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Author Topic: Muslims are becoming totally indefensible through their own actions.  (Read 19459 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 32425

ante omnia armari

« Reply #72 on: 01 06, 11, 08:30:56:PM » Reply

Geeeez, vit.  You fellers just cant get out of the past , can ya?
Sr. Member

Posts: 10814

« Reply #73 on: 01 06, 11, 08:34:08:PM » Reply

you bet Im an asshole, never said I wasnt. But nobody can understand why you continue to deny youre an idiot.

nonetheless, with over 1 million responses to keno is an idiot, vs 1180 to whalemouth is an asshole ...

youre the BIG winner, idiot.

When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
Sr. Member

Posts: 64389

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #74 on: 01 06, 11, 09:01:03:PM » Reply

why in the fucking hell did you support this country spending $12 billion dollars a month in Iraq just so AKBAR COULD HAVE A PURPLE THUMB?

why in the hell would you care if Saddam killed 100 thousand muslims, or 100 million muslims ? Based on your standards and comments YOU SHOULD HAVE GIVEN HIM A FUCKING AWARD NOT HUNG HIM.

day in, day out its a constant NUKE THE MUZZIE BASTARDS on one thread, and fight to the death to save them from evil bad men on the next.

For me personally, I will revert back to the first post in which I mentioned the Lion and the Cougar.  I would not trust being alone with any of those at all.  I don't hate them. I just don't trust them. In their natural habitat they probably live just fine amongst the other Lions and Cougars.
But just because I don't trust them and would not want one in my own backyard does not mean that I would not come to their defense if I heard they were being exterminated, or unjustly murdered.
It is called being "Humane." 
I personally do not need to like someone or some thing to know when that person or thing is in need of help or protection.  If that's hypocritical, then so-be-it. It would appear most Americans happen to be that way. Stepping one further I would claim most "people" are hypocritically humane.  I say "most" because some are not, and we know who they are, don't we.  In fact, I would lay odds that "Americans" are more likely to come to the aid of someone, or thing,  long before any other nation or group. Some of those Americans may indeed be of the Muslim faith. Some of them. But as a group, and especially as a nation, I would lay odds on Americans arriving in aid long before it ever occured to anyone else. Especially a Muslim Nation. If it occured at all.
Honored Member

Posts: 6193

« Reply #75 on: 01 06, 11, 09:12:16:PM » Reply

Keno, hooty keeps bringing up the crusades because he is trying to convince everyone that the Jews were the bad guys when all along the muslims were the ones that started the wars with them, just as they are doing today with the Jews and Christians.  They have been starting wars ever since the years beginning in the 500's.  You must know who their god is by the way they have been acting ever since the beginning.  Our God is not the  god who  comes up with the evil things they do to other peoples.
Sr. Member

Posts: 10814

« Reply #76 on: 01 06, 11, 09:43:01:PM » Reply

It is called being "Humane
really? how interesting ...
and there was Rowanda ... where no defense was offered dispite the inhumane killing of millions, not thousands.
gee, who knew.
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
Sr. Member

Posts: 64389

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #77 on: 01 06, 11, 10:10:56:PM » Reply

It wasn't Millions, it was 800,000.   That's still too many people to die senselessly. However;
You would have to ask Bill Clinton why he refused to act on Rwanda. He later regretted that non-action.
Sr. Member

Posts: 10814

« Reply #78 on: 01 06, 11, 10:25:27:PM » Reply

September 9th 2004, United States Secretary of State Colin Powell said the Darfur conflict was genocide, and called it the worst humanitarian crisis of the 21st century. This is the first time the Untied States has ever declared genocide while the genocide was still happening.

pardon me, I spelled Darfur incorrectly.
Sr. Member

Posts: 20417

« Reply #79 on: 01 06, 11, 11:49:15:PM » Reply

Frankly I was waiting for that religion of peace and love to step in and help out in Darfur, evidently we waited to long
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