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Author Topic: Koch Bros. sue over a Joke  (Read 1158 times)
« on: 03 02, 11, 08:08:20:PM » Reply

Thursday, February 24,2011
Billionaire bullies
By Jim Hightower
Not all of the bullies are in schoolyards these days —
quite a few have graduated to the executive suites of
Corporate America.
Take Charles and David Koch, two multi-billionaire
brothers whose life of privilege and bloated sense of
entitlement have turned them into such spoiled brats
that they can’t even take a joke.
Last December, the
Kochs’ oil operations became the object of a spoof by a
merry band of tricksters called Youth for Climate Truth.
Not only is Koch Industries a notorious polluter and
spewer of global warming gasses, but the brothers have
recently been exposed as longtime secret funders of
various right-wing front groups trying to debunk the
very existence of climate change.
The young folks made fun of this by issuing a fake news
release on what appeared to be Koch Industries
letterhead. It said, in essence, that the Kochsters had
seen the light on global warming and henceforth would be
strong environmental advocates. A pretty harmless joke.
The grumpy billionaires, however, not only failed to
laugh, but they quickly resorted to bullying. They’ve
unleashed a snarling pack of lawyers to demand that the
identities of those who produced the parody be given to
the Kochs so they can sue them for damages. What
damages? The lawsuit says the brothers want
reimbursement for “costs associated with spending time
and money to respond to inquiries about the fake
Good grief — Charles and David are two of the 10 richest
people in America, and they’re whining about a $10 phone
bill! What the Kochs really are trying to do, of course,
is to bully their critics — make fun of us, they’re
saying, and we’ll bury you in legal bills.
By the way, these billionaire bullies have also financed
front groups that attack public interest lawyers. Why?
Because, say the the Kochs, these lawyers file
“frivolous” lawsuits!
JimHightower .com
boulderweekly .com/article-4487-billionaire-bullies.html
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
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What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #1 on: 03 02, 11, 10:46:34:PM » Reply

Global Warming is a False Alarm spread by those wishing to bilk the middle class of the pennies in their piggy bank.  Like Billionaire Al Gore.   
And using or faking someones letterhead to make false claims is illegal, and it is punishable. Whether the "hoax" is on a billionaire or your baby sister.   Iknow its unfair, but Liberal hoaxers really do have to obey the laws too. They don't get more just because are poorer and the Koch Bros don't get less just because they have Billions. They were libeled or defamed. They have cause for action to insure it does not happen again. Not by the current perps nor by future perps. If they let it go, then they can expect more later, so this is why they must act.
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Posts: 1641

« Reply #2 on: 03 02, 11, 11:57:49:PM » Reply

If you think Koch Industries is a notorious polluter and spewer of global warming gases, what do you call yourself?  Every time you exhale you pollute our air with  global warming gases (carbon dioxide). You are harming the planet. You are killing the rest of us. Maybe you should do something about that. Either exhale more, or not at all.

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