Technology => PC problems => Topic started by: takncarabizniz on 10 26, 18, 12:13:51:PM

Title: Using chrome, how to open additional tabs
Post by: takncarabizniz on 10 26, 18, 12:13:51:PM
Now that I have this "new" computer, complete with the dreaded Windows 10, I'm trying to figure out why Chrome won't open 2nd and 3rd internet tabs to Google, the way it used to.  Google search was the primary, and my "most frequent" visited sites were underneath (and of course, I could close them at any time).  Now, the first time I opened a 2nd tab, it was a blank page.  I tried to reset my 'homepage" under tabs and it changed my actual opening homepage. 

So, anyway, I have a homepage I use as my opener, that opens fine, and I like Google when I open extra tabs because I am generally searching for something...the blank page or page full of previously used sites, bothers the crap out of me. 

Any idea how to change it? 

Title: Re: Using chrome, how to open additional tabs
Post by: chuck_curtis on 10 26, 18, 12:53:19:PM
In the upper right corner of Chrome, find three dots arranged vertically and click on them.  In the drop-down menu that subsequently appears, select "Settings".    Under "Appearance" check "Enter custom web address", then enter the web address you want new tabs to open to.   

Title: Re: Using chrome, how to open additional tabs
Post by: takncarabizniz on 10 27, 18, 04:22:37:AM
Yeah, I did that.  So my home page is correct, but if I try to open a 2nd tab, it comes up blank or with those little history boxes.