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Author Topic: GRAVITY-WELL VORTEX STUDY RELEASED  (Read 1400 times)
« on: 12 23, 13, 09:32:31:AM » Reply

Gravity-well vortices associated with refuse container
Federal study Lot number CH-9807-88
Published December 12, 2013
Summary of findings:
 The study, instigated in 1988 under an order by NASA as
part of their research of interferring force patterns
previously observed during experiments conducted at the
Gravity Pattern Research facility at Los Alamos, has
identified and measured various newly-observed anomalous
gravity-force patterns associated with refuse-container
After over one thousand repeated instances of the primary
experiment conducted at Los Alamos and Stanford University,
the study has established the existence of anomalous
gravity-well patterns immediately associated with such
placements, and recommends that futher research into
reducing the "over-lap efect" such gravity patterns create
in nearby applications, software and hardware.
Description of the Primary Experiment:
 In each instance of the Experiment, four research
volunteers were placed in isolation in separate rooms. All
instances of the Experiment were recorded in video and
audio formats, and each subject was subjected to EKG and
EEG readings during their sessions.
Hyper-neutronic magnetic-imaging readers were placed at
various locations around the experimental container mock-
up, which was designed to replicate standard containers,
and all observable magnetic-pattern array forms were
Each subject was given 100 sheets of plain white 8-inch by
10-inch wood-based paper and was asked to remotely place
each sheet in the experimental mock-up container.
In over 61% of attempts, anomalous gravity patterns were
observed to appear in the area immediately surrounding the
opening of the mock-up container in the moment before the
remotely-placed piece of paper reached that opening,
causing a diversion in the aerial path taken by the
exprimental piece. In nearly 75%  of those instances, the
remotely-placed piece of paper failed to successfully enter
the container.
The study establishes the existence of anamolous gravity-
well patterns associated with refuse-container placement
and recommends further research into technological
responses to the effects of those forces.
Published December 12, 2013
Sr. Member

Posts: 41944

Obama shit on Blacks, They are Arab toilets.

« Reply #1 on: 12 31, 13, 10:32:38:AM » Reply

If we stack enough containers on top of one another, we could create a Black hole?
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