Technology => PC problems => Topic started by: KensanIV on 12 25, 14, 04:34:27:AM

Title: Emoticans
Post by: KensanIV on 12 25, 14, 04:34:27:AM
I cannot get any of these emoticons (if that is their name) to post.  first off, I have to put my cursor up there and drag them into the message and then it gives me all of the instructions.. or whatever and no emoticon.

such as:  <img title="Roll Eyes" style="cursor: pointer;" onmousedown="if(editor_type==1){WriteHTML('(<img title="Tongue" style="cursor: pointer;" onmousedown="if(editor_type==1){WriteHTML('(<img title="police" style="cursor: pointer;" onmousedown="if(editor_type==1){WriteHTML('(<img title="HatsOff2" style="cursor: pointer;" onmousedown="if(editor_type==1){WriteHTML('(<img title="Kiss" style="cursor: pointer;" onmousedown="if(editor_type==1){WriteHTML('(

To say the least they lose their appeal if you have 3 inches of instructions (in computerese) and still don't get the image.

Any idea of how to solve this>?