General Discussion (Anxiety Free Zone) => TV / Movies => Topic started by: emilyB on 11 11, 14, 01:03:00:AM

Title: DWTS - I don't believe this
Post by: emilyB on 11 11, 14, 01:03:00:AM
Tonight Tommy Chong was safe!  He just sits there and lets his partner dance around him.  He is now in the semi-finals.  I just don't get it.   

Title: Re: DWTS - I don't believe this
Post by: pacifica on 11 11, 14, 01:21:47:AM
I commented in the other thread........yes fan base is key..........and the bongers were not gonging afterall but voting.

All the trios in 2nd half were hot! (and duck daughter's sweet) Even Len said he would take chong airlines back to London lol. But yes more of a comedy routine.

Now that Lea is gone........and Chong HASSSSS to go next week.....then down to the wire. Wow can you imagine if Chong has such a fan base, more of the great dancers will go?

Title: Re: DWTS - I don't believe this
Post by: pacifica on 11 11, 14, 10:14:58:AM
The judges reactions were hillllarious!!

week 1

Title: Re: DWTS - I don't believe this
Post by: emilyB on 11 11, 14, 01:19:41:PM
I know it was funny but the show is not about actual dancing talent anymore.  There is still the matter of having a judge whose close sibling is competing and usually wins everything anyway!  Certainly Chong's show was more about comedy and the assets of Peta and the other Aussie, Sharna.

Title: Re: DWTS - I don't believe this
Post by: pacifica on 11 11, 14, 01:50:47:PM
Oh you're speaking my language, Emily, don't get me started! lol. I gave up on 'the best dancers should win' a few years back . Plus judges scores only count for 1/2  /rest are fan votes... something like that. Been disappointed too many times seeing such great talent get the boot and bafoons remaining.

Or they put on what can be considered professional dancers and they beat out the hard working novice who really puts their heart and soul into it only to be sent home. Actually they all with a few exceptions give it their all and some who were considered somewhat professional dancers such as....Jennifer Gray was it......she hadn't danced in 20 + plus years.

A few times especially this year I said I wouldn't watch when they added sister judge --yes, judging her brother, how about that dynasty...

and brother who dissed guest judge even tho he had a good point but wasn't the time nor place--- but have since softened back with Derrik again...he's sooo good and fun to watch.

I haven't watched all the seasons
and some years stuck to my guns about not watching or was too busy and didn't have the dvr recorder yet.

Title: Re: DWTS - I don't believe this
Post by: pacifica on 11 11, 14, 02:43:04:PM
I'm just SO glad Max won last year......after 10 grueling years or something like that, he was more than deserving and with such a fantastic partner...who I do believe he fell in love with! I did hear some flak about her being considered a professional because of her ice dancing but I didn't care, Max deserved her plus ice and floor apparently are quite different. And with all these seasons dwts has, it's harder and harder to keep up the ratings and they are in constant need of big names plus balance with bygone or upcoming stars to keep viewership up. And now this year to youtube stars....

For this season -- once that guy who the judges were mean to, who put his all into it and was doing a good job, told how he and his late Dad would watch the show together until his Father's last days........once he got the boot I washed my hands about caring about this crummy show lol. And Antonio leaving that was a disappointment. If Alfonso goes home I will have a fit but don't think he will, too much talent and too many love him.

Title: Re: DWTS - I don't believe this
Post by: pacifica on 11 11, 14, 02:55:28:PM
: ` ] ..hardly a dry eye

Title: Re: DWTS - I don't believe this
Post by: pacifica on 11 11, 14, 03:04:27:PM

Title: Re: DWTS - I don't believe this
Post by: emilyB on 11 11, 14, 07:33:53:PM
Yes - agree, agree  - Max and Meryl were magic and the best duo ever.  Max didn't leave the show without winning it all - I'm so glad and now little brother, Val might win this time, except I still think Alfonso and Whitney have it all and their trio with Whitney was wonderful.

Pacifica you know your stuff (

Title: Re: DWTS - I don't believe this
Post by: takncarabizniz on 11 13, 14, 12:58:57:PM
The car was bangin' tho...LOL

This is probably the most Dancing with the Stars I've ever seen...LOL

Title: Re: DWTS - I don't believe this
Post by: pacifica on 11 14, 14, 08:21:32:AM
LOL too cute, another to join us in doing the carlton , the duck w/dad,gramp appearance
and yeah that Cheech ride lol carlton long

Title: Maks takes Meryl to the Moon & Stars
Post by: pacifica on 11 14, 14, 12:14:24:PM
Maks in absolute heaven, in interviews said he didn't know what he had
done right to deserve this -- the dances wonder if they are still keeping in touch

Title: Re: DWTS - I don't believe this
Post by: emilyB on 11 15, 14, 03:04:17:PM
It would make us happy if they had stayed together, Pacifica.  They were perfect together.  I don't think they did after the last season.  Maks was seen dating a few gals after that - Peta for one and also Jennifer Lopez, which must have lasted all of a New York minute.  If you hear anything different let me know.