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Author Topic: How the Poor pay for GOP Tax Cuts for the Wealthy  (Read 962 times)
« on: 03 12, 11, 02:04:50:PM » Reply

in one easy to understand picture:


Summary -

Cuts to Early Childhood programs: $11.2 billion
Tax break: Cuts to estate taxes on the very wealthy: $11.5 billion per year

Cuts to low-income housing programs: $8.9 billion
Tax break: Mortgage interest deduction on vacation homes: $8.9 billion

Cuts to WIC [Supplemental nutrition for low-income women and children]: $7.6 billion
Tax break: $6.7 billion spent on Estate Planning techniques to avoid estate taxes

Cuts to teacher training and afterschool programs: $4.6 billion
Tax break: Removal of limit on itemized deductions for high-income earners for FY2011

Cuts to worker training for the unemployed: $4.1 billion
Tax break: for tax breaks for offshore operations of financial companies: $4.1 billion

Cuts to low-income home heating assistance [LHEAP]: $2.5 billion
Tax break: write-offs for costs for oil drilling for oil companies: $2.5 billion

Cuts to community health centers: $2.5 billion
Tax break: Extension of alcohol fuel tax breaks: $4.9 billion

Cuts to homeless assistance programs: $2 billion
Tax break: Loophole for Hedge-fund and private-equity managers: $2.3 billion

Cuts to legal services for the poor: $420 million
Tax break: Allowing corporations who lose in damage lawsuits to write-off punitive damges for the next ten years: $312 million

Cuts to Title X Family Planning: $317 million
Tax break: New special tax breaks for the timber industry $303 million

Cuts to all programs considered at-risk of budget cuts: $44 billion
One-year cost of extending the Bush Tax Cuts: $42 billion for FY 2012
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