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Author Topic: Computer suddenly shut itself down  (Read 10682 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 64776

~Well-behaved women seldom make history~

« on: 03 01, 13, 09:19:26:PM » Reply

The other night, my hubby called me at work because our computer had suddenly frozen on one website and he couldn't click the x to shut it, it just kept trying to load...it finally shut down and when I came home, I did a system restore, since there had been some updates done early in the day for Java and Adobe that I thought might have caused the problem...

Everything seemed fine til' this morning.  As I'm trying to print some paperwork, suddenly the screen went black, then I got the big blue popup screen that said windows was experiencing a proble and shut down to protrct the system...well, I did a restart, cleaned all the caches, ran a maware and security scan before attempting to connect to the internet...oh and I disconnected the router, and hooked up directly to the modem again...

After all that, I tried to connect and our homepage came up just fine, but the progress bar never showed up and it just kept saying 2 items to load...it never finished loading, just got the little blue swirlie when I would scroll over the address bar or the close X...

I clicked to close and it took forever...I did an internet check and the system found no problems...

Any ideas?
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Honored Member

Posts: 5460

My guess is - all the time.

« Reply #1 on: 03 01, 13, 09:30:58:PM » Reply

People who create computer viruses should be shot on the spot - no ifs no buts just out of this world on the spot.
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Posts: 32425

ante omnia armari

« Reply #2 on: 03 01, 13, 09:51:16:PM » Reply

Go into the ADMN TOOLS...into the EVENTS viewer, and see what went on at the dates and times of the failures.Look in the windows Logs, Application  and System events folders

The BLUE SCREEN events should be logged with some info as to the cause.
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
Sr. Member

Posts: 64389

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #3 on: 03 01, 13, 10:34:52:PM » Reply

These are FREE programs I keep in my toolkit to clean up Internet messes such as adware, trojans, and some worms.

* adwcleaner.exe
Click SCAN,  You will be shown a text file of entries that should be deleted.
Click Delete.  You must then reboot.
* ComboFix.exe
Would you like to D/L update?  NO
Give it time to scan and clean infected files.  It will take a while .. It will reboot on its own and continue upon reboot.
It will let you know when its done by showing alist of files scanned, and/or cleaned.

Rename to EXE

* adwcleaner.ex_e (580.1 KB - downloaded 346 times.)
* ComboFix.ex_e (4912.69 KB - downloaded 343 times.)
Sr. Member

Posts: 64776

~Well-behaved women seldom make history~

« Reply #4 on: 03 02, 13, 02:20:24:AM » Reply

Okay, when I get home, I'll try some of the suggestions.  I used malware bytes and it came back clean, but I also have done a system restore...my husband told me when he got home he also discovered the box itself pushed up against the side of the desk, so possibly it got hot?
Sr. Member

Posts: 64776

~Well-behaved women seldom make history~

« Reply #5 on: 03 02, 13, 05:19:43:PM » Reply

Of course, since I don't understand jack about computers, now I have to start asking questions...

malware bytes found nothing so Jim, when I do the exe thing you suggested, is that from my run box or the internet?

The internet will come up, just takes forever to load  (thank God for the hubby's smartphone)...and once the page loads, you can surf it all day, til you want to look at something else...

Also, should I be doing this in safe mode?  I did open the box and clean all the dust off the fans, it just seems quiter now...but both fans are operating so I guess it must not have been an overheating problem.
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
Sr. Member

Posts: 64389

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #6 on: 03 02, 13, 06:21:48:PM » Reply

You can download the two files (above) just by clicking on them, then run from your desktop if you want, or wherever you saved them.  If you download them from the internet always run them from your computer, in case you lose internet connection.
These two programs can be run from Safe-mode, or not.  I usually do both since in safe-mode a worm may lay dormant and not show up in Active Services.
Sr. Member

Posts: 64776

~Well-behaved women seldom make history~

« Reply #7 on: 03 02, 13, 10:34:01:PM » Reply

Hmmmm, when I click them, it sends me to look for programs to do the fixes, but they don't have a download capability...
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
Sr. Member

Posts: 64389

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #8 on: 03 02, 13, 10:49:52:PM » Reply

You can either tell them NO, don't update. OR When it sends you to the website - look for the Green Down arrow, thats the download link.  For ComboFix the download Green Button is located on the Right side.
BTW:  These two tools should be in Everyones toolbox for when your computer starts acting funny..
In fact I'm using them on my wifes PC right now.  It would appear she has downloaded a lot of toolbars and other stuff that brought some crap into her computer.  I think she does it on purpose because knows I can fix it...  :- /   grrrr
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
Sr. Member

Posts: 64389

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #9 on: 03 03, 13, 12:34:43:AM » Reply

Also:  Blue Screen of Death (if thats what you are getting) In case I misread your original problem,  are caused by two main problems.  There are others, but these are the two main.  Either the HD is failing - OR, a Driver has been corrupted (usually the Video Driver).  First delete the video driver -  then reload the lates version, or the version that came with the computer.
Sr. Member

Posts: 64776

~Well-behaved women seldom make history~

« Reply #10 on: 03 03, 13, 12:37:52:AM » Reply

I guess I am not understanding.  When I click on either of those links I get 3 choices in the box,
Find, save, cancel...
I saved them once to my computer, and then clicked on them and it still had a popup asking me if I wanted the computer to find the program on the internet for me...this is the next thing that pops up
I'm confused...LOL  which apparently is not difficult when it comes to computers...
Oh and the "blue screen" I got was not the usual you dumbass, what have you done...it was full of all sorts of crap but at the top said windows had shut down my system because of a problem to protect it, but then it asked me if I wanted to restart it normally or in safe mode...
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
Sr. Member

Posts: 64389

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #11 on: 03 03, 13, 12:42:33:AM » Reply

Remember, I said to rename them to EXE..  Instead of EX_E - remove the underscore to make it EXE.  IE: ADWARE.EXE........   It will then be an executable program.
There is a reason I had to rename them, but thats for later...
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