General Discussion (Anxiety Free Zone) => Questions and Polls => Topic started by: Jim on 03 12, 10, 09:47:43:AM

Title: Communists in America.
Post by: Jim on 03 12, 10, 09:47:43:AM

Beck University. Communists in America.

The history of the United States that we were never told about.
3-11-10 ( ( ( (


Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: August West on 03 12, 10, 10:24:15:AM
Yup. Bob Dylan was right.                      (                                                             

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 03 12, 10, 10:39:29:AM (

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: YStone on 03 12, 10, 10:45:49:AM
Whats the matter west, are you guys having a tough time marginalizing these days?  That shit caught up to you, didn't it.
One thing is for sure. You can bitch and call names, but you can't dispute what beck says here. Of course, you are more than welcome to try.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: August West on 03 12, 10, 11:36:26:AM
Not all of us spend every hour of the day worrying about commies,terrorists,ACORN,etc. I find Beck and his gullible followers to be hilarious and I appreciate the entertainment. Thanks again.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: DaBoz on 03 12, 10, 11:37:55:AM
McCarthy was Right.

 We need hearings on this takeover.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 03 12, 10, 11:46:15:AM
McCarthy was one of the most demonized American politicians of the last century, new information -- including half-century-old FBI recordings of Soviet embassy conversations -- are showing that McCarthy was right in nearly all his accusations.
"With Joe McCarthy it was the losers who've written the history which condemns him," said Dan Flynn, director of Accuracy in Academia's recent national conference on McCarthy, broadcast by C-SPAN.
Using new information obtained from studies of old Soviet files in Moscow and now the famous Vanona Intercepts -- FBI recordings of Soviet embassy communications between 1944-48 -- the record is showing that McCarthy was essentially right. He had many weaknesses, but almost every case he charged has now been proven correct.
Next let’s hear more about the “energetic” & “engaging” ruthless dictator who had no issue with confiscating private property and forcing Cuban citizens to labor camps on the state-run Sugar plantations… Fidel Castro.  I know just the patriotic, freedom loving Congresswoman to go to:  Congresswoman Barbara Lee – 9th District California.  Is anybody else wondering… “California, what the hell is wrong with you?!”
Also, if you heaven’t heard about the book “The Coming Insurrection”, you need to know about it – we can expect pro-communists here in America to spew this Communist Call to Arms everywhere they get the chance – in fact in a recent interview… Michael Moore said it happened to be the last book he read.  Learn more about it here and read it for free in pdf: (

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: aesopsfable on 03 12, 10, 11:51:44:AM
I thought the last book Michael Moore read was a Little LuLu Comic book.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: aesopsfable on 03 12, 10, 12:00:22:PM
I am not worried about the Communists, the Marxists, not even the Fascist Muslims, what I am worried about is how a great portion of the American people can elect a man like Obama President without a fundamental change in what an American really is these days. It may already be too late to save this country.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: Baretta19 on 03 12, 10, 12:01:23:PM
Not all of us spend every hour of the day worrying about commies,terrorists,ACORN,etc. I find Beck and his gullible followers to be hilarious and I appreciate the entertainment. Thanks again.

Gee anybody else notice that August in true goose stepping fashion ignores the facts, I suspect that since he can't refute them he will in true liberal fashion simply bend over and take it for the team.ROFLMAO, I am always entertained by the pathetically stupid loyalist, They say, Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity are all LIARS, yet they can't seem to post FACTS to disprove their point, It is apparent, those goose steppers are laced up real tight cutting off circulation to the few brain cells they MAY have left

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: aesopsfable on 03 12, 10, 12:04:18:PM
Nobody has proven Beck wrong yet and the White House hasn't responded either.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 03 12, 10, 12:11:04:PM
Obama may be resorting to fascistoid temporary measures, but socialism is definitively his objective, and if he can muster it, probably communism.
Others are opening their eyes to the threat that Obama poses to the world. In Central America, the Panamanians elected a conservative president, businessman Ricardo Martinelli. In Europe, the Germans are opening their eyes and giving continually increasing support to the pro-free-enterprise Free Democratic Party (FDP). This latter development is of a great importance, for Germany is now setting the political-economic tone in Western Europe. Read it for yourself (

