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Author Topic: Liberal schools push Sex Education  (Read 1563 times)
« on: 09 12, 13, 04:22:25:PM » Reply

The plan to put sex education/indoctrination ["It's OK to have sex as long as you don't tell your parents."] in our schools by the liberals continues!
Grassroots resistance is growing too - parents in seven states have organized to pass laws banning the teaching of masturbation and that condoms provide protection from pregnancy and disease [as if they are the same!] , among a list of other liberal myths in the public schools. In addition, some parent groups have successfully demanded the right to provide to public school students "Second Opinions" in response to the officially-sanctioned liberal propaganda regarding human reproduction created by liberal textbook and classroom materials publishers and professional lecturers who travel from school to school and appear at school assemblies leading programs with titles like "It's OK to Touch Yourself" and "Your Best Friend may be Gay".
 "Second Opinions", incorporated as a non-profit in 2009, responds in kind by way of leading student assemblies and providing study materials that tell the truth about birth control, AIDS, and the homosexual agenda to enshrine science over God's Will and the Constitution.
 One of their presenters, Col. Jeremiah Bergen, USAF [Ret.], says in his touching lecture "I was told about masturbation by some of the other boys in the seventh grade, so I decided to try it one night and I thought I had broken something - I was in the bathroom crying and everything...but about an hour later I tried it again and became addicted to it for three years - then I told Pastor Bob at my church and he told me about how it was in the Bible that it was evil to do it so I quit and never did it again, and now I'm married with three sons I can tell you that duct tape around the boy's hands behind their backs at night at the right age saved my sons from the Devil, sure."
 And Annah Serenthian says "Homosexuals claim that "God made them that way" but everyone knows that
God gave us free will so anyone who chooses to be Homosexual even though the Bible says that they are evil is choosing to be evil and deserve to be told that they'll all burn in Hell forever and ever for disobeying the Word of God, who hates the Sinner and hates the Sin and will dispose of both, and whose Kingdom on Earth will be built upon the Rock of Love for those who renounce Evil and Join Us in Christ."
 Interestingly, the Phelps' Family, notorious for holding signs at the funerals of US troops saying detestable things like "Thank God for Dead US Troops" and "God Hates Army Fags" etc.,  have announced that they will picket the upcoming "Second Opinions" annual meeting in Houston in November to protest what Family spokesperson Michelle Phelps calls "Second Opinions' sick and tranparent support for creeping homosexual control of America indicated through the disclaimers in their promotional ads stating that they 'do not support discrimination.' - of course not, they are using faked opposition to the Homosexual Agenda to obscure the line between tolerance and intolerance of the intolerable. OF COURSE we support discrimination - how else can we stop the Fags from removing God from American life and replacing Him with a hedonistic and sex-orgy based society where sex is 24/7 and sex with fruits, vegetables and animals will be commonplace, and even worse. It'll be Hell on Earth when that happens."
 - Glenn Forcett
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« Reply #1 on: 09 12, 13, 04:33:22:PM » Reply

ignorance is preferable to the right

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