarrassment we will never live down...he was the beneficiary of a great Rep House and Senate who controlled spending and improved Americans lives...

Bush was a better president but his House and Senate were big spenders because of the extra money from tax cuts...the Rep's blew it with this spending giving the liberals the opportunity to say tax cuts don't work but it's not true, tax cuts worked great and improved revenue, it was the uncontrolled spending that caused the problems along with the incompetent liberals running the financial industry into the ground forcing banks to make loans to their voters who didn't even have jobs or no intention of paying it back, they knew the taxpayer would bail their sorry incompetent criminal ass out, liberals, rotten to the core..

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: Dan on 02 04, 10, 01:28:00:PM
I agree, Luke.  But I think Bush deserves a great deal of the blame for the out of control spending.  He did sign those bills.  In fact, he pushed for much of the spending.  No Child Left Behind; Medicare Prescription Drug benefit; AIDS spending; Stem Cell Research; SCHIP; Energy; Transportation, etc.
Bush was a big time liberal spender.  He dragged the GOP away from its conservative roots.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: keno on 02 04, 10, 01:42:07:PM
Glenn Beck is a lying fool.  Why would you post anything by this crybaby?
I'd put him on the truth-o-meter, against any of your bolshevik heroes. Especially the Magic Marxist Muslim.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: Dan on 02 04, 10, 01:43:44:PM
Glenn Beck is a lying fool
Name one lie.
If you disagree, that's fine.  But at least be honest about your disagreement.  Don't make up accusations.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: keno on 02 04, 10, 01:46:41:PM
and rush is the idiot who says he wants the president to fail, which means he wants the economy and the country itself to fail.

I guess it doesn't dawn on you, that not everyone thinks that keeping power hungry leftists from controlling health care, is bad for the economy or country, huh?

Let the name calling begin.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: stanl on 02 04, 10, 01:51:56:PM
<<<< Who knows? He is a liar, a warmonger, and a torturer. >>>>

Yupp!!  Just like Bush.  Only not quite as bad yet.   

The WMD's in Iraq, wasn't that a lie from Bush and his administration?  Didn't Bush and his administration start two wars?  What about "Waterboarding"  I Believe Bush had a hand in that also.  Before Obama can take away the titles of "liar, warmonger and torturer" from Bush, Obama will have to be POTUS for another 7 years, an for some of you folks that going to be a hard thing to live with.

Take a deep breath and count to ten,  you'll feel better...

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: Thomasj_tx on 02 04, 10, 02:20:05:PM
<<<< Who knows? He is a liar, a warmonger, and a torturer. >>>>

The WMD's in Iraq, wasn't that a lie from Bush and his administration? - No
 Didn't Bush and his administration start two wars?   -  No
What about "Waterboarding"  -  What about it? 

Now, take a deep breath and count to ten,  you'll feel better...

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: dallas795 on 02 04, 10, 02:36:29:PM
Lord help them. They are miserable. Lord I'm so thankful I only have one active credit cart and no political convictions. I'm happy! 

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: stanl on 02 04, 10, 02:58:05:PM
<<<< The WMD's in Iraq, wasn't that a lie from Bush and his administration? - No >>>>
Ok then, How come none were found?
<<<<  Didn't Bush and his administration start two wars?   -  No >>>>
OK then, Who did start the wars?
<<<< What about "Waterboarding"  -  What about it?  >>>>
If you don't know that answer, then your first two answer don't have much value. 

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: upyrwazoo on 02 04, 10, 03:02:52:PM

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: Thomasj_tx on 02 04, 10, 03:03:45:PM

<<<< The WMD's in Iraq, wasn't that a lie from Bush and his administration? - No >>>>

Ok then, How come none were found?  - The vast amount of worldwide intelligence was in error, or they were moved

<<<<  Didn't Bush and his administration start two wars?   -  No >>>>

OK then, Who did start the wars?  -  UBL and Saddam

<<<< What about "Waterboarding"  -  What about it?  >>>>

If you don't know that answer, then your first two answer don't have much value.  -  And that was an answer?  If you are somehow trying to imply that this was a crime, then you are mistaken.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: aesopsfable on 02 04, 10, 03:04:38:PM

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: Dan on 02 04, 10, 03:18:00:PM
and rush is the idiot who says he wants the president to fail, which means he wants the economy and the country itself to fail.
Now who is the idiot?
You obviously have no idea what Rush meant.  If you actually listened to his show, you would have known that Rush meant Obama failure = American success.  Rush wants America to succeed.  In order for that to happen, Obama's destructive policies must FAIL to be implemented.

