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Author Topic: Beck's favorite Rabbi Daniel Lappin defends Hitler  (Read 889 times)
« on: 03 01, 11, 08:06:35:PM » Reply

Quite a milestone occurred on the pages of the Internet the other day. Rabbi Daniel Lapin, an Orthodox Jew, declared that Hitler was right. At least about one thing: that highly visible Jews were in the vanguard of cultural decadence in pre-Nazi Germany.
In other words, Lapin dares to infer that which cannot be publicly spoken: Jewish responsibility — at least partially — for soliciting hostile German feelings that led to the Holocaust. And attendant Jewish blame.
As we all know, particularly in "free" Western democracies, no one is allowed to speak like this. Even agreeing with Hitler that the sky is blue engenders considerable political and personal risk. Hitler and the Nazis are held to be an airtight ideological package — a kind of vacuum cleaner. If one dares to suggest that not everything Hitler said about Jews was maliciously invented, that — in today’s Judeocentric dictate — brands the offender as a certifiable "Nazi" whose latent aim must be to murder Jewry.
Well, surprise. Rabbi Lapin has broken all the rules. And for a Jew to admit that Hitler’s disdain for Jews had a reasoned basis in pre-Nazi German culture, as Lapin explicitly does, is truly revolutionary. He poses a small ray of light in a very dark chamber, a light that can reveal clearly and honestly the moral and rational roots of Gentile (and Jewish!) "anti-Semitism" throughout the Jewish story.
Rabbi Lapin even has the galling audacity to quote Hitler, with both sympathy and understanding:
"Was there any form of filth or profligacy, particularly in cultural life, without at least one Jew involved in it? What had to be reckoned heavily against the Jews in my eyes was when I became acquainted with their activity in the press, art, literature, and the theater….It sufficed to look at a billboard, to study the names behind the horrible trash they advertised…. Is this why the Jews are called the “chosen people”? The fact that nine tenths of all literary filth, artistic trash, and theatrical idiocy can be set to the account of a people, constituting hardly one hundredth of all the country’s inhabitants, could simply not be talked away; it was the plain truth."
( – Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler, Chapter II)
Lapin cites Mein Kampf (which is banned in some countries today) to illustrate the parallels between Jewish prominence in the destruction of traditional German values and to underscore similar Jewish erosion of its American counterpart today.
Beck's site The Blazé has a new article by that turkey.
I'll bet some of you on this board will think "hey, it's REASONABLE to blame the Jews for the Holocaust..even this Jew thinks so."
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