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Author Topic: The True Cost of Gun Violence in America  (Read 21193 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 26544

« on: 04 16, 15, 05:12:21:PM » Reply

Report: Gun violence costs the US $229 billion each year.

Sr. Member

Posts: 76190

« Reply #1 on: 04 16, 15, 06:50:08:PM » Reply

They got's to disarm you bro's hawks, what's the tab on shooting in Chicago by you bro's?
Sr. Member

Posts: 12592

« Reply #2 on: 04 16, 15, 06:55:17:PM » Reply

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), U.S. motor vehicle crashes in 2010 cost almost $1 trillion in loss of productivity and loss of life. The study was released in May 2014.

maybe you should work on banning cars. that at least wouldn't be interfering with our rights!
Sr. Member

Posts: 76190

« Reply #3 on: 04 16, 15, 06:55:39:PM » Reply

motherjones really hawks not very impressive are they, well may for you and those like you!

seahooker make s good point hawks why not take up banning cars!
Sr. Member

Posts: 26544

« Reply #4 on: 04 16, 15, 07:09:20:PM » Reply

don't-blameme: motherjones really hawks not very impressive are they, well may for you and those like you!

seahooker make s good point hawks why not take up banning cars!

Yes, Mother Jones, don't-blameme. And I don't see a shred of evidence from you to refute any claim made by the article's authors. All I see is your citing seahooker's red herring--an attempt to change the subject by babbling about motor vehicle crashes and, of course, the perennial favourite of gun nuts--banning cars. No seahooker didn't make a good point, she posted an irrelevant distraction from the original issue, logical fallacy--a red herring.
william H
Honored Member

Posts: 8282

« Reply #5 on: 04 16, 15, 07:10:27:PM » Reply

Hey shehawk if Obama would stop causing the price of ammo to go up it would be much cheaper for cops to shoot criminals and lower the crime. THIS IS AMERICA DUMBASS GO PEDAL YOUR BULLSHIT ELSEWHERE> STOP THE NEGROS FROM THE GHETTO FROM SHOOTING EACH OTHER AND CRIME DROPS! IT'S NOT A GUN PROBLEM IT'S A NEGRO CRIMINAL PROBLEM!
Sr. Member

Posts: 12592

« Reply #6 on: 04 16, 15, 07:18:53:PM » Reply

hawks, you wouldn't know a red herring if it bitch slapped you with its tail.

you brought up cost as a reason to take away a right.

I brought up a larger cost with the enquiry, why don't you try to eliminate this problem where there is no right involved.

that is when, like most liberals confronted with reason, you went all stupid!
Sr. Member

Posts: 26544

« Reply #7 on: 04 16, 15, 07:19:22:PM » Reply

seahooker: According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), U.S. motor vehicle crashes in 2010 cost almost $1 trillion in loss of productivity and loss of life. The study was released in May 2014; maybe you should work on banning cars.


Maybe you should read the following articles and stop babbling about motor vehicle crashes and banning cars.





Sr. Member

Posts: 12592

« Reply #8 on: 04 16, 15, 07:30:17:PM » Reply

hawks, you idiot, you started the thread, remember. The thread was the true cost of gun violence!
Sr. Member

Posts: 26544

« Reply #9 on: 04 16, 15, 07:35:23:PM » Reply

seahooker: hawks, you wouldn't know a red herring if it bitch slapped you with its tail.

Wrong, seahooker! As you should realise by now, I'm quite good at spotting fallacies of argumentation and debate--red herrings and ad hominems, like the one you used to begin your reply.

you brought up cost as a reason to take away a right.

You're confused again, seahooker. I presented evidence of the true cost of gun violence in the United States. Remember?

I brought up a larger cost with the enquiry, why don't you try to eliminate this problem where there is no right involved.

No, seahooker. What you did, in actuality, was to attempt to interject a red herring into the discussion--attempt to change the original issue to one of your choosing, with the intention of never returning to the original topic. Isn't that right, seahooker?

that is when, like most liberals confronted with reason, you went all stupid!

What do you call it when you and our forum's other conservatives attempt to change the subject when you're confronted with facts, like what you are evidently trying to do here?
Sr. Member

Posts: 26544

« Reply #10 on: 04 16, 15, 07:41:57:PM » Reply

seahooker: hawks, you idiot, you started the thread, remember. The thread was the true cost of gun violence! [sic]

You're absolutely correct, seahooker. Yes. I started this thread and its topic  is the true cost of gun violence in the United States. So why did you respond by babbling irrelevant rigmarole about motor vehicle crashes and banning cars? Evidently you are the idiot in this discussion.
Sr. Member

Posts: 20417

« Reply #11 on: 04 16, 15, 07:48:34:PM » Reply

Apparently people in those states are better shots than they are drivers,ROFL

Saying "Gun deaths" with no demographics is worthless information that any MORON can post, nothing but a, ah, RED HERRING, simply no value add to any discussion, typical of an ignorant person.

60% of "gun deaths" are suicide, if someone wants to commit suicide there are a 1000 ways to do it, the gun is simply convenient. These deaths would not change significantly with stronger gun laws or taking my gun away. These people are DEAD regardless of any law you can pass.

About 3% are accidental deaths (between 700-800 deaths). although sad, It is an insignificant number based on total gun ownership, you can't fix stupid.

About 34% of deaths (just over 11,000 in both 2010 and 2011) make up the remainder of gun deaths and are classified as homicides.  Because of "political correctness" there are no real facts to determine how many of these are gang related, with an ounce of intelligence and some trend data/research, meaning patterns of behavior, meaning GANGBANGERS, you can easily surmise that 80-90% of the 34% are gang related, so who really cares except bleeding heart MORONS, I admire DEAD gangbangers. of the remaining 10% can be basically related to the commission of a crime, whether robbing your local 7-11 or IDIOTS arguing, Again a small percentage that only bleeding heart liberals lose sleep over.

But the MOST IMPORTANT statistic that you'll have to argue with BARAK OBAMA about.
But a new report commissioned by the White House titled Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-related Violence suggests what many self defense gun proponents have been saying for years. The report, ordered under one of President Obama’s 23 Executive Orders signed in the wake of the Sandy Hook incident, asked the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the National Research Council and other federal agencies to identify the “most pressing problems in firearms violence.”
To the surprise of the authors and those who would no doubt have used the report to further restrict access to personal defense firearms, the study found that gun ownership actually saves lives and those who have a firearm at their disposal improve their chances of survival and reduce their chance of injury in the event they are confronted by a violent criminal:

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