Title: Happy Birthday John Travolta Post by: sunshine on 02 18, 17, 05:06:14:AM 1954 John Travolta American actor. Film: Saturday Night Fever (1977), Grease (1978), Urban Cowboy (1980), and Pulp Fiction (1994). TV: Welcome Back, Kotter (Vinnie Barbar
There is only one movie he made I did not care for and that was a science fiction movie that for some reason I can not remember. Barbarian??? Starts with a B. LOL Title: Re: Happy Birthday John Travolta Post by: pacifica on 02 18, 17, 06:09:14:AM Will have to try to think of the movie teehee
Your John lookin' good at the Grammys!! : D (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/richedit/upload/2k02b655876a.jpg) Title: Re: Happy Birthday John Travolta Post by: bluespower on 02 18, 17, 09:32:01:PM a scientologist with a hidden sexuality (bi/gay?)
not that there is anything wrong with that except the scientologist part. Title: Re: Happy Birthday John Travolta Post by: pacifica on 02 19, 17, 07:14:20:AM Ooh is he a Scientologist? I think like Tom Cruise. That Leah Remini will give the smack down.
Title: Re: Happy Birthday John Travolta Post by: emilyB on 02 19, 17, 08:07:33:PM We were celebrating an anniversary at a nice restaurant in Malibu when we lived in California and there was John Travolta sitting two tables over. I was really thrilled and tried not to keep staring. I liked him in Wild Hogs - that was fun.
Title: Re: Happy Birthday John Travolta Post by: duke_john on 02 19, 17, 08:09:14:PM That was a really funny movie.