All Boards => Guest Posting Area => Topic started by: PanchoSanchez on 03 24, 11, 06:08:12:PM

Title: Limbaugh's and Hannity's callers sound a lot dumber lately
Post by: PanchoSanchez on 03 24, 11, 06:08:12:PM
since they had to stop using paid actors to make the calls
dont worry
 in a week or two the actors will be back
because even Limbaugh is having tropuble dealing with the stupids calling him  - when he tales calls that is
Beck's got nobody except his fanatic followers calling him so not much has changed there
dumb as usual

Title: Re: Limbaugh's and Hannity's callers sound a lot dumber lately
Post by: Jim on 03 24, 11, 10:17:11:PM
NPR , Ed Shultz, etc used them too, so whats yer point? 
It would be nice if NONE of them used actors, but since every one of them do, and we now know it. The cats out of the bag, which means we'll actually pay more attention and be better listeners for it.