All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Jw2 on 11 25, 21, 08:16:43:PM

Title: 702 Insurrectionist Have Been Charged in January 6th Terrorism
Post by: Jw2 on 11 25, 21, 08:16:43:PM
A man who was accused of discharging bear spray at law-enforcement officers during the Capitol riot was arrested by the FBI after he enlisted in the Air Force

Aiden Henry Bilyard, 19, was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on Monday on multiple charges in connection with the Capitol insurrection.

Bilyard, a resident of Cary, North Carolina, made his initial appearance in the US District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina later that same day, the Department of Justice said.

Bilyard was arrested on multiple criminal charges, including aiding and abetting civil disorder, destroying government property, and assaulting law enforcement with a dangerous weapon, a criminal complaint said.

Bilyard, dubbed by investigators as #HarvardSweats because of the sweatshirt he wore on January 6, was among the accused rioters in the Lower West Terrace of the Capitol when he discharged a chemical irritant believed to have been bear spray to incapacitate law-enforcement officers, court documents said.

Title: Re: 702 Insurrectionist Have Been Charged in January 6th Terrorism
Post by: lakitss on 11 25, 21, 08:25:24:PM
Gosh I'm sure that you wish they all get the death penalty for this "mostly peaceful protest" while our cities are essentially destroyed be REAL anarchists, looters, rioters, and those who attack police and burn their cars and accost innocent civilians in the name of your perverted social justice.

Try and stop rubbing yourself ok?

Title: Re: 702 Insurrectionist Have Been Charged in January 6th Terrorism
Post by: Local5th on 11 25, 21, 11:54:36:PM
702 have been charged. That's true. But none were charged for insurrection or terrorism.

Title: Re: 702 Insurrectionist Have Been Charged in January 6th Terrorism
Post by: chuck_curtis on 11 26, 21, 01:19:53:AM

Title: Re: 702 Insurrectionist Have Been Charged in January 6th Terrorism
Post by: Jw2 on 11 26, 21, 02:32:53:AM
Death?  OK, if you insist.

Then again, you didn't get hit with bear spray, did ya?

Title: Re: 702 Insurrectionist Have Been Charged in January 6th Terrorism
Post by: dont-blameme on 11 26, 21, 06:58:49:AM
That's true jerkwad2 he didn't get hit with bear spray or stupid either you should learn to duck.

Title: Re: 702 Insurrectionist Have Been Charged in January 6th Terrorism
Post by: Jw2 on 11 26, 21, 08:35:07:AM
blame-yourself for your blatant stupidity.

Florida Man Playing Judas Accused in Jan. 6 Capitol Riot (

A Broadway actor currently playing Judas in a traveling production of "Jesus Christ Superstar" was arrested Tuesday on charges related to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, authorities said.

Title: Re: 702 Insurrectionist Have Been Charged in January 6th Terrorism
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 11 26, 21, 11:05:18:AM


Title: Re: 702 Insurrectionist Have Been Charged in January 6th Terrorism
Post by: zsq987 on 11 26, 21, 02:40:54:PM

Title: Re: 702 Insurrectionist Have Been Charged in January 6th Terrorism
Post by: Truman62 on 11 26, 21, 03:40:18:PM

Title: Re: 702 Insurrectionist Have Been Charged in January 6th Terrorism
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 11 28, 21, 12:54:44:AM

Title: Re: 702 Insurrectionist Have Been Charged in January 6th Terrorism
Post by: dont-blameme on 11 28, 21, 08:03:06:AM
jerkwad2 be one them ghetto raised school drop outs.

Title: Re: 702 Insurrectionist Have Been Charged in January 6th Terrorism
Post by: Jw2 on 11 28, 21, 08:32:27:AM
blame-yourself for not have the balls to do Fuhrer Trump's bidding.



Title: Re: 702 Insurrectionist Have Been Charged in January 6th Terrorism
Post by: zsq987 on 11 28, 21, 02:32:29:PM
JIZZ-WANKER2 (;u=157)

Sr. Fake Catholic
Posts: TOO MANY!

Re: 702 Insurrectionist Have Been Charged in January 6th Terrorism (« Reply #12 on: Today at 09:32:27 AM »( (;topic=306942.12;num_replies=12)

blame-yourself for not have the balls to do Fuhrer Trump's bidding.

What language is this supposed to be?

"Blame yourself for not having the balls to refuse to do Fuhrer Trump's bidding."

There! Now it's in correct English.

Title: Re: 702 Insurrectionist Have Been Charged in January 6th Terrorism
Post by: Dan on 11 28, 21, 02:36:23:PM
Biden has sent out a clear message- conservatives are not welcome in the military.  Purging patriots out of the military began during the Obama regime.

Title: Re: 702 Insurrectionist Have Been Charged in January 6th Terrorism
Post by: chuck_curtis on 11 28, 21, 02:56:22:PM
That's a lot more charged for one day than have been charged for criminal acts during the continuous rioting in commie cities put together.