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Author Topic: Muslims are becoming totally indefensible through their own actions.  (Read 19458 times)
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
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« on: 01 06, 11, 05:41:55:AM » Reply

Why was the governor of Punjab, Pakistan assassinated?
This 2 1/2 minute audio explains why.

The rest:


Sorry, but unless Muslims currently living in America are several generations removed from old world teachings I firmly believe they will all fall back into their "native" instincts, just as a supposedly tamed lion or cougar will ultimately revert back to old instincts without warning unless they too are far far removed (generations) from old habitats.   

I don't like feeling this way about other humans, but it will take an awful lot to convince me otherwise.
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Posts: 2274


« Reply #1 on: 01 06, 11, 05:59:36:AM » Reply

Too many Muslims are too afraid of their own "cultist fanatics" If they speak out they are killed, their families are killed the women raped and in general abused. These fanatics blow themselves up anywhere with no regard to innocent children or anyone. People must understand that if a person holds no value in their LIVES....and are willing to KILL THEMSELVES...then they will kill anyone and everyone. They are the most dangerous of all humans that walk the earth, wild animals behave better than the human animal that carry no value of their own lives...thus no value to others.
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~Well-behaved women seldom make history~

« Reply #2 on: 01 06, 11, 08:01:21:AM » Reply

Assimilate or die...
Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
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#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #3 on: 01 06, 11, 08:56:25:AM » Reply

Islamofascism must be fought where ever it rears its ugly head!
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« Reply #4 on: 01 06, 11, 12:07:50:PM » Reply

you know, during D-Day, thousands upon thousands of American soldiers being transported from the ships to the shore knew they were about to die.  They knew that the Germans had entrenched machine gun nests, they knew the beach was mined and they knew that barbed wire was laid out to slow them down and make it easier for them to get picked off before they could make cover.....does that make them sub-human, unfeeling zombies who did not know right from wrong?  god, listen to yourselves.  the same kind of de-humanification that we did to nazis and the japanese in world war 2, and who were obviously more of a threat and actually way more barbaric than the 50,000 muslims today who actually support al qaeda out of about a billion and a half muslims worldwide.  do you think all germans and japanese are actually savages and will revert to their genocidal practices if we allow them among us or even allow them to live in their own countries?  don't look now but your bigotry and prejudice is showing...big time....
August West
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« Reply #5 on: 01 06, 11, 12:24:34:PM » Reply

A crazed Zionist killed his own president years ago for trying to make peace.                                                                                                                        http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Yitzhak_Rabin   
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« Reply #6 on: 01 06, 11, 12:33:45:PM » Reply

remember the Crusades?  remember that crazed religious zealot that shot and killed an unarmed doctor in his church while his wife sang in the church choir?  remember the crazy ass Articles of Secession that the dumbfuck racist southern traitor states wrote about why they had to commit treason against the United States and the Constitution and how much of it was based on their religious beliefs and reading of the Bible that made them claim living among blacks was sinful and they had to be slaves or God would be pissed off?  what a bunch of bigoted hateful people inhabit this board, especially when it comes to muslims, to blacks, to gays, and to foreigners in general. 
Sr. Member

Posts: 20417

« Reply #7 on: 01 06, 11, 12:51:35:PM » Reply

way more barbaric than the 50,000 muslims today who actually support al qaeda out of about a billion and a half muslims worldwide
Care to site your source, I have heard everything from .5% to 40%, you seem to have a source that has been able to determine how many terrorist we face
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Posts: 35848


« Reply #8 on: 01 06, 11, 12:52:11:PM » Reply

I have been preaching against Muslims and their religious beliefs for years , I can remember when people on these boards were afraid to even say the word Muslim. It is an evil religion and there are hundreds of Millions of potential terrorists that believe in this religion which in my opinion is not a religion at all but a political Ideology. Religion has been used as an excuse to justify injustice for centuries.
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« Reply #9 on: 01 06, 11, 01:03:28:PM » Reply

One of the greatest tragedies is what Islam and Muslims have done and do to the peoples of Africa.

Jihads that were obvious attempts at eradication of Christians, Hindus, and Jews have been recorded since the early days of Islam.  The Qur'an calls repeatedly for jihad, or holy war, against unbelievers, calling Jews and Christians apes and pigs.

Muslims, including clerics and leaders have used Islamic ideas, concepts, texts, and themes to justify violence, especially against non-Muslims.

Most of the religious justification of violence against nonbelievers (Dar ul Kufr) by the promoters of jihad is based on the Quranic “sword verses.”

Muslim societies have also been prone to fighting wars amongst themselves starting with the first generation of Muslims, including civil war between followers of a faction who included Muhammad's wife Aisha bint Abu Bakr, and followers of an opposing faction led by Muhammad's cousin Ali ibn Abi Talib, known as the battle of Bassorah. Differences between Muslims also resulted in the murder of three of the first four Caliphs at the hands of other Muslims.

Violence by Muslims is not limited to non-Muslims. According to Islamic scholar Khaleel Mohammed, throughout the world, Muslim intellectuals are punished for criticizing various aspects of traditional and contemporary Islam, citing the case of Muhammad Said al-Ashmawy, who is being held in Egypt under house arrest for his own protection; Abdel Karim Soroush who was beaten in Iran for raising the voice of inquiry, and Mahmoud Tahawho was killed in Sudan.

Rifat Hassan, Fatima Mernissi, Abdallah an-Na'im, Mohammed Arkoun, and Amina Wadud were all vilified by the imams for asking Muslims to use their intellect.

Despite some tolerance in the early days every so often when the Muslim population felt that the Jews are too comfortable and have some power, a massacre has been unleashed. Many times, under Muslim rule, they were not even allowed a life of inferior status.  Christians suffered similarly but at least they had the opportunity of finding help in Christian lands.

Khaybar Massacre 628, in Saudi Arabia of the Qurayza Jews, the term, the idea of 'Khaybar' has been used by Muslims when calling to kill, to annihilate Jews(genocide.)

Some of the known forced conversions of Jews to Islam were in Fez Morocco: in 1165, 1275, 1465, and 1790-92.  The Fez massacre of 1033, The Fez 1146 massacre reaching 100,000 and inMarrakesch120,000, the 1576 and 1577 deportations of Safed Jews to Cyprus, the 1660 massacre of those Jews still settled in Safed.

Islamic calls include: "Rise up and kill the Jews; they are indeed The bitterest enemies who reject Muhammad. Rise up and kill the Jews, as they were killed at Khaybar beneath the sword of Muhammad. Rise up and kill the Jews and all of those Who fight for them."
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Posts: I am a geek!!

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« Reply #10 on: 01 06, 11, 01:05:38:PM » Reply

looks like i was wrong...not 50,000 active supporters...5,000...here ya go.

Facts about Al Qaeda:
Total number of Al Qaeda members worldwide unknown, estimated at about 5,000 in a world populations of 6,700,000,000.
Total number of countries controlled by Al Qaeda = none
Total number of countries where Al Qaeda operates in the open = none
Total number of governments that openly supports Al Qaeda = none
Total number of military equipment of Al Qaeda, planes = none, tanks = none, ships = none, satellites = none, drone aircraft = none, and so on and so forth
Total number of Al Qaeda living in the open – none they are all in hiding and being hunted.
Total number of Al Qaeda attacks in America in the last 8 years = none
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« Reply #11 on: 01 06, 11, 01:06:54:PM » Reply

The question is what do you do about 1.5 billion Muslim mental cases in this world, and that doesn't even count Liberals.
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