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 03 12, 10, 12:13:32:PM
it's much harder to find instances where beck is telling the truth, than when he is not.  he is an idiot.  seriously.  he is a paranoid, or he plays one on tv so fools can be afraid, very afraid, of FREAKING COMMUNISTS.....nobody believes communism is a viable economic system.  nobody wants the government to micromanage every aspect of your life, from where you live to what you do for a living.  get it?  no freaking body.  in the world.  at least, nobody with both oars in the water.  why beck is still crying about commies and still scared of commies is anybody's guess, unless he is crazy or he actually believes his dumbass audience will believe it and post it on the internet like it makes any sense at all.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: Griobhtha on 03 12, 10, 01:22:45:PM
Please be prepared, then, for him to outlaw the Republican Party, and put all Republicans in jail.
The media will be next. Anti-administration commentators will be executed, as the airwaves are taken over

You people are sooo lost.  Do any of you KNOW how the communist and Nazi's got their start?  Didn't think so.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 03 12, 10, 01:42:25:PM
Do any of you KNOW how the communist and Nazi's got their start? 

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: LadyRavensWing on 03 12, 10, 01:43:39:PM

The ONLY thing being ignored is you, your cronies, Beck and the rest of the curb sitting, minority, rat republicans....

Here, have a little cheese  with your whine....

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 03 12, 10, 01:48:57:PM
we have had socialism in this country from Day One.  dumbass.  what do you think the post office is?  public education?  public roads and highways?  public libraries?  a national army?  police and fire departments?  you are freaking brainwashed.  read something. 

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 03 12, 10, 02:01:12:PM
Actually, we did not have a Federal Income Tax to pay for socialism in the US until much later after Lincoln indebted this nation.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: konradv7 on 03 12, 10, 02:03:39:PM
Do any of you KNOW how the communist and Nazi's got their start? 
Wrong.  They started by promising to save the people from nefarious forces.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 03 12, 10, 02:11:58:PM
Protect them from capitalism, K-7?
 The only practical difference between fascism and socialism is that in a communist society government owns all property and directs all enterprise, whereas in a fascist society private property ownership continues, but entrepreneurs must submit to government's ideologies and goals - chief of which is the task of funding government programs with the proceeds of private enterprise.  Today's socialism is striving to straddle both models.
Socialism and fascism only appear different when they're sliding down the outside of their respective circles.  Once they arrive at the bottom, both are functionally and historically alike.  Both societies believe in total government control of the economy, education, and morals, suppression of free speech and other rights, imposition of a politically correct ideology, subordination of citizens' rights to the goals of the state or collective, and the use of law to coerce and prosecute those who dissent.
Bottom line:  At the top of the circle is a free state, where the laws protect the people from government.  At the bottom of the circle is a socialist or fascist state, where the laws protect government from the people.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: Infun on 03 12, 10, 02:17:36:PM
Fascism idealism includes (right wing) a God or religion the Commies (Left wing) don't...among other serious differences.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: DaBoz on 03 12, 10, 02:21:14:PM
ROFL,,, and who cares what you think. Joseph Goebbels. thought differently.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 03 12, 10, 02:24:06:PM
Fascism idealism includes (right wing) a God or religion the Commies (Left wing) don't

That is so broad it does not even take into account that Hitler opposed Judeo-Christian philosophies but like Communists used "the people and statism" as his religion.

All leftwing philosophies, socilaism, communism and fascism, include"religion" or belief system.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: stanl on 03 12, 10, 02:40:46:PM
<<<< They say, Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity are all LIARS, yet they can't seem to post FACTS to disprove their point, >>>>
If the facts were shown, would you accept them.  Judging by what I read, a least on this board, I think not...
I see a lot of ranting but not much research....

