General Discussion (Anxiety Free Zone) => TV / Movies => Topic started by: sunshine on 08 14, 10, 02:49:10:PM

Title: Who said this?
Post by: sunshine on 08 14, 10, 02:49:10:PM
  • “Do you feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?"

Title: Re: Who said this?
Post by: emilyB on 08 14, 10, 08:30:37:PM
Dirty Harry.........aka Clint Eastwood   (I think)

Title: Re: Who said this?
Post by: n1te-stalker on 08 15, 10, 12:29:46:AM
Your right Emily, but what was the name of the movie?

Title: Re: Who said this?
Post by: emilyB on 08 15, 10, 02:04:20:AM
Dirty Harry!

Title: Re: Who said this?
Post by: sunshine on 08 15, 10, 09:48:18:AM