All Boards => Guest Posting Area => Topic started by: KDM on 06 19, 15, 03:16:00:PM

Title: waiting for an email from you
Post by: KDM on 06 19, 15, 03:16:00:PM
Changed my email in profiles and am locked out until I get a verification email from you to my new email? Maybe you have to do this manually and are at your real sorry for my impatients.

Title: Re: waiting for an email from you
Post by: Mr_Trump on 06 20, 15, 07:12:47:PM
Vote for Me. I'm Donald Trump.

I'll make America and forum registration work just by my personal command.

Title: Re: waiting for an email from you
Post by: caserio1 on 06 21, 15, 09:43:10:PM
what are you running for?