I guess it doesn't dawn on you, that not everyone thinks that keeping power hungry leftists from controlling health care, is bad for the economy or country, huh?
No, I am well aware that there are quite a few people who think power hungry leftists taking over health care would be a good thing.

Let the name calling begin.
You mean continue.  You already started it with the "idiot" comment.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: stanl on 02 04, 10, 03:31:00:PM
..'thomasj'..  We could debate this topic till the cows come home.  You have your theories, and I have mine.  You say Saddam started the war.  How was that, he didn't fly airplanes into the WTC.  OBL did.  

If a President is going to start a war with another country, ( Iraq for instance ) he had better make sure ALL his information is correct down to the last letter.  It's a little late to admit that the info was wrong after you start a war.  

As for the "Waterboarding" I'll back down on that one.  I'll leave that one to interpretation.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 02 04, 10, 03:35:03:PM
tommy believes saddam moved the wmds, without leaving a trace, with inspectors on the ground!!  what an idiot.  and the international community?  the inspectors had been out of iraq since 1998, goofus.  the inspectors were allowed back in a month after the Resolution authorized force if they were not allowed back in...get it? THEN we started getting reliable reports, first hand data, up to date information...finding no traces for 3 months AND THEN BUSH INVADED ANYWAY.....get it?  god, you are delusional...seriously....

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: Thomasj_tx on 02 04, 10, 03:41:36:PM
tommy believes saddam moved the wmds

Ho (may I call you Ho?), first, I never said that.
Second, the rest of what you posted has already been proven to be a lie.  Yet you continue to repeat it.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: YStone on 02 04, 10, 05:30:24:PM
Oh my GOD, would you look at all of the posts given by the Left. Not one of their rants is true nor truthful; and I can see in just their tone alone that not even they believe what they claim, but that they hope what they claim is true because it was the mantra they've become accustomed to.
They refuse to stay fully on track with the topic by:

1st referring to Beck as a liar (did you watch the video? Which part was a lie?).
2nd Blaming Republicans when the Democratic Congress closed the doors to them. (they had no vote!)
3rd attempting to twist the argument over to both a Bush and a Limbaugh topic (thats called avoidance)

Do you Dems even know what you're talking about anymore?  This is Sad. Extremely Sad.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: lluke47 on 02 04, 10, 05:50:15:PM
Bush may have signed those big spending bills but it was the only way he could fund the troops and give them the material they needed to fight the liberals friends in the ME, that's really pathetic isn't tells me the liberals wanted our troops to be killed in greater numbers so they could hurt Bush...sickening..
The war and belief there were WMD's was a bi-partisan war and belief of WMD's, saying Bush lied is the biggest lie of all, but it did come from rabid liberals more dumb than a box of rocks..

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: Dan on 02 04, 10, 05:56:59:PM
Interesting theory, Luke.  However, I still think Bush was just a little bit too eager to go along with it.  And on several cases, he was out front leading the charge.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: Thomasj_tx on 02 04, 10, 06:06:31:PM
I agree, Dan.
But let's take the Medicare Drug plan.
The Dems very vocally critized President Bush for going much farther.  They did not want the donut hole provision, which would have nearly doubled the cost.
And now, the hypocrites that they are, the Dems are critizing President Bush for spending too much on the Plan.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: lluke47 on 02 04, 10, 06:36:22:PM
Bush needed the funds for the war, he didn't have much of a choice, the liberals could have blocked funding for our troops getting more of them killed just like they did in the VN war so I know they don't give a shit about the soldiers..their cares are for queers, abortion and illegal immigration for more liberal votes...these liberals are the worst people in America, they would sell their mother into slavery for a vote and a check..

