Title: Alan Watt on the U.N, the NWO, and today's Society. How we got here. Post by: Jim on 01 30, 11, 07:05:37:AM Alan Watts on the United Nations and NWO http://www.youtube.com/v/HI25O6aT9Uo If you watch this video, be open to the information being presented and take it for what it is, then ask yourself if this information challenges anything within you. Does it bring up any thoughts of judgement, or of anger? If it does, is it because it resonates true with something inside you, or because it challenges a belief system you are trying to hold onto. And how does MTV fit into this? Title: Re: Alan Watts on the United Nations and NWO Post by: Amazed on 01 30, 11, 07:25:07:AM errr that's Alan Watt not Alan Watts, not to be confused with Alan Watts, a distinguished interpreter of eastern philosophy and religion. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Watts (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Watts)
There is not a whole lot to be found about Alan Watt, he doesnt have a wikipedia page and on google it seems to refer mostly to his own websites. From what I can gather he's a somewhat shady character. Title: Re: Alan Watts on the United Nations and NWO Post by: Amazed on 01 30, 11, 07:31:13:AM This is the website for Alan Watt.
http://www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com/ (http://www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com/) Title: Re: Alan Watts on the United Nations and NWO Post by: Lysistrata on 01 30, 11, 07:50:40:AM That dude is certifiable. He has an ongoing serious debate with David Icke, a rival conspiracy theorist who believes in reptilian humanoids.
(http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/richedit/smileys/Teasing/12.gif) Title: Re: Alan Watts on the United Nations and NWO Post by: Jim on 01 30, 11, 08:01:38:AM Let me guess. You didn't listen to him for more than 5 minutes, if you listened at all. ding ding ding...... As always: I win.... He was talking about you, ya know... :- ) Title: Re: Alan Watts on the United Nations and NWO Post by: Amazed on 01 30, 11, 08:04:58:AM "You didn't listen to him for more than 5 minutes..."
You're right I didnt, it was boring. Mostly I was curious because you mistated the name and I do respect Alan Watts. btw you forgot to lock the thread, will you now once again delete the posts you dont like? Title: Re: Alan Watts on the United Nations and NWO Post by: Jim on 01 30, 11, 08:34:45:AM Quote will you now once again delete the posts you dont like? You have me confused with another board Admin.... Title: Re: Alan Watts on the United Nations and NWO Post by: Lysistrata on 01 30, 11, 08:40:07:AM If you say so Jim. (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/Smileys/classic/wink.gif)
Title: Re: Alan Watts on the United Nations and NWO Post by: Amazed on 01 30, 11, 08:40:38:AM errr no jim, you deleted my posts. The thread still exists in your "archives" and my posts arent there. Dont play games with me.
http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/index.php?topic=40233.0 Title: Re: Alan Watt on the United Nations and NWO Post by: Jim on 01 30, 11, 09:05:20:AM Then you posted in some other thread because I never deleted any of your posts. Its just not my style. Now if you had posted some sort of porn in it, or some other disgusting photo, then yes, I would have deleted it. Other than that - you are mistaken.. These are your posts from 1/20/11. http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=286;sa=showPosts;start=150 Title: Re: Alan Watt on the United Nations and NWO Post by: Amazed on 01 30, 11, 01:53:08:PM You are a liar.
Title: Re: Alan Watt on the United Nations and NWO Post by: chuck_curtis on 01 30, 11, 02:19:17:PM Great video Jim. As for never-no-mind, if Watt isn't one of his superior leaders speaking, then he must be a nutcase. They don't think for themselves so they have to be sure whoever they follow is popular with their fellow borg members (just as Alan Watt, himself said).
Title: Re: Alan Watt on the United Nations and NWO Post by: mayzin1 on 01 30, 11, 02:31:26:PM I'm in the process of listened to the entire broadcast, but I will say that so far the gentleman has not said anything with which I disagree. It is example after example of how the elite rich think they have the right (and maybe a misguided responsibilty) to save the rest of us from ourselves.
