Opinions => Past POLLS => Topic started by: Jim on 12 06, 10, 04:08:32:AM

Title: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks Files
Post by: Jim on 12 06, 10, 04:08:32:AM
U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks Files
In a case of closing the barn door after the horses are out, federal employees are being warned not to look at leaked documents, noting that despite their wide release, the hundreds of thousands of stolen papers are still classified by the U.S. government.
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/12/05/administration-fed-workers-dont-read-wikileaks (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/12/05/administration-fed-workers-dont-read-wikileaks)

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: stanl on 12 06, 10, 04:26:33:AM
This poll is going to be interesting.  It's going to show just how many people have no concept as to what "Rights" really mean...

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: dont-blameme on 12 06, 10, 04:40:17:AM
everyone has a right to read what ever they choose to read,
But no one has the right to make public any information that is classified secret and could result in some one's death or the death of many..

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: fun n games on 12 06, 10, 04:59:58:AM
You can read whatever you want reguardless what Obama says unless it blinds you after you read it.

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: Jim on 12 06, 10, 05:04:45:AM
Every single govt official including the President are people you hired to represent you. Are they really allowed to keep secrets from you, their boss? Keeping the secrets of war plans, weapons capabilities or of CIA Agent identities is a lot different from keeping secrets of what goes on in Gitmo or what happened to JFK or what the govt knows about UFOs.
How will you know when they cross the line if they are unanswerable to anyone?

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: wehunglow on 12 06, 10, 05:07:08:AM
So what information should be deemed "classiffied"? Information that could be detrimental to national security? Information that would put someones welfare at risk? Information that would embarrass public officials? Information that would create a backlash from the public towards government? Who decides what information should be classiffied?

Does that mean Pelosi should have classiffied the health care bill until after it was passed?

Does that mean those folks who out valerie Plame as a CIA operative should be charged with espionage and treason?

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: Byteryder on 12 06, 10, 05:19:30:AM
Technically, yes.  Practically, no.
As for the "technically", it is high time we revisited the powers granted to the Government by the people.
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Never, has the truth of these words been more evident than they are today.

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: darkflower on 12 06, 10, 06:15:43:AM
It shows who they really want to keep secrets from: the people. And all the "harmful to national security" is total bs. The only thing it harms is the image of an out of control government that believes itself to be god. It is long past time for a reality check, government is supposed to serve the people not vice versa. The government's interests have not been the people's interests for a very long time. So if something does get in the way of the government's interests, GOOD.

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: dont-blameme on 12 06, 10, 01:19:51:PM
Does that mean Pelosi should have classiffied the health care bill until after it was passed?

must of been classified,as no one knew what was in the bill,not even her stupid ass..!!
Does that mean those folks who out valerie Plame as a CIA operative should be charged with espionage and treason?
Plame was not engaged in a covert operation,therefore she was not outed or was her life put in danger,the first person to pass out her job classification was her own husband..!!

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: luvtimes on 12 06, 10, 02:37:59:PM
Freedom out the window.... I guess....what next?
Burning books out of the library....
Propoganda(sp)  I guess I better learn how to spell this word, cause I'm going to be using it a lot in 2011)
The government since I've known it... don't believe in the Freedom of Information Act.... trust that...
Try getting vidal information from them.... it's won't happen...
Our government is so hypocritical....it's sinful...I don't believe anything our government says or does....
Get our Troops out of the Middle East and screw what happens over there or anywhere.....
Why?  Cause we can't afford the cost of this war or any others... democracy... what is that?
Call me a bitter poster, it's ok...

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: mudslinger on 12 06, 10, 02:40:11:PM
Good luck with that one, only shows how stupid this adminstration is if they think they can control what public knowledge is out their by forbidding you to look at it.

