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Author Topic: Sarah Palin's early training for politics  (Read 3264 times)
« on: 01 27, 11, 05:07:25:PM » Reply

Little 6-year-old Sarah enters the playground and spots another little girl - Suzie - surrounded by friends - that makes Sarah jealous so she runs up and starts ragging on Suzie: "oh, you dress funny, you talk funny, you sound stupid and look stupid and slutty!"
 Shocked at this unprovoked attack, Suzie replies "well, you're just a poddy mouth."
"Poddy mouth??" says Sarah. "I'll show YOU you bitch!" and runs to her mom, telling Mom about how mean Suzie is being to her.
Sarah's Mom calls Suzie's Mom and says " I will not TOLERATE these unprecedented attacks on my daughter! It is SHAMEFUL that Suzie should say such things about my Sarah! I demand an aoplogy and a promise from Suzie that she will NEVER AGAIN  utter such a blood libel!"
it could have happened...admit it
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
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What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #1 on: 01 28, 11, 12:57:33:AM » Reply

So you totally admit you have absolutely no clue what "Blood Libel" means.
« Reply #2 on: 01 28, 11, 01:45:26:PM » Reply

- sure.
Like you just demonstrated "Totally Missing The Point"
I guess you support Palin's use of the term to - once again - elevate herself to
But bullies usually portray themselves as victims so that's not surprising.
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
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Posts: 64312

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #3 on: 01 29, 11, 12:50:35:AM » Reply

If you don't know what the term Blood Libel means then your post is nonsensical.
You would do well to leave the actual joke writing to someone with a reasonable vocabulary.
Why don't you look up the meaning of Blood Libel then come back and explain where it fits in your little joke.
« Reply #4 on: 01 29, 11, 01:37:50:PM » Reply

1. I am fully aware of the history and meaning of the term "blood libel"
2. It was clear from the moment Sarah Palin used that term in her own defense that she was NOT and her defense of her use of the term since then indicates that she does not CARE that she missused the term.
3 Bullies like Sarah Palin are taught to be bullies, and having read her available biography - even the scrubbed versions -  it is clear that her reputation as a bully goes back to her schoolyard days.
4. From the moment she hit the national stage in 2008 she has acted in the same way:
tossing out one personal attack on Mr. Obama after another, but howling in protest at ANY suggestion that she might not be quite qualifies to be President as : "vicious" and "unprecedented!!!" -  terms repeated over and over by her supporters and the conservative media.
5 I repeat: Bullies always react to crticism of their bullying by yelling that they are the real victim here -  Sarah Palin is a textbook example of a bully.
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« Reply #5 on: 01 29, 11, 01:41:37:PM » Reply

I respectfully disagree.

But if it is true, what does that make most successful businesspeople and politicians in comparison?  Mass murderers?
« Reply #6 on: 01 29, 11, 01:48:15:PM » Reply

Mass murderers??
Back it down a little - we're talking about an unqualified person with serious character flaws who wants to be President - I wont argue with you if you say that that describes all politicians if you'll admit that some candidates are far more flawed than others  - as is the case with Sarah Palin.
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« Reply #7 on: 01 29, 11, 01:52:44:PM » Reply

Notice that I said "in comparison."  Successful people are self-confident. 

Everyone is flawed.  That comes with the territory of being human.

You cannot honestly call Palin's success as evidence of bullying.
« Reply #8 on: 01 29, 11, 02:08:01:PM » Reply

Sarah Palin's history and current persona all support my contention that she is a bully.
Her "success" as a Fox News personality is even shaky - but I do admit that she's cashed in on it in a big way for the time being.
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Posts: 59627

« Reply #9 on: 01 29, 11, 02:20:44:PM » Reply

As did Obama, the Clintons, and a myriad of people in the news.
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
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Posts: 64312

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #10 on: 01 29, 11, 06:55:43:PM » Reply

 Remember the stupid "joke" you posted?

"blood libel" (a false accusation of causing someones death) and "potty mouth" (I'm sure you know the meaning) are not similar in any way.
This is just another ignorant attack on an innocent and good person by the "tolerant" among us. 
« Reply #11 on: 01 29, 11, 08:02:29:PM » Reply

Well, she sure has convinced you!
she's a VICTIM alright
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