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Author Topic: Computer suddenly shut itself down  (Read 10684 times)
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
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« Reply #24 on: 03 03, 13, 02:18:19:AM » Reply

BTW:  Here is another tool I want you to have.  It is ZIPped, so you will need to UnZip it into a directory called "MS Fix It."
This is by MicroSoft, and is an assortment of FIXES..

edit:   Oh wait. I'm not sure if this is for Win7, but not to worry. If not - it just won't run.

* Fix it.zip (25919.6 KB - downloaded 333 times.)
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~Well-behaved women seldom make history~

« Reply #25 on: 03 03, 13, 02:27:09:AM » Reply

Trying to cook and be a computer whiz at the same time...LOL 
I tried the tools fix, nothing...still slow, but once the internet has been open for a while, it seems to run just fine...that's why I'm keeping aesops open while I do other things, that way I don't have to wait for the long reload...
Tried opening another window so I could check emails...and it's slow too...
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
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What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #26 on: 03 03, 13, 02:30:28:AM » Reply

Tried opening another window so I could check emails...and it's slow too...

Don't do that - you'll burn your food. I know... :- )

For later:

#1 Question: Do you still have the same original problem?     Or can we move on to these other problems?

Is your HD (C:) getting full ??   Does it have MORE than 25 gigs available?

*  Have you Deleted Internet Files?
*  Have you Deleted Temp Files from C:\Windows\Temp\    ?

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Posts: 64790

~Well-behaved women seldom make history~

« Reply #27 on: 03 03, 13, 03:36:43:AM » Reply

Yep done all the usual deleting, but have to take this up again tomorrow...just got company...and it's Saturday night, you have better things to do...
See ya'll tomorrow I'll update as soon as I try it all again...
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~Well-behaved women seldom make history~

« Reply #28 on: 03 03, 13, 04:50:46:PM » Reply

So, I went to run the combo fix again this morning and when I got to part where it was supposed to start, it said I still have mcafee anti-virus and anti-spyware and needed to disable them...we haven't had mcafee for a couple of years...so I disabled our kaspersky and it still popped up..(it did this yesterday as well, and I ignored it, maybe that's why it killed my registry)...lucky I was able to do the rrstore...

I've searched everywhere for anything remotely associated w/ mcafee...but I know the ONLY change to the system has been something called safe money from Kaspersky that showed up last week w/ one of the updates....I disabled it, but when I would enter a password, the little icon was still there, so  ow I am worried the kaspersky is bad...

I haven't tried the combo fix again...I really don't want to sit and fight this thing all day...

So I am not sure if I should go ahead and try it again or not...
« Reply #29 on: 03 03, 13, 08:13:50:PM » Reply

Takncare ~ When is the last time you  Defraged.  If it has been awhile it could be part of your problem.  I was going to mention the cooling fan, but I see you already addressed that possibility.  My next thought is your "CMOS Battery"  The battery that resides on your Motherboard.  Is you clock keeping the correct time?  If not that could also be a part of the problem. 

One other thought.  There could be a conflict with your Anti-Virus programs.  You say you don't have McAfee, but it keeps coming up.  The fragments, that were left behind, after deleting  McAfee, may be interfering with your current Anti-Virus program.  I have found out from past experience, getting rid of Anti-Virus programs can be a pain-in-the-butt.

btw ~ Sometimes when a new program is installed it will change some settings that you're not aware of.  If you can, recheck all your system setting.

Good Luck Takncare.  Hope the fix is an easy one... 
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
Sr. Member

Posts: 64403

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #30 on: 03 03, 13, 08:26:03:PM » Reply

Look at my message up top.  I uploaded another Tool I want you to have. It can repair several problems, internet speed and connection is one of them.  It is made by MicroSoft.  Its called MsFix-It.

I also posted a message on what I do in case my PC gets slow on me.  Make sure you have done each of those steps as well.  I know you don't want to spend your day in front of your computer. But when its sick, thats what is needed.  Your only other option is to wipe it all out and start over again -  which means spending your day in front of the PC anyways... :- )
Now, if it were me, I would first do the Slow-PC clean-up I posted.  Then I would use the tools in MsFix-It.   

If those did not help then I woulld run Combofix again. But thats only because if something goes wrong I know I will be able to fix it.  I don't know if I could do the same for you since I can't visually see what is going on with your computer.  Hands-On makes all the difference in the world.
If you do run Combofix again, make sure you create another Restore Point first.
BUT:  Download the MsFix-It and use it!   It is a Zip file, so you'll need to unZip it into its own directory/folder.
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Posts: 64790

~Well-behaved women seldom make history~

« Reply #31 on: 03 03, 13, 09:05:15:PM » Reply

You're talking tech speak again...LOL

Don't laugh, how do I unzip a file, I've never done it before...sorry...hell, you should be charging me for the time, LOL

And yes, I will print out all the suggestions and go through them first.
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Posts: 64790

~Well-behaved women seldom make history~

« Reply #32 on: 03 03, 13, 09:46:54:PM » Reply

Yes, I have my defrag set up to automatically run each week.
The C drive isn't even half full according to the properties map.
Clock is keeping the correct time. 
I am really wondering about my security program though...since the only thing that changed was the automatic upload of that secure money portion last week...and I tried to disable it, but when I put a password in, the little icon still pops up.  I hate the idea of having to reload that...since it was an upgrade from the website after the original purchase and it seems like every time I try to reload something like that, I get error messages that I haven't paid for this or that.  But I can't find a way to delete that portion from my security...
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
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Posts: 64403

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #33 on: 03 03, 13, 10:13:10:PM » Reply

But I can't find a way to delete that portion from my security...

Can you Right-Click on the Icon and select "Settings" or "Options"?


Here is a Self Extracting ZIP file.
* Download it.  Rename to EXE
* Run it.  (a gray warning box willl pop up - just click OK)
* A "Path" box will ask where you want to extract it.  Just type "C:\MsFixIt."
That is where it will be. Go there and run "Launch Fix it.exe"  to see the repair options. There are two pages of options.

* Fix it.ex_e (25949.13 KB - downloaded 342 times.)
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Posts: 64790

~Well-behaved women seldom make history~

« Reply #34 on: 03 03, 13, 10:47:37:PM » Reply

Okay, I'll try, if I can get everything back up...tried the combo fix again, same result, so I did a restore and it ate the security program altogether...can't get it to open at all now and I won't open the internet w/out it...if it doesn't work, I'll end up unhooking the whole box and taking it to the computer guy...how frustrating this is...!
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
Sr. Member

Posts: 64403

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #35 on: 03 03, 13, 10:55:24:PM » Reply

If you want to delete your security completely until you can download it again I can upload a 30 day version of AVG antiVirus to get you through.  I use AVG on my own PC.

* avg_avct_stb_all_2013_2897.ex_e (4333.4 KB - downloaded 335 times.)
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