All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Truman62 on 11 18, 12, 10:28:08:PM

Title: Boehner is a TRAITOR to His Cause
Post by: Truman62 on 11 18, 12, 10:28:08:PM
How else can you explain "constructive" talks with Pres Obama?
No one should have "constructive" talks when they want their way or the highway.
We need a REAL Tea Partier in there to tell Obama to stuff it, and let us go OVER the falls into oblivion.
America needs a kick in the pants, and going over the fascal cliff will do that.
Besides Repocons are NOT happy until America is suffering.
Alos, they can then blame it ALL on Obama, right?  (

Title: Re: Boehner is a TRAITOR to His Cause
Post by: Truman62 on 11 18, 12, 10:28:46:PM (
Here is article.

Title: Re: Boehner is a TRAITOR to His Cause
Post by: dont-blameme on 11 18, 12, 10:38:52:PM
Boehner has had quite a few phone calls since nov 6 2012,and i'm sure they were all with the same message.Dont back down or give one inch.

Title: Re: Boehner is a TRAITOR to His Cause
Post by: dont-blameme on 11 18, 12, 10:40:52:PM
I for one would much rather see the country collapse then to give obama and the democrats one more dime to spend.

Title: Re: Boehner is a TRAITOR to His Cause
Post by: willam on 11 18, 12, 10:44:02:PM
Davik - what is Boehner's cause? What is Reid's for Pete's sake. Asleep at the wheel Harry Reid.

If all along Boehner has been openly fiscally conservative - that is a good thing. Believe you and me - that is a good thing.

Inept CEO Obama needs to move to the middle, after all. Not just (empty) promise to do so.

Davik, you didn't vote to rehire CEO Obama to head this company of ours, called the United States - because he was doing such a bang up great job as a fiscal anything - right? Right.... so did you expect Nancy and Harry would be the only invitees to the party?

Time's up for Obama pretending the JOB of CEO of this nation - is not on his shoulders completely- to fix. Doing that- repairing the broken infrastructure which is out federal government - requires the HELP of others far beyond rabid attack dog dems. That's for sure. And certain.  And everyone and their mother knows inviting Tim Geithner to engage in any serious economic talk from here on out is akin to this country remaining on overspending, misappropriated addictive crack.

Title: Re: Boehner is a TRAITOR to His Cