General Discussion (Anxiety Free Zone) => Pets => Topic started by: sunshine on 01 14, 17, 12:18:37:PM

Title: National dress up your pet day.
Post by: sunshine on 01 14, 17, 12:18:37:PM
Always Jan 14....Dress Up Your Pet Day gives you the opportunity to .... you guessed it......dress up your pet!

Some pets like to get dressed up. Others, want nothing to do with it. This day is an opportunity to really dress up your pet(s). Make something for them to wear.  Or, go to a pet store and buy an outfit. It's winter, so something warm is best.

Title: Re: National dress up your pet day.
Post by: sunshine on 01 14, 17, 12:20:02:PM
This is  Puff in 1987 wearing his favorite sweater.

Title: Re: National dress up your pet day.
Post by: takncarabizniz on 01 14, 17, 05:19:17:PM
Ozzie wears his Seahawks gear every day...

Title: Re: National dress up your pet day.
Post by: sunshine on 01 14, 17, 06:19:26:PM
Cute little Seahawk fan you have there.

Title: Re: National dress up your pet day.
Post by: emilyB on 01 15, 17, 03:17:12:AM
Hannah - always a style icon!