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Author Topic: The REASON we need Unions, OSHA, worker's rights - watch the history  (Read 1248 times)
« on: 03 01, 11, 10:15:07:PM » Reply

PBS' "American Experience" series looks at the tragic fire that swept through the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York's Greenwich Village on March 25, 1911, and the changes in workplace-safety laws that followed.
It was the deadliest workplace accident in New York City’s history. A dropped match on the 8th floor of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory sparked a fire that killed over a hundred innocent people trapped inside. The private industry of the American factory would never be the same.
Watch it free online here:

pbs .org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/triangle/player/
« Reply #1 on: 03 01, 11, 10:31:27:PM » Reply

Discovering My Grandmother's Triangle Fire Story
by Eileen Boisen Nevitt
Three years ago, my knowledge of my paternal grandmother, born Annie Sprinsock, was at best sketchy. A Russian-Jewish immigrant to New York City, she lived a tragically truncated life marked by recurrent bouts of melancholia until her death at the young age of 34 in 1929. My father, deeply pained by her untimely death, rarely spoke of her to my brother and me when we were children -- except to say that she had been at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory on the day of the infamous fire.
Then in 2008, what began as my innocent Google search of Annie astoundingly led to seeing her listed as a survivor in Cornell University Kheel Center's Triangle Fire Archive.
My cousin Steven dug deeper into the Archive, discovering a New York Times article about 17-year-old Annie's "heroic deed": saving her friend by holding her above her head as the last elevator down had no floor space left.
Since 2008, researcher Michael Hirsch has pieced together information that my grandmother worked as a sewing machine operator on the ninth floor, where only half the employees survived. Hirsch has also confirmed that she saved Katie Weiner, the last known girl to escape the inferno which took the lives of 146 mostly young, immigrant Italian and Jewish women.
As much as my grandmother's story captured my imagination, the lessons of the Triangle Fire have reignited my own social activism. I was outraged when I read this past December about a fire similar to the Triangle Fire which swept through a multi-story garment factory in Bangladesh, killing many young women.
Just as in the American garment industry in the early twentieth century, greed and profit trumped fire safety and worker protection.
Increasingly, I have begun to look at the social responsibility statements of the companies from which I purchase my latest fashion statements. I want the young women making clothes in Asia to be as safe in their workplace as if they worked in the United States.
On the centennial of the Triangle Fire, my family will join Katie Weiner's descendents in front of her residence in 1911 at St. Marks Place to write commemorative messages on the sidewalk in chalk. Also that day, as I participate in the official centennial remembrance of the fire, I will think of my grandmother Annie and those who have fought since the fire for the protection of workers' safety.
A century later, the Triangle Fire remains an enduring legacy with global implications.
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