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: konradv7 on 03 12, 10, 02:46:48:PM
Protect them from capitalism, K-7?
What they're being protected from is irrelevant.  It's their method of control that's the point.  The Bolsheviks, Fascists and people like Beck all pull at the same strings.  The tune may be slightly different, but they were all out to "save" the people.  All I'm saying is that Beck uses the same methods and that just because he says he's looking for or has found "enemies", doesn't automatically make him trustworthy.  As a matter of fact, the more convoluted his connections, the less likely he's right.  That's Occam's Razor.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: lluke47 on 03 12, 10, 02:47:19:PM
It's truly pathetic if you think about it, liberals want someone to take care of them, feed them, clothe them, house them and wash their little Heine but not one of these pathetic people know who is going to pay for it or how....I'd be ashamed to be called a liberal, it has to be the most demeaning thing to be called in a free country...

My thoughts are there are plenty of countries out there that could satisfy there nanny-ism but they are disappearing fast as the working people are realizing they can't support these parasites if you can find one of these countries liberal why don't move there and leave America for the independent minded person to prosper without having to support your pathetic life..

end of rant....(

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 03 12, 10, 02:52:34:PM
What they're being protected from is irrelevant.  It's their method of control that's the point.
Which is why Americans reject all forms of Marxism and fascism which are based or an offshoot of socialism.   It was not the founder's design for this nation.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: konradv7 on 03 12, 10, 03:08:13:PM
So, you're rejecting Beck?  He's using the same tactics, sweet!  How do we know that HIS co-conspirators aren't looking to stab us in the back?

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 03 12, 10, 03:10:50:PM
I reject reject all forms of marxism and fascism which are based on or an offshoot of socialism.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: August West on 03 12, 10, 03:14:16:PM

What they're being protected from is irrelevant.  It's their method of control that's the point.

Which is why Americans reject all forms of Marxism and fascism which are based or an offshoot of socialism.   It was not the founder's design for this nation.
Women and blacks voting wasn`t what the founders` had in mind either.Times change.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 03 12, 10, 03:17:22:PM
Women and blacks voting wasn`t what the founders` had in mind either.
Wrong, that was society.  The founders' opened up that door in 1789.   

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: August West on 03 12, 10, 03:22:17:PM
They let their slaves vote?

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: stanl on 03 12, 10, 03:22:48:PM
<<<<  It was not the founder's design for this nation. >>>>

What the founders designed for this Nation took place over 200 years ago.  Since then this nation has changed,  The people of this Nation should also change.  If they don't, they are going to find themselves sitting in a corner somewhere, woundering what happend...

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 03 12, 10, 03:23:45:PM
Women and blacks voting wasn`t what the founders` had in mind either.

You could point out where in the Constitution of our founders that prevented them from voting?

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 03 12, 10, 03:27:46:PM
the post office, and the creation and maintaing of postal roads, was clearly called out in the Constitution.  that is socialism.  period.  all the public facilities we have today are socialist programs, every one of them.  any public entity that is paid for by public monies and whose job is to provide some sort of service for any or all citizens, is a socialist program.  these loons are actually believing the total crap coming out of the mouths of ignorant gasbags like rush and hannity and beck.  socialism does not preclude capitalism.  in western europe, in canada, in japan, the two live side by side, and in this country as well.  nobody is talking about the government forcing anything, it is about the government providing a public service you can either use or not use, whatever.  you can opt out of public education, you can refuse to ride a public bus or train, you can refuse to call the cops if you need one, you can refuse to go to an emergency room, you can refuse to post any letters and all you conservatives obviously refuse to go ever go read a book in a library....  go for it.  who cares?  nobody is forcing you to use public facilities...

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 03 12, 10, 03:31:05:PM
What the founders designed for this Nation took place over 200 years ago.  Since then this nation has changed,  The people of this Nation should also change.  If they don't, they are going to find themselves sitting in a corner somewhere, woundering what happend...
If you haven't seen the change, thanks to our founder's Constitution in 1789, then you are missing how this nation/society has changed.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: lluke47 on 03 12, 10, 03:38:50:PM
The country has been changing because it has been led that way by the liberal and their supporters of communism and evil..