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: Jtopp on 02 04, 10, 06:53:48:PM
Please for my information what has Obama actually done that has been beneficial to America? what has he done that he set up a committee, or take it under advisement WHAT HAS HE DONE that has been beneficial to Americans as a whole?
He has LIED all his campaign promises: 14 so far broken promises that major media ignores: 1)End income tax for seniors making less than $50,000 2)"Will ensure that federal contracts over $25,000 are competitively bid." 3) Direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to conduct a comprehensive study of federal cancer initiatives 4) Allow five days of public comment before signing bills To reduce bills rushed through Congress and to the president before the public has the opportunity to review them, Obama "will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House website for five days." 5) Tougher rules against revolving door for lobbyists and former officials
"No political appointees in an Obama-Biden administration will be permitted to work on regulations or contracts directly and substantially related to their prior employer for two years. And no political appointee will be able to lobby the executive branch after leaving government service during the remainder of the administration" 7) Double funding for after school programs "Will double funding for the main federal support for after school programs, the 21st Century Learning Centers program, to serve one million more children." 8)Urge states to treat same-sex couples with full equality in their family and adoption laws As president, "will use the bully pulpit to urge states to treat same-sex couples with full equality in their family and adoption laws." 9) Pay for the national service plan without increasing the deficit 10) Reduce earmarks to 1994 levels "Barack Obama is committed to returning earmarks to less than $7.8 billion a year, the level they were at before 1994." 11) Create a $3,000 tax credit for companies that add jobs "During 2009 and 2010, existing businesses will receive a $3,000 refundable tax credit for each additional full-time employee hired." 12)Allow penalty-free hardship withdrawals from retirement accounts in 2008 and 2009 13) Recognize the Armenian genocide "Two years ago, I criticized the Secretary of State for the firing of U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, John Evans, after he properly used the term 'genocide' to describe Turkey's slaughter of thousands of Armenians starting in 1915 WTH???
14) Negotiate health care reform in public sessions televised on C-SPAN
To achieve health care reform, "I'm going to have all the negotiations around a big table. We'll have doctors and nurses and hospital administrators. Insurance companies, drug companies -- they'll get a seat at the table, they just won't be able to buy every chair. But what we will do is, we'll have the negotiations televised on C-SPAN, so that people can see who is making arguments on behalf of their constituents, and who are making arguments on behalf of the drug companies or the insurance companies. And so, that approach, I think is what is going to allow people to stay involved in this process."

I don't have the youtube linl of what he says now about health care...but again another damn lie!!!!!!

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: doodle-mcvee on 02 04, 10, 06:55:05:PM
Will nobama keep his promise?

Given the track record, nobama is not known for keeping promises,

nor is he known for telling the truth.


Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: Dan on 02 04, 10, 07:01:06:PM
I remember the 2000 election campaign quite well.  Everyone was crawling all over eachother promising to add a prescription drug benefit to Medicare.
It seemed I was the only one opposed to the idea alltogether.
Everyone loved the idea of giving out more freebies to old folks.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: lluke47 on 02 04, 10, 07:15:40:PM
IMHO only the old, sick, retired at 62+ and disable should get a check from the government for help and their committment to America, all the rest can starve and die...
And obumba is my unbiased opinion is a liar and fraud beyond the pale of reason...

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: darkflower on 02 04, 10, 08:01:51:PM
Liberals protested before the war started, in huge numbers in america and around the world. Liberals were not the ones pushing to violate international law and common decency and moral standards by invading Iraq in bush's murderous, contemptible, evil, war of agression. Liberals were LOUDLY against it and have been for the ENTIRE TIME.
democrats were the assholes who went along with it, not liberals. So quit lying about us. We never supported your shameless evil against Iraq. And invading Afghanistan was just as disgusting and wrong and evil and deserving of a war crimes tribunal against bush. Afghanistan had squat to do with 911 by the way, that was alqueda, not Afghanistan. Jack asses.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: flgirl on 02 04, 10, 08:25:31:PM
Obama hasn't told the American people the truth about anything right from the beginning.  For him to say "someone slipped this in" is rediculous.  As much as people have been complaining about it, you mean he never actually looked to see what it really said?   We have a very inexperienced president and almost all his people seem like Capone's cronies.   I don't trust a thing Obama says.   

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: Jtopp on 02 04, 10, 08:50:44:PM
Obama hasn't told the American people the truth about anything right from the beginning.  For him to say "someone slipped this in" is rediculous.  As much as people have been complaining about it, you mean he never actually looked to see what it really said?   We have a very inexperienced president and almost all his people seem like Capone's cronies.   I don't trust a thing Obama says.   
TRUE and it isn't going to change until he is OUT OF OFFICE! The issue is going to be who we have that will be able to not only tell the truth good or bad, who will run that has at least a degree of respectability, and who although not perfect is smart enough and well versed to be able to lead America in the 21st Century following the laws of our government and it's founders!

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: BroChet on 07 14, 10, 01:27:16:AM
Obama will do what he can do... the ridiculousness of the Republicans who have obviously banded together to attack and deny anything he does will cause much turmoil (as they planned).  They are holding back any good Obama can do as often as they can and will go down in history as the cowards and racists they are.

Title: Re: Will Obama keep his promise? This is an Important Question for AL
Post by: moneill16 on 01 10, 12, 07:12:44:AM
Obama Administration's Achievements (