It is obvious that these people do not believe in God - and have no fear of punishment for what they are doing in this life. There are those who strive to lead and there are those who are following and feeding-in to the propaganda. The rich elitists and government are leading and legislating and the media in its various forms are part of the feeding frenzy of immorality and corruption. These things are like termites that eat away at a home as these people propose ideas one at a time that may sound good on the surface, but are actually undermining us as individuals and as a society. By the time you realize you have been infested your house has been undermined and is ready to fall; your marriage/family has been undermines and is falling apart. And your soul is all but lost. Of all the required reading I was supposed to have done in HS, there was one book that I will never forget is Brave New World. People must have thought the man was crazy 80 years ago, but now people should be growing afraid that it is coming to pass. What angers me most is the evil that underlies all of this. I don't even think that it's a great conspiracy - except by the evil satan. I think that some of these ideas started because someone thought that one by itself was a good idea then another and another. Others thought so as well and the idea snow balled. Other ideas were not so innocent and were never meant to be, but for those who have no moral foundation, the concepts of feeding into pleasure, happiness and materialism is very enticing. If one does not believe in God and heaven and hell and the Day of Judgement they have no respect for anything or anyone and will do as they please as they have no fear of the long term consequences in this life or the next. On the flip side of the innocent idea are governments and elitists who are trying to manipulate the world to meet their own greed and power desires. Again what they start grows unabated because there is no belief in God; no fear of eternal damnation. These are the most dangerous because as Mr. Watts points out people and groups will be set up to do something that seems like a good idea and then WHAM they are in the middle of something that is much bigger than they are. Something that has corrupted their society, their way of life and ofter their souls. Some of these folks end up committing suicide in the realization of what they have done. Others end up on someone's hit list because of what they know (inlcuding leaders of other countries). Either way it results in the downfall and ultimate demise of societies, countries and empires. Title: Re: Alan Watt on the United Nations and NWO Post by: 2whyme on 01 30, 11, 02:39:24:PM You are a liar. You do realize, nevermind, that you have the right to leave this forum, if you have such a problem with the administrator. Title: Re: Alan Watt on the United Nations and NWO Post by: dont-blameme on 01 30, 11, 02:46:13:PM A true liar is always ready,to brand others that they dont agree with as a liar,and nevermind fits the profile of a true liar..never "had a"mind only comes here for one reason only,to show just how stupid it is..!!
Title: Re: Alan Watt on the United Nations and NWO Post by: lluke47 on 01 30, 11, 03:07:27:PM Evidently the words a liberal writes is more important to them than they are to sane people..
Title: Re: Alan Watt on the United Nations and NWO Post by: Amazed on 01 30, 11, 05:22:44:PM http://www.youtube.com/v/1Sn2hdWCIc0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Sn2hdWCIc0)
Title: Re: Alan Watt on the United Nations and NWO Post by: Jim on 01 30, 11, 08:19:50:PM I used to listen to "Alan Watts" back in the '70's. I think I've heard all of his lectures. When he passed away in '73 the radio stations played all his lectures nearly every night. In most cases I agreed, in some I did not, but even though his mindset was the 40's 50's and 60's, the man certainly had wisdom. Here is the "orginal" Alan Watts (with an s). This is for Nevermind. After you listen to "Alan Watts" you can then go back to "Alan Watt" and tell me the difference. btw: if this loads slow, just pause for a few minutes to give it some leeway. http://deoxy.org/video?v=FHmUoKF4Whw (http://deoxy.org/video?v=FHmUoKF4Whw) Title: Re: Alan Watt on the United Nations and NWO Post by: dallas795 on 01 30, 11, 08:33:20:PM WOW! What dumb asses.
Title: Re: Alan Watt on the U.N, the NWO, and today's Society. How we got her Post by: Amazed on 01 31, 11, 12:36:44:AM "I used to listen to "Alan Watts" back in the '70's. "
Then you clearly have no excuse for transposing one with the other. Perhaps you really thought Alan Watt is Alan Watts (the second appears to have modeled his appearance on the first and the accents match). I saw the name and thought WTF, jim usually copies and pastes crackpots and conspiracey theorists. After listening to that asshole for about 20 sec. I knew that wasnt Alan Watts, interesting that you couldnt tell the diference. Title: Re: Alan Watt on the U.N, the NWO, and today's Society. How we got her Post by: Jim on 01 31, 11, 12:43:48:AM I knew the difference. I knew Alan Watts died in the early 70's because I only came across him by accident while thumbing through the radio. I kept listening for him each night only to find the only reason they were playing his audios so often was because he had died a few months prior. I was saddened at the time that I missed somebody so profound, only to be introduced to his lectures after the fact. On the other Alan Watt, I only misspelled his name, so grow up. I can't stand childish adults. Title: Re: Alan Watt on the U.N, the NWO, and today's Society. How we got her Post by: Amazed on 01 31, 11, 12:50:17:AM Then surely you dont mind my correcting the record that this is not Alan Watts, which is exactly what I did and no need to be defensive about that eh jim?
Title: Re: Alan Watt on the U.N, the NWO, and today's Society. How we got her Post by: Jim on 01 31, 11, 12:52:40:AM Understandably you missed the Topic change. Title: Re: Alan Watt on the U.N, the NWO, and today's Society. How we got her Post by: mayzin1 on 01 31, 11, 01:01:34:AM Hey Jim if you ignore the kid maybe he will go away. It's probably getting close to his bed time anyway.
Title: Re: Alan Watt on the U.N, the NWO, and today's Society. How we got her Post by: Jim on 01 31, 11, 01:02:02:AM Though I do find it extremely interesting that this Alan Watt is nearly as profound as Alan Watts, and with a physical resemblence and vocal resemblence as well. Who knows, this may be another person to watch. |