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Author Topic: Reagan's Legacy  (Read 982 times)
« on: 02 03, 11, 02:37:27:PM » Reply

1) Increased the National Debt by 189% -----$998 billion to $2.6 trillion.
2) Millions of high paying union jobs reduced to low paying nonunion jobs.
3) Cut spending on healthcare leaving ex -servicemen, disabled people, and the old without any support and left to rot on the streets.
4) Doubled the number of poor in the country.
5) Turned the US from the major exporter of manufactured goods in the world to the major importer of manufactured goods.
6) Turned the US from a net importer of raw natural resources into a nation that exported raw natural resources (just like a third-world country).
7) Funded terrorists and tried to trade arms for hostages.
Cool Funded and aided Saddam with his WMD chemical weapons
9) Reagan encouraged corruption, allowing companies to sell $25 toilet seats to the military for $360 and $8 hammers for $120.
10) Reagan cut income taxes on the working class but increased payroll taxes and the mandated contributions to Medicare and Social Security but did so in such a way that the top 1% paid 15% less than they did before by limiting their deductions on the first $61,000 but the working poorest had theirs increased 15%.
11) Reagan took a staggering 336 vacation days at his ranch in 8 years.
12) Allowed Rupert Murdoch to circumvent the immigration laws to purchase American media sources.
13)broke the air traffic controllers union-- firing 13,000 air-traffic controllers and cresting a crisis in the air transport industry that took years to resolve.
14) Tucked tail and ran from the terrorists after they killed 241 American servicemen in Beruit [though he DID have a US warship bombard a few goat-herding villages in the mountains around Beirut on the way out].
All Hail Saint Ronald.
No, thanks.
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