Title: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 04 07, 23, 11:49:02:AM You can't post a thread without spinning and twisting the topic and then adding a misleading headline, all from one of your bogus clickbait "sources".
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: lakitss on 04 07, 23, 12:34:33:PM Lol, you describe your posts exactly!
Hypocrite. Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: gwboolean on 04 07, 23, 01:52:43:PM No, he was describing the inbred Republican N word monkey filth you blow out your inbred Republican N word monkey butt, Lippy Liktits. Poor little abused feller. (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/richedit/smileys/YahooIM/30.gif)
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: lakitss on 04 07, 23, 02:53:59:PM Fuck you child. Isn't time for your medication?
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 04 07, 23, 02:58:15:PM Lactard, you never post a thread with a topic and a headline and a source.
Yours are all ranting about some lunatic conspiracy theory that was debunked three months ago. Title: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Dan on 04 07, 23, 04:15:24:PM Quote To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Let’s analyze that statement. For that to be true, you would have to believe that saying America was once great, is a lie. Why do you believe America was never great, Warren? Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: lakitss on 04 07, 23, 04:21:32:PM Warmpiss idolized Obama who was raised by communists and believed colonialism was evil, which is the founding of America and it's early colonies.
He's ignorant of history that is a product of liberal education/indoctrination that re-writes history do fit their agenda. Brain fucking 101. Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 04 07, 23, 04:32:17:PM Are you having a stroke?
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: lakitss on 04 07, 23, 04:59:00:PM I see you don't deny it.
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Jim on 04 07, 23, 05:03:48:PM Redundant is the wrong word in your case, booboo. You mean Retardant. IE: You would be a Retard if you thought MAGA were liars. Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: gwboolean on 04 07, 23, 05:07:52:PM Quote to say that calling an inbred Republican N Word monkey (MAGA) a liar is equivalent to saying that America was once great is a lie. Let's anayze that statement. To say that it is a lie if you call an inbred Republican N Word monkey a liar proves you are an inbred Republican N Word monkey liar. Quote You are a retard if you think inbred Republican N word monkeys are liars!!! There you go lying again Jivin Jimmy Crow. Thus proving that every inbred Republican N Word monkey is indeed a liar. Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Jim on 04 07, 23, 05:33:36:PM Logical Fallacies. You seem to have a LOT of them. You should open a business and sell them. Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Dan on 04 07, 23, 07:42:40:PM Quote Are you having a stroke? [/FONT]No. Now back to my question. Why do you believe America was never great, given your statement that to make America great 'again' is a lie? Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: wvit1001 on 04 07, 23, 07:46:02:PM according to you dannyjimmyboob when was America great? was it before the Civil Rights Era when blacks were segregated? or maybe it was before vaccines when thousands of children died and millions were infected by diseases we have under control now? you've never really pegged a time when you believe America was a better place than it is today.
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Dan on 04 07, 23, 07:48:20:PM Quote Let's anayze that statement. Which one? Yours or mine? Quote To say that it is a lie if you call a person a liar proves you are a liar. No, you missed the point ... again. Shocker! The point was that Warren claimed it was a lie to say that America was once great. Therefore, he does not believe America was ever great, because in order to make America great 'again,' America would have had to be great before. Try reading and comprehending posts before you respond to them, OK? Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Jim on 04 07, 23, 07:48:52:PM We are ALL Boomers. All throughout our growing years all we heard from politicians on both sides and News anchors from ALL stations was that America is the Greatest country on earth. And people come from all around the world to be here. Many come illegally. Question to you Warren/Boobo et al: Were they ALL Liars, or are YOU the Liar? Were THEY the Anti-Americans or have YOU turned into that? Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 04 07, 23, 07:51:53:PM Pretend you don't know what a MAGA is on your own fucking board. It's the MAGA way.
