General Discussion (Anxiety Free Zone) => Music / Audio => Topic started by: Jason Frear on 05 22, 23, 08:57:13:PM

Title: Can music stimulate the mind enough to hear voices?
Post by: Jason Frear on 05 22, 23, 08:57:13:PM
I don't want to place any blame on a muse that writes such thought provoking music, but could stimulating the mind too much with not only lyrics but also frequency and chord combinations cause me to hear voices? I seems silly to point my finger at the man who wrote the theme song for Scooby Doo, but since I've been purchasing every album and listing to every song I can find By Matthew Sweet and listening on Youtube I hear voices are endlessly saying conflicting things. Only taking high doses of sedatives seems to calm me down with a large amount of good liquor.

Anyone else hear voices after listening to music, or is this a highly unusual effect?


Title: Re: Can music stimulate the mind enough to hear voices?
Post by: Jason Frear on 10 05, 23, 01:15:49:PM
I'll answer my own question. Yes, but I may have been at my limit. A straw broke the camel's back theory.

Anyhow, is this the Moody's or not on Youtube. I never heard of albums named Children of the Ever Guiding Light and The Promise. It says its
"An attempt to construct a mid-70s Moodies LP, complete with Tony Clarke style cross fades. To be clear, this is all in fun. I'm just pretending this is a mid-70s Moodies LP. Not a big fan of the solo releases as whole albums, so this is a fun way to listen to the tracks I like. If you like it too, that's great!"

Children of the Ever Guiding Light

The Promise