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 03 12, 10, 03:46:55:PM
when Ike Eisenhower was president, the highest marginal tax rates for the richest few in this country was 90%.......when Ike Eisenhower was president, he spent 20 billion dollars out of a total 100 billion dollar budget on the Interstate Highway Program, an obviously "socialist" stimulus type work program, along with a needed public service.   when Ike Eisenhower was president, he sent the National Guard to Little Rock to enforce de-segregation of public schools in that redneck state.  get it?  what is happening now is not new, it's only new to fearmongering stooges who HAVE NOT STUDIED HISTORY OR WHO HAVE LEARNED NOTHING FROM IT.....

Title: Re: Loonies in America.
Post by: Truman62 on 03 12, 10, 03:48:27:PM
The country has been changing because it has been led to the far right so much, that even a little shift to the left is seena s extremism!   

bush & Company were evil and almost destroyed America and the world!

Conservatism brought us the great depression, the war in Vietnam, Richard Nixon, the War in Iraq, the Great Recession of 2009/10, McCarthyism, Faux News, greed, corruption, incompetence, etc...  So why would anyone follow it?

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: Byteryder on 03 12, 10, 03:53:25:PM
I'd take communists, socialists, and fascists ove stupid progressives any day.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 03 12, 10, 03:59:56:PM
The country has been changing because it has been led to the far right so much
Actually, the founders today would be classified farther right than this nation has been for 150 years and yet they left us with a beautiful centrist Constitution.   We have only gone to the Left since 1789.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 03 12, 10, 04:00:11:PM
you would also take getting reamed from behind by a goat over sex with a woman, byteryder.  who cares what you think?

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: Infun on 03 12, 10, 04:00:28:PM

All political Ideals require "belief", Right wing govts require worship...that is far different than merely "believing"...

The definition of right wing includes worship and organized religion...not belief in the govt or state of Party...

THe left ban's worship in favour of "work"...thta's why the Chinese banned Tibetan Monks...they're commies and don't like those who don't WORK...rather they live on donations for their existence either from the state or the states citizens.

All were exiled in 1959 from China.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: lakitss on 03 12, 10, 04:02:38:PM
The leftist's are seriously brain damaged. They are sheep, unwilling to be individuals because that requires a rational thought process and courage.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: Infun on 03 12, 10, 04:11:09:PM
America is known as a "center right" Nation...we know why it is on the "right" but why is it considered in the center also?

What do we do that removes us from being a "Right Wing Nation" like any muzlim country or Israel as compared to what the Chinese, North Koreans, Vietnamese, Cubans and other SAmer country's or the former FAILED "social" experiment in the USSR?

THis debate or discussion maybe should revolve around the concrete IDEAlS behind both the left and the right as well as the 'label's' we attach to varying degrees in between such as Communism...Authoritarian, Fundamentalism, Theology's...and so on.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 03 12, 10, 04:15:53:PM
America is known as a "center right" Nation...we know why it is on the "right" but why is it considered in the center also?

I cannot believe you actually asked that question unless you are so far on the Left?

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: Infun on 03 12, 10, 04:18:10:PM
The left and right don't come together as a circle...poor analogy. They are lines pointing in different directions.

Just cuz the world is round and meets in the middle doesn't mean everything in it does the same thing...

No matter where you stand on the Earth there is always a right and a left or a east and west. Two totally different and opposite directions.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 03 12, 10, 04:19:19:PM
jefferson, adams, madison, all those founding fathers WERE INCREDIBLY LIBERAL, ESPECIALLY FOR THEIR TIMES....they would be considered fairly liberal even today, but back then, in the context of their times, which is the only fair way to assess them, THEY WERE LIKE FREAKING WILD EYED RADICALS WITH THEIR FREAKING LIBERAL IDEAS......have you ever even read a history book?   

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: Infun on 03 12, 10, 04:23:11:PM
America is known as a "center right" Nation...we know why it is on the "right" but why is it considered in the center also?

I cannot believe you actually asked that question unless you are so far on the Left?

One of the things that both the right and the left don't like are people like me who ask questions...that make others think.

You attack the messenger...typical of what all socialist actually do in the real world.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 03 12, 10, 04:26:25:PM
One of the things that both the right and the left don't like are people like me who ask questions...that make others think.

