General Discussion (Anxiety Free Zone) => Music / Audio => Topic started by: takncarabizniz on 02 12, 24, 07:35:00:PM

Title: Well, now don't that beat all...Beyonce' country?
Post by: takncarabizniz on 02 12, 24, 07:35:00:PM
LOL, why not, right?

Her husband and father were so incensed that she was not crowned queen of the year for album of the year, she done gone country...

Who else thinks her success will be as well received as Dolly being inducted into the Rock and Roll HoF?  LOL and subsequent rock album release, LOL LOL LOL

Note to all celebrities...


Title: Re: Well, now don't that beat all...Beyonce' country?
Post by: takncarabizniz on 02 12, 24, 07:38:04:PM
So trashy country?  She must hang out with Elle King?

Title: Re: Well, now don't that beat all...Beyonce' country?
Post by: D2D on 02 13, 24, 06:38:00:AM
Ain't that something!

Title: Re: Well, now don't that beat all...Beyonce' country?
Post by: takncarabizniz on 02 24, 24, 05:44:53:PM
Someone said, she's country...she's from Texas...donning a cowboy hat studded in diamonds...wearing barely any clothes to sing filthy lyrics, don't make you country. 
All hat, no cattle, as the saying goes...

Well, just because you're from California, don't make you a surfer...
Just because you're from Maine, doesn't make you a lobster expert...
Just because you're from Memphis doesn't mean you can sing the blues correctly...

Another from the album...NOT COUNTRY...

Title: Re: Well, now don't that beat all...Beyonce' country?
Post by: D2D on 02 24, 24, 05:54:01:PM
Democrats hate all who succeed!