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Jim on 04 07, 23, 07:54:11:PM You mean Make America Great Again like we heard growing up? Were they ALL Liars, or are YOU the Liar? Were THEY the Anti-Americans or have YOU turned into that? Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 04 07, 23, 07:58:20:PM It's your board. Troll all you want.
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Jim on 04 07, 23, 08:04:15:PM Ya got nothing to say so now its time to bring out the Troll card. Did you buy your Troll cards from Wvit? Whats the going price? Lack of Integrity? Lack of Values? Lack of knowing what to say next? Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 04 07, 23, 08:12:41:PM You read your own board enough to know what "a MAGA" or "you MAGAs" means.
I don't play your playground games. Ask D2D. You'll find him on the monkey bars. Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Dan on 04 07, 23, 08:15:42:PM Quote Pretend you don't know what a MAGA is on your own fucking board. It's the MAGA way [/FONT]'MAGA' means 'Make America Great Again.' What do you think it means, Warren? We can't have an intelligent conversation unless we both know what we are discussing. Since you are misusing the term. 'MAGA,' why don't you go ahead and tell us who you are talking about? Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Dan on 04 07, 23, 08:18:43:PM Quote You read your own board enough to know what "a MAGA" or "you MAGAs" means. [/HIGHLIGHT][/SIZE][/FONT]Yeah - it means 'Make America Great Again.' What do you think it means? Quote I don't play your playground games. [/HIGHLIGHT][/SIZE][/FONT]Then don't be ambiguous about what you're talking about. What exactly are you talking about, since it apparently isn't 'Make America Great Again?' Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Jim on 04 07, 23, 08:22:15:PM Ask D2D.
Umm I don't think D2D wants to know whats in your head, OR be anywhere near it. Try using your own words. Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 04 07, 23, 08:56:13:PM The topic here is how you MAGAs are incapable of posting an honest thread. Are you going to be able to participate like a grownup?
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Jim on 04 07, 23, 09:05:13:PM What do you consider as HONEST and "grown up?" You thinking MAGA means posting only what you believe, or MAGA means Make America Great Again? Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 04 07, 23, 09:07:46:PM So the answer is "no".
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Jim on 04 07, 23, 09:59:21:PM Ummm It wasn't a yes or no question. I gave you a multiple choice. Or does NO mean you are no longer willing to play?
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Dan on 04 08, 23, 12:25:05:AM Quote The topic here is how you MAGAs are incapable of posting an honest thread. [/HIGHLIGHT][/SIZE][/FONT]No, you said that anyone who is MAGA, i.e., who wants to make America great again, is necessarily a liar. The one thing all MAGA folks have in common is that they want to make America Great Again. Therefore you must be claiming that it is a lie to say America was once great. Understand? Quote Are you going to be able to participate like a grownup? [/HIGHLIGHT][/SIZE][/FONT]I am. I am using logic and reason. What have you done other than make ad hominem attacks? Or do you characterize that sort of behavior as being ‘grown up?’ Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 04 14, 23, 07:45:10:PM Grand jury shows Brandon involved in child trafficking (aesopsretreat.com) (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/index.php?topic=321799.0)
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: gwboolean on 04 14, 23, 07:50:06:PM Quote MAGAs (inbred Republican N Word monkeys) want to Make America Great Again!! Understand? Yes, we all fully understand. We are all still waiting for you inbred Republican N Word monkesy to do something to Make America Great Again. But instead, all we have, is you inbred Republican N Word monkeys (MAGAs) carrying out a war against our culture and our country. Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Dan on 04 14, 23, 08:02:36:PM Good. Just so we’re clear.
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Truman62 on 04 14, 23, 08:52:01:PM Dan can't wait to try out it's AR-15 for hunting humans.
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: gwboolean on 04 14, 23, 10:46:21:PM Quote Just so we are clear. Oh, you were very clear. You and the rest of the inbred Republican N Word Monkeys are carrying out a culture war against America and fully intend to destroy our culture and country. That has always been clear. Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Dan on 04 14, 23, 11:29:27:PM So you’re not clear.
Welsher62 is not human. He is an object. It’s pronoun is ‘it.’ Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: gwboolean on 04 15, 23, 12:17:02:AM Quote Then you are not clear? Yes Duplicitous Dan, I am very clear. You and the rest of the inbred Republican N Word Monkeys are carrying out a culture war against America and fully intend to destroy our culture and our country. How can it not be clearer than that Devious Dan? Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Dan on 04 15, 23, 01:08:05:AM Nope. Your response shows you do not understand what I said. Go learn how to converse in English, then you can come back and converse with me. Until then, there is no understanding between us.
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 05 23, 23, 07:07:04:PM This is devastating news........... (aesopsretreat.com) (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/index.php?topic=323005.0)
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 05 28, 23, 12:52:13:PM You’re a piece of s**t! (aesopsretreat.com) (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/index.php?topic=323137.0)
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Dan on 05 28, 23, 06:10:29:PM I’m still waiting, Warren. Why do you say America was never great?
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 06 09, 23, 04:03:41:PM Rachel Dyke Madcow suggests... (aesopsretreat.com) (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/index.php?topic=323506.0)
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Dan on 06 09, 23, 04:56:19:PM Moscow Maddow is not evidence America was never great, Warren. What else you got?
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Jw2 on 06 09, 23, 05:43:42:PM deceptive dan suggests that America is not great.
from the words of an anti-American Alaskan Separatist, that's not a surprise. Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Dan on 06 11, 23, 12:02:55:AM Quote dan suggests that America is not great. No, moron. Pay attention! It was Warren who said that! Quote from the words of an anti-American Alaskan Separatist No, moron. I want to DEFEND Alaska from you anti-American commies. Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 06 13, 23, 08:37:31:PM Burisma exec has 17 Recordings of Him Bribing Joe & Hunter (aesopsretreat.com) (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/index.php?topic=323635.0)
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Dan on 06 13, 23, 08:43:21:PM Yep! (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/Smileys/classic/hattip.gif)
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: D2D on 06 13, 23, 09:03:50:PM Democrats are easily bought!
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Jim on 06 13, 23, 09:05:36:PM Did I hear Warren correctly? Did he just say "To call a MAGA a liar is retardant." Wow, I would agree. Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 08 29, 23, 03:24:53:PM Biden Opens 114 Border Gates In AZ & Migrants Flood Through 24/7 (aesopsretreat.com) (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/index.php?topic=325471.0)
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: sine-qua-non on 08 29, 23, 03:32:51:PM It’s all part of the DemoncRats agenda to turn the once great American into a third world crap hole so they can permanently preside over the tyranny that they want to bring us !
When has the party of slavery and death done anything good for America (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/Smileys/classic/huh.gif) Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 08 29, 23, 05:03:19:PM You can't post a thread without spinning and twisting the topic and then adding a misleading headline, all from one of your bogus clickbait "sources".
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: sine-qua-non on 08 29, 23, 05:32:27:PM So you don’t like my timely and pertinent comments on your posts Mr. Pee Willy ?
Bwahahahahahaha! Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 09 15, 23, 11:27:16:AM Trump didn't start the Obama Birther Rumor - Hillary did. (aesopsretreat.com) (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/index.php?topic=325901.0)
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: zsq987 on 09 15, 23, 04:25:51:PM https://www.youtube.com/v/9lcPG5zMCyQ
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Jim on 09 15, 23, 08:27:14:PM To call a MAGA a liar is redundant.
An actual HONEST person would never call someone a Liar when they refuse to see the evidence they post. And THAT is why you call us Liars, because you refuse to view the evidence and you are not an Honest person. Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Dan on 09 15, 23, 08:32:09:PM For example, Vit asked me what MAGA policies are. I gave him the list of MAGA policies he requested. Then literally less than 30 minutes later he claimed MAGA has NO policies. (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/Smileys/classic/huh.gif)
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: gwboolean on 09 15, 23, 08:35:03:PM Redundancy is required when dealing with congenital Republican WhINO Nazi perverts. A Deep State that would deal with them for us would be even more helpful. (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/Smileys/classic/hattip.gif)
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Jim on 09 15, 23, 08:37:39:PM Yes, of course you support a Deep State that is against the American people, against the constitution and against the Freedoms and Rights our forebearers died for. You are NOT the American you try to claim you are. Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 10 26, 23, 04:05:32:PM Oregon removes Reading, Writing, and Math from HS graduation requireme (aesopsretreat.com) (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/index.php?topic=326847.0)
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 12 15, 23, 12:35:15:PM The Book Fairfax county school board member swore in on. Before Kiss (aesopsretreat.com) (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/index.php?topic=328122.0)
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 02 23, 24, 11:37:26:PM 7.2 million illegals...yep, the border is closed, (aesopsretreat.com) (https://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/index.php?topic=330315.0)
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Jw2 on 02 24, 24, 12:34:44:AM (https://i.imgflip.com/8fck66.jpg)(https://i.imgflip.com/8fck66.jpg)
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 06 19, 24, 12:08:11:PM CNN’s Jake Tapper: Polls Show ‘Joe Biden is a Drag on the Ticket’ (aesopsretreat.com) (https://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/index.php?topic=333777.0)
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 06 26, 24, 04:17:54:PM FBI ADMITS To FRAMING TRUMP, Classified Documents Were Placeholders (aesopsretreat.com) (https://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/index.php?topic=334015.0)
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Corona on 06 26, 24, 04:27:08:PM dip$hit bumping his own thread.
fu*king loser Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 08 03, 24, 09:21:40:PM WHY Would A Pres Candidate Have Black Women Twerking On Stage? (aesopsretreat.com) (https://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/index.php?topic=335120.0)
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Truman62 on 08 03, 24, 09:25:02:PM (https://media.makeameme.org/created/wait-a-second-3765c2930b.jpg)
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 09 15, 24, 05:10:39:PM Haitians Themselves Confirm They DO Eat Cats/Dogs/Ducks (aesopsretreat.com) (https://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/index.php?topic=336427.0)
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: Truman62 on 09 15, 24, 05:24:25:PM Even JD admits he is making shit up.
https://www.msn.com/en-za/news/other/jd-vance-appears-to-admit-tale-about-haitian-immigrants-eating-pets-is-made-up-as-he-loses-cool-with-cnn-host/ar-AA1qCnlE?ocid=BingNewsSerp https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jd-vance-ohio-haitian-immigrants-false-claims-face-the-nation/ https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/jd-vance-haitians-if-i-have-to-create-stories-1235102572/ https://www.mediaite.com/news/remarkable-confession-jd-vance-absolutely-floors-observers-with-comment-that-hes-been-creating-stories-about-migrant-pet-eating/ “The American media totally ignored this stuff until Donald Trump and I started talking about cat memes. If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do, Dana, because you guys are completely letting Kamala Harris coast.” Here's the video: https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/video/jd-vance-doubles-down-on-false-claims-about-haitian-immigrants-in-springfield-219388485687 So WHY can't he share that this is all FALSE? Haitians have been there since 2020, so why now? "These Haitians came in here to work because there were jobs, and they filled a lot of jobs," Republican Governor DeWine told CBS News in an interview Wednesday. "And if you talk to employers, they've done a very, very good job and they work very, very hard." Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: sine-qua-non on 09 16, 24, 03:41:40:PM To call DemoncRats “ half wits” is to generous ! (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/Smileys/classic/hattip.gif)
Title: Re: To call a MAGA a liar is redundant. Post by: warrenpees on 09 16, 24, 06:41:17:PM You need better material, sinezoey.