All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Truman62 on 10 21, 18, 01:34:33:PM

Title: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: Truman62 on 10 21, 18, 01:34:33:PM
Sec of State Kemp is running for Governor and has done his best to disenfranchise
as many minorities as he can!

Now Frump has praised him for his vote suppressing efforts...

“Dishonesty, incompetence and voter suppression have no place in the secretary of state’s office, and Brian Kemp should
resign immediately so that Georgians can be confident the election will be administered in a fair and competent manner.”

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: D2D on 10 21, 18, 04:20:00:PM
Davik is desperate to keep the dead voting!

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: dont-blameme on 10 21, 18, 05:47:05:PM
Never fails every election the same claim minorities are being disenfranchise poor things!

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: Truman62 on 10 21, 18, 10:12:50:PM
No, only when it is true.

You Repocons like to cheat a lot.

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: D2D on 10 22, 18, 01:13:22:AM
Provide proof, Davik!

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: 1965hawks on 10 22, 18, 04:36:24:AM
Re: Brian Kemp, and voter suppression

"Brian Kemp, the secretary of state, oversaw the purging of a growing number of voters ahead of his own run for governor, according to an APM report investigation."

Lawsuits have also charged that Kemp blocked the registration of 50,000 would-be voters, 80% of the black, Latino, and Asian, because of minor discrepancies in the spellings or spacing of their name.

"Brian kemp abused his powers of Secretary of State to purge the voting rolls of primarily black and brown people."
____ Joe Beasley, Atlanta civil rights activist

As Election Day nears, Georgia residents fear that voter purges and delayed registrations will hurt black voters.

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: D2D on 10 22, 18, 04:58:46:AM
Why do you want voting rights for the dead and non-residents?

What is wrong with purging voter roles of the dead and non-residents?

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: 1965hawks on 10 23, 18, 05:38:10:AM

Stop turning a blind eye to what Brian Kemp actually did! Stop ignoring the facts! Stop denying kemp's ulterior motive! Under the pretext of, as you say, "purging voter roles[sic] of the dead and non-residents," what Kemp actually did was to abuse his powers of Secretary of State to disenfranchise those who would most likely vote against him in Georgia's up-coming gubernatorial election.

You accused wmdn-bs of cheering the people being stripped of their rights. Well, truth is, that's exactly what you're dong here.

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: D2D on 10 23, 18, 05:21:17:PM
Why do you want voting rights for the dead and non-residents?

What is wrong with purging voter roles of the dead and non-residents?

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: Truman62 on 10 23, 18, 06:49:11:PM

Brian Kemp, Georgia Secretary of State and the Republican nominee for Georgia governor, expressed at a ticketed campaign event
that his Democratic opponent Stacey Abrams’ voter turnout operation “continues to concern us, especially if everybody uses and
exercises their right to vote,” according to audio obtained by Rolling Stone.

An attendee of the “Georgia Professionals for Kemp” event says they recorded 21 minutes and 12 seconds of the evening, held last
Friday at the Blind Pig Parlour Bar near Atlanta’s Buckhead neighborhood. As proof of their attendance, the source shared with Rolling
Stone a receipt of their donation, which granted access to the gathering.

Not long after Kemp began his remarks, the candidate expressed worry about early voting and “the literally tens of millions of dollars
that they (the Abrams camp) are putting behind the get-out-the-vote effort to their base.”

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: Jim on 10 23, 18, 07:17:34:PM
Never fails every election the same claim minorities are being disenfranchise poor things!
They wait just before election to claim voters would be disenfranchised if needing to supply ID.
They never mention that they had up to 4 years to get that ID out to everyone. Do they. We've been demanding ID for the past 20 years. Which shows just how inept the Left is. Either that or they actually don't want ID because it will ruin voting by Illegals. Hows that for painting themselves into a Liars corner?

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 10 23, 18, 07:18:14:PM
Govt Photo ID's are FREE and readily available.

Just get you lazy butt up and GO GET ONE and STFU about "disenfranchisement"!!!!!!!

There are zillions of things a Normal Person NEEDS to live life in modern society!!!  HOW does ANYONE NOT have a Photo ID in 2018? ? ? ?

WHY would ANYONE think they can VOTE without POSITIVELY ID'ing themselves? ? ? ? ? ? ?

It's asinine!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 10 23, 18, 07:39:45:PM
Anyone that says Blacks are unable to vote because they cannot get a Photo ID is saying that they are ignorant lazy Negroes who
   cannot live in Normal Society as Normal People. Too dumb to get what EVERYONE ELSE has to navigate in the Real World.

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: Truman62 on 10 23, 18, 08:42:09:PM
GOPpers can't win without cheating.

GOPpers will lose in a fair fight.

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: D2D on 10 23, 18, 10:08:40:PM
Democrats in their racist zeal continue to insist minorities are too stupid to get IDs!

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: bluespower on 10 24, 18, 09:56:30:PM
at least
if some folks can't figure out how to get a valid id
they can't figure out how to vote

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: ttopcat on 10 24, 18, 10:04:13:PM
You're about a 150 years late on the Jim Crow Laws

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: 1965hawks on 11 01, 18, 02:18:48:PM
To: wwv10mhzsq987, dvd2d, blues power, dvd2d, and jim

Re: replies #10, #11, #12, #14 and #15

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: 1965hawks on 11 01, 18, 02:36:26:PM
"Never fails every election the same claim minorities are being disenfranchise!" [sic]--dont-blameme


There's ample evidence to support that claim.

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: Jw2 on 11 01, 18, 02:49:07:PM
Out of 80,000,000 votes in the last election, only 35 instances of voter fraud were uncovered.

A conservative SCOTUS scrapped the Voters Rights Law, which had huge bi-partisian support, which unleashed a series of Jim Crow-like efforts from conservative Republicans, who are incapable of appealing to the minority vote, without angering their racist supporters.

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: 1965hawks on 11 01, 18, 03:17:53:PM
To: dvd2d

Re: replies #1, #6, and #8

Your logical fallacy: repeated assertion (also known as argumentum ad nauseam, argument from nagging, proof by assertion)

You've repeated the same insinuation over and over again without ever presenting evidence to support that assertion.

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: D2D on 11 02, 18, 02:12:25:PM
Democrats in their racist zeal continue to insist minorities are too stupid to get IDs!

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: Jw2 on 11 02, 18, 02:15:33:PM
d, you are a pathetic racist, just looking for an excuse to spew your ignorance.   (

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: Truman62 on 11 02, 18, 05:08:45:PM
DvD's ignorance is inbred from its brother/sister parents to its home schooling...

When asked to prove dead people vote, we get nothing, or one or two stories about one or two dead votes.
When asked to prove non-residents vote, we get nothing, or one or two stories about one or two irregular votes.

We NEVER have anything concrete about masses of dead or non-citizens voting, because THAT is what it would take
to influence the outcome of an election.

Repocons allow their guys to do whatever they want if they win by even a small margin, but scream to the high
heavens if a Democrat wins by a small margin.  Of course they consider any Democrat win to be fraudulent.

Repocons are the original sore losers.

Title: Re: Georgia in the Midst of Kemp Crow Laws
Post by: D2D on 11 03, 18, 04:38:25:AM
Democrats in their racist zeal continue to insist minorities are too stupid to get IDs!