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Trump knows who the BAD GUYS are.
Thats why they want him gone.

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Author Topic: A liberal hero they worship  (Read 296 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 45455

« on: 09 02, 10, 09:40:06:AM » Reply

This is what our liberals are all about just like the scum in the WH and his czars who hate America..
Honored Member

Posts: 9699

« Reply #1 on: 09 02, 10, 09:54:00:AM » Reply

Watch Your Back and Your wallet!  We now have a Dictator ready to spring the Trap.  In case You didn't know, His name is Barak Hussein Obama.  I rest My case.
Sr. Member

Posts: 45455

« Reply #2 on: 09 02, 10, 10:19:36:AM » Reply

obumba could replace che as the liberals hero, I agree
Sr. Member

Posts: 20043

« Reply #3 on: 09 02, 10, 11:17:10:AM » Reply

Wah! Wah Wah!

That is all you hear from the republican't/neocon minority...

Things not going so hot for you guys that you have to whine all of the time, eh boys?


Ldy R.

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