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Author Topic: Boehner is a TRAITOR to His Cause  (Read 1705 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 26230

« Reply #12 on: 11 18, 12, 11:21:51:PM » Reply

Oz --- The only one who can keep this country from collapsing is President Obama!  And he'll do it with modern Marxist-socialist economics, such as worked in Cuba!
http://www.dailykos.com ................. http://www.MoveOn.org
Sr. Member

Posts: 32425

ante omnia armari

« Reply #13 on: 11 18, 12, 11:22:18:PM » Reply

The current situation is the result of a bastard deal cut between Dems and Reps strictly for kicking the can down the road past the election Date.
Both parties deserve the blame for this fiasco.
Sr. Member

Posts: 27517

« Reply #14 on: 11 18, 12, 11:43:29:PM » Reply

The current situation is the result of a bastard deal cut between Dems and Reps strictly for kicking the can down the road past the election Date.

Republicans painted themselves in a corner, as I said a year ago.
They were soooooooo damn cocksure they would win the election....
Sr. Member

Posts: 15141

Formerly known as lm-oregon

« Reply #15 on: 11 19, 12, 04:43:41:PM » Reply

Boys and girls, Boehner sits down in OUR White House - and you all presume Boehner's butt is getting whipped? How so. After all - four years into Obama's seizing posession of OUR White House this past week is the first week the people have witnessed Obama seriously invite Mr. Boehner in - and the first time Americans envision Mr. Obama might have seriously listened to him. 

What exactly are you progressive extremists so afraid of - in regard to that simple tipping back of home brews between Boehner and Obama last week? Hmmmm - perhaps Obama will have more than one "brew" and actually AGREE to embrace Boehner's fiscal conservatism?

Crazier things have happened - under previous presidents. It's a thinker, people. Obama knows he has to do more than RELY on overspending fiscally RECKLESS misappropriating progressives like Pelosi, Wasserman Schulz, Reid, Biden to stop his out of control federal government from full on TANKING.

Soooo what's a fiscally tanked president like Obama - to do. Post re-election campaign? Seriously.

Sr. Member

Posts: 72771


« Reply #16 on: 11 19, 12, 04:48:51:PM » Reply

Boehner is quite faithful to his cause, keeping the Establishment puppet masters happy while ignoring the grassroots, Tea Party movement.   We'll replace him, sooner or later.   The fiscal cliff is here; it's way past time to face it like men and jump down it.   It will be jumped, and the sooner the easier.
Sr. Member

Posts: 15141

Formerly known as lm-oregon

« Reply #17 on: 11 19, 12, 05:12:39:PM » Reply

So which "cause" has been more punitive to the bottom line fiscal state of our nation.

Tea party members? - who are actually MEMBERS OF BOTH PARTIES, not just the "party" of Boehner.

Or extremist progressives - who count Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Biden, Wasserman Schulz in their ranks - but they don't want to have a damned thing to do with any member of the other party - ever. Except maybe Paul Ryan - but then when they sit down and work with him they only abuse that fact and use it against him in the 2012 general election. 

Hmmm - I find it comforting to note that one "cause" has the distinction of belonging to both the Dem as well as the GOP parties.

I wonder why it is - progressives on here - aren't checking out the Tea Party - and imagining themselves "belonging" to their ranks, too.

After all - it's all about guaranteeing that our U.S. Constitution is honored. And upheld. And our nation is not left bankrupt by pirates and pillagers, right? So that the future needs of Americans - are indeed protected. And ensured. Not just lied about by the polarized extremist progressive party that invites no one else to JOIN THEM - but their "own". And then they close their doors, lock their ranks - and refuse to sit down and SERIOUSLY talk with anyone else. In fact - all others are dismissed. For four years running - now. And on and on... right dems?

Regrettable. Really. Dems.

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