The obvious does not make me think...  It is a known.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: stanl on 03 12, 10, 04:27:24:PM
<<<<< If you haven't seen the change, thanks to our founder's Constitution in 1789, then you are missing how this nation/society has changed.  >>>>

I have seen the changes, and I have adjusted to those changes, where I deem neccessary.  Those who are still stuck in the 1700's are the one's missing it...

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: Infun on 03 12, 10, 04:35:59:PM
One of the things that both the right and the left don't like are people like me who ask questions...that make others think.

The obvious does not make me think...&nbsp;&nbsp;It is a known.

Socialists also like to be the KNOW IT ALLS! They just know everything!

On BOTH the right and the left...Capitalists like me (you can call me Cappie thank you!) especially Social Capitalists are despised because they believe in the middle ground of compromise and growth...maturing as a Society slowly and with majority buy in...Socialists can't stand it when we tax people to control rather than making law to achieve the same effect...or the opposite where we give tax breaks to those who excel...or cut a break to a decent guy who may have done something stupid or wrong once or hang a traitor in the town square.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 03 12, 10, 04:38:07:PM
backwater drooled: The obvious does not make me think...  It is a known.
yeah, it's known you don't think.  good call.  and it is obvious. 

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: lluke47 on 03 12, 10, 04:44:24:PM
For the life of me I don't know why people here converse with this idiot ho daddy, it's obvious he is a anti-American slug who supports all liberal failure...

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 03 12, 10, 04:52:51:PM
"a anti-american slug?"  able to use English, much?

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 03 12, 10, 04:56:14:PM
Socialists can't stand it when we tax people to control rather than making law to achieve the same effect.
Then you must really oppose Obama, Infun....

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: Infun on 03 12, 10, 05:08:46:PM
Socialists can't stand it when we tax people to control rather than making law to achieve the same effect.

Then you must really oppose Obama, Infun....

Yes, I do not agree with the President on all his ideas. lol

The one thing I do like about him is that he is 'change' and it's not some left wing socialist agenda.

I think the presidents ideas on GM bailout are wrong and not in line with what I, as a Capitalist...a Social Capitalist to be exact would do.

On HC...I think a Social Capitalistic HC reform plan is long over do. I do not think that if I hire someone I should be responsible for them and their family's health...that is so 19th century!

You work and pay the tax just like you do for your old age...if you don't work then you are on your own. On either end. Rich people like Forbes and HIltons don't work least that's not how they make or MADE and EARN money. They inherited it! A concept that is not too popular with Capitalists.

Where the govt comes in and helps those on the low end is with the profit we all (together as a Society) make being Idea that Socialists just can't seem to grasp.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: Jtopp on 03 12, 10, 05:58:25:PM
HO what is the matter with you? I read your posts not ONE reputes what is said, Not one offers a different opinion that has a foundation with maybe some article nothing what you believe...from you nothing but name calling.
Each person you call a name no one is given an example of your position other than your lame name calling what is the matter with you...can you not defend your own beliefs without name calling... put evidence of your position? no just crude name calling you are a really sad pathetic person when this is all you can do is name call. PROVE you position, come up with a spokesman for your position that is known and respected...then tell us on the right and middle why we have no reason to be concerned about socialism and communism.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: Infun on 03 12, 10, 06:02:20:PM
Atypical Infundibulum rambling...

Las Vegas is a symptom of Social

If you have other IDEAS on stuff govt should or shouldn't do or better still... how it choses to control what it creates. I'd like to read and discuss.

How do we as a Society grow and prosper if we don't do it with govt once in awhile?

Is it how it all unfolds and/or is judged what really matters or is it something else?

Did Egypt build the Pyramids or did the Pyramids build Egypt?  An age old question! I heard this on the 'smart channel' one day and it really made an impression. Paraphrasing...

Some say slaves built them others say no...they were built by a 'central govt' and it created jobs and prosperity.

and maybe that is what the Pyramids represent...I guess, maybe... in the end maybe theyare what your Political Ideals are!

To some, I suppose but I already know what my Ideals

Context is everything.

Excuse my little 'rant' or whatever but it is a Beck thread so I'd thought I'd exercise my voice as a happy :) and proud member of AesopsRetreat.


Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 03 12, 10, 06:07:50:PM
learn to read, jtopp.  amongst the unnecessary name calling that i sometimes indulge myself in, there are some real genuine kernels of intelligence and nuggets of wisdom.  study these kernels and nuggets, learn from these kernels and nuggets, live those kernels and nuggets.  you need all the help you can get, missy.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: lluke47 on 03 12, 10, 06:14:48:PM
Brahahahahaha, that's funny ho...liberals aren't very bright, maye almost as smart as a box of 6000 year old rocks...

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: keno on 03 12, 10, 06:33:42:PM
Wrong.  They started by promising to save the people from nefarious forces.
Like insurance companies, veterans, and talk show hosts.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: daroadie on 03 12, 10, 06:35:27:PM
Jim, no wonder Excite gave up.  You are the one starting the Civil War singlehadedly.  Are You proud of Your Self?

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: keno on 03 12, 10, 06:36:54:PM
Women and blacks voting wasn`t what the founders` had in mind either.Times change.
And those things were changed by the method that the founders left us with...constitutional amendments. Not judicial edict, or executive orders.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: emilyB on 03 12, 10, 06:52:41:PM
"You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot lift the wage-earner by pulling down the wage-payer. You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot establish security on borrowed money. You cannot build character and courage by taking away men's initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves."
William Boeckter...............on socialism

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 03 12, 10, 06:56:07:PM
what is the freaking difference, clown? are you really this big of an idiot?  england has socialist programs, and some conservatives call england a socialist country...but they elect their leaders, they have capitalists, they have freedom, they work where they want, live where they is that different than here, clown?  get a freaking clue...all countries have socialist programs, just varying amounts.  the ones with a lot of socialist program still have a capitalist economic system, still have as much freedom and liberty as we do.  what the hell are you even talking about, moron?

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: cheryl1118 on 03 12, 10, 07:25:59:PM
Why do I hear the sound of Deliverance
when I read some of these wingers responses
inbred mentality

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 03 12, 10, 07:30:04:PM
it was not a jobs program!! it only created about a half a million jobs.  god, beano, if you get any dumber you are going to have to hire somebody to come water you twice a day....

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: Infun on 03 12, 10, 07:57:51:PM

Have you found the Amendments to the Constitution that stopped the disenfranchisement of Blacks and Women yet? Did you also need or want to know when they/we Liberalized the Constitution or expanded voting rights to 18 year olds too?

Just wondering...

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: lluke47 on 03 12, 10, 08:04:09:PM
Why do I hear the sound of Deliverance
when I read some of these wingers responses
inbred mentality
You must be a corn fed yankee, weren't you the one squealing in that movie..?

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: Infun on 03 12, 10, 08:04:54:PM
I wonder how middle class worker felt in the mid 1800's? Which Political Party's and Ideals represented them?

I wonder if northern city dwellers who worked hard long hours for a living liked the idea of a depressed wage market due to Slavery. Child and women labor in the cotton factory's up north...


Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: Jim on 03 12, 10, 08:04:56:PM

Jim, no wonder Excite gave up.  You are the one starting the Civil War singlehadedly.  Are You proud of Your Self?

How have they given up?  I don't see that at all.  More so, what am I doing that others here can't do?  Can you post a video?  The only privilege I have is keeping the subject on top and changing color. But then again, that is my privilege.  And I certainly do not force anyone to respond.  I could lock the topic so nobody could respond, but all that would do is to force all other topics on the main page to drop down off of the list as people create their own posts to talk about it.  There are 70+ posts here that could have ended up as different threads.

I try to create discussion, and from what I've seen so far we have at least 10% good discourse. I'll take that any day over 100% bad discourse.

We have a lot of Beck watchers here and I promised to try to post the important shows they miss. I'm not stopping you from posting your video, or anyone else for that matter, and those who wish to post links to Olbermann or Maddow shows are free to do so. I thought that was common knowledge, I think thats fair and certainly not worth starting a civil war over.

Keep the faith ...... :-)


Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: upyrwazoo on 03 12, 10, 09:18:52:PM
he spent 20 billion dollars out of a total 100 billion dollar budget on the Interstate Highway Program, an obviously "socialist" stimulus type work program, along with a needed public service.


Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: Fivesuns on 03 12, 10, 09:59:26:PM
"I wonder how middle class worker felt in the mid 1800's? Which Political Party's and Ideals represented them?"
1850?  Most workers here by then where just damn glad to find a country where they could actually work and own some land.. and be free to make the choices... and then in 1862 we decided to entice even more to our country with the homestead act.. they poured over the waters to be free.. and built this county..  They knew if they didn't own anything they where bound to be working for someone all their lives.. the grunt jobs. Serving, cleaning, farming the land.
 Kinda like it is becoming today, those that are still working today are the ones doing the grunt jobs.. serving you in restaurants, serving you in grocery stores, serving you in the big box stores.. etc. 
The companies that built this country.. GONE! 
We now have US Motors, US Mortgages and soon we will have US Medical care.. and we will all work for the government.
Why in the world did we allow this to happen?

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 03 12, 10, 10:02:50:PM
yeah, he spent 20 billion dollars out of a 100 billion dollar budget so he could move trucks from one army base to another faster...goofus.  we have navies on both oceans, we wouldn't need an interstate highway system primarily for moving military supplies from base to base.  and this was in the 50's, the dawn of the nuclear age, remember?  the atomic bomb was the new military strategy, not being able to move supplies from one base to another the fastest...goofus.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: upyrwazoo on 03 12, 10, 10:10:43:PM
The Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways, commonly called the Interstate Highway System (or simply the Interstate), is a network of limited-access highways (also called freeways or expressways) in the United States that is named for President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who championed its formation. The entire system, as of 2006, has a total length of 46,876 miles (75,440 km),[1] making it both the largest highway system in the world and the largest public works project in history.[2] The Interstate Highway System is a subsystem of the National Highway System.
The Interstate Highway System was authorized by the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956[8] – popularly known as the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act of 1956 – on June 29. It had been lobbied for by major U.S. automobile manufacturers and championed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was influenced by his experiences as a young Army officer crossing the country in the 1919 Army Convoy on the Lincoln Highway, the first road across America. Eisenhower also had gained an appreciation of the German Autobahn network as a necessary component of a national defense system while he was serving as Supreme Commander of the Allied forces in Europe during World War II.[9] In addition to facilitating private and commercial transportation, it would provide key ground transport routes for military supplies and troop deployments in case of an emergency or foreign invasion.




Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: Infun on 03 12, 10, 10:41:40:PM
As I recall IKE was assigned to take a convoy accross country in 1919. Part of a National Defense exercise.

One of the selling points of IKE's interstate was that it was paid for with an earmark tax collected from gas sales. People who drove on the interstates paid for their building and maintance with this tax until it got lost in the general fund.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: Infun on 03 12, 10, 10:46:10:PM
The Interstae was a public works project that made America what it is today. For whatever that is

Everywhere looks the same now! I'm not sure that's a good thing or a bad...

The Hoover Dam grew our country also...but Hoover don't get much credit for

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 03 12, 10, 11:00:09:PM
yeah, it would be better if we didn't have an interstate highway system....

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: Byteryder on 03 13, 10, 12:32:33:AM
Not all of us spend every hour of the day worrying about commies,terrorists,ACORN,etc.

Maybe if more of us did, there would less of those aforementioned scourges.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: Jim on 03 13, 10, 12:48:00:AM
Yep, and that's happening Byte.  But its debatable whether we caught it in time.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: flgirl on 09 25, 11, 01:15:31:PM
Hooty, it doesn't do you any good to speak english because you cannot decipher the meaning of it, or use it to your advantage.  You are stuck in a communist rut and cannot understand anything else.  One day, on this board, I would really like to see an awakening in your typing.  Please, one day soon open your eyes to your ignorance.

Title: Re: Communists in America.
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 09 25, 11, 04:34:46:PM
Hitler's Creation of the Autobahn - Hitler Historical Museum (
The Autobahn with Inscription "Fanget An! 21/3/1934" ("Get Started") Hitler begins the Autobahn digging in 1933

What a great guy and socialist...