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: luvtimes on 12 06, 10, 02:46:07:PM
Opposing views
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-ufa1cbF3k (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-ufa1cbF3k)

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: lluke47 on 12 06, 10, 02:58:30:PM
The government doesn't necessarily want to keep secrets from the people they are representing or protecting, they want to keep America's secrets from our enemies so they cannot use the information to harm us....we have as many enemies in America as we do outside of America who would use any of that to harm us, that's just how sorry some people are...And we all know how you liberals prove over and over you will give aid and comfort to America's enemies, it is best to keep you liberals in a darkroom and water you twice a day feeding you crap..

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: daroadie on 12 06, 10, 03:58:48:PM
Never trust a Politician!

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: Thomasj_tx on 12 06, 10, 06:13:11:PM
I think that your poll is a little misleading since it asks about "citizens" and the topic is about a subset, federal workers.
Employers have the right to limit access to certain websites.  They have been doing it for years.  As to the general public, the government can't stop anyone from reading anything that is in the public domain.  However, it does have the right and has used that right to prevent people from illegally accessing and distributing information/product that the person has not legal right to access or possess or distribute.

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: sine-qua-non on 12 06, 10, 07:07:34:PM
People have 1st amendment rights

Business should stop the restrictions, pull the plugs on porno site filters and just use the tracking
software that tells who is logged in and where they spend their time.

That way if someone wants to look at porn or email on their lunch hour, or break, they cant be fired
for cause.  But the ones who dont want to work but surf the internet for hours will hang themselves and everyone including the 1st amendment win wins, see (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/Smileys/classic/laugh.gif) (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/Smileys/classic/hattip.gif) (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/Smileys/classic/107w9oy.gif)


Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: mudslinger on 12 06, 10, 07:10:32:PM
Sure let our enemies view it but keep it from the American Public, smart move Obama you Jerk.

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: chuck_curtis on 12 06, 10, 07:17:55:PM
The government doesn't necessarily want to keep secrets from the people they are representing or protecting, they want to keep America's secrets from our enemies so they cannot use the information to harm us.
I think you need to wake up and smell the bullchit.  Your trust in Washington is completely without merit, even as it comes to openness with Americans, as years and years of history proves, and worse in recent times.

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: Jw2 on 12 06, 10, 07:26:09:PM
the truth.
the unvarnished truth.
it's a bitch.
kinda like:

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: daroadie on 12 06, 10, 07:41:58:PM
Blame on all the prior Admistrations.  (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/Smileys/classic/grin.gif)

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: sine-qua-non on 12 06, 10, 08:01:16:PM
Jihadi Walsh sez ....

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: dont-blameme on 12 06, 10, 08:08:29:PM
Jihadi Walsh sez ....
was wondering how long it would take to get around to it's all "Bush's fault"..!!

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: KensanIV on 12 06, 10, 08:55:31:PM
If it isn't Jihad John it is Jihad Jim (aka - Hoosier Dad) Everything is Bush's fault including the holes in the ozone or in your socks. Jim is still ranting about Bush and the waterboarding.
I believe if you work for someone they have a right to tell you what you may do on their time and their dollar. Beyond that, they have no ground to object to your choice. However, since these are government documents, the government certainly should expect their employees to follow their dictates.
In some respects it does restrict the freedom of speech, but there should be no freedom when the saftey of the citizens, the military or the country is at stake.
Certainly too many people having access to these documents in the cause of the problem,
I can't imagine why the press is giving Obama a pass on this...after all, it happened on his watch.
This Wikileaks dude is in a heap of trouble when he is caught.  He looks like a younger Bill Maher which is enough to make me dislike him on the spot.  Hang his ass!!!

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: sine-qua-non on 12 06, 10, 09:01:09:PM
I can't imagine why the press is giving Obama a pass on this...after all, it happened on his watch.


The Kenyan has enough problems it seems to be glad for this distraction from attention on him.
Let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater, or kill the messenger of revelations done in our names, Kensan.

Title: Re: POLL: U.S. Warns Federal Workers Against Viewing WikiLeaks File
Post by: Local5th on 12 06, 10, 11:13:00:PM
So did LBJ numb nuts. The pentagon papers proved that. The wikileaks are no different than the pentagon papers, and that was a good thing.