General Discussion (Anxiety Free Zone) => Pets => Topic started by: emilyB on 10 01, 17, 06:46:59:PM

Title: 7 adorable Lynx kittens
Post by: emilyB on 10 01, 17, 06:46:59:PM
and their mother:

What a bounty for a wild life photographer living in Alaska

Alaskan man thought his house was being broken into when he heard a scrabbling at his door - only to come face to face with seven adorable lynx kittens and their mom

Title: Re: 7 adorable Lynx kittens
Post by: duke_john on 10 01, 17, 09:36:35:PM
I'm surprised the mom didn't become defensive against the human.  They can be quite formidable.

Title: Re: 7 adorable Lynx kittens
Post by: emilyB on 10 02, 17, 02:36:41:AM
We have lynx here.  I saw one in the park very early in the morning.  They come down into the foothills from the canyon.

Title: Re: 7 adorable Lynx kittens
Post by: takncarabizniz on 10 04, 17, 08:06:58:PM
Look at the paws on those!!!!

I would immediately be like, HONEY, get on the googles and see what these things eat, if I've got some, I'm feeding them!  LOL