Title: MANY HAPPY RETURNS Post by: emilyB on 06 08, 10, 08:52:36:PM MANY HAPPY RETURNS to Joan Rivers who is stated to be 75, 76 or 77 today although I think that Mother Nature has had quite a bit of assistance and they may have the numbers wrong! (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/richedit/smileys/YahooIM/4.gif)
(http://www.backstage.com/bso/photos/stylus/141193-JoanRiversphoto_large.jpg) Title: Re: MANY HAPPY RETURNS Post by: n1te-stalker on 06 09, 10, 01:44:54:AM She is 77, she was on the View today and was very funny (http://www.aesopsretreat.com/forum/Smileys/classic/laugh.gif)
Title: Re: MANY HAPPY RETURNS Post by: Jim on 06 14, 10, 03:06:02:AM Is it just me, or does it look as though she is sad in that photo as she peers out the back seat of her limo at the private life she gave up for fame and fortune? Title: Re: MANY HAPPY RETURNS Post by: takncarabizniz on 06 14, 10, 03:14:16:PM I think she's being reflective jim...yeah, that's it...reflective...
Or, her face is simply frozen in that expression from all the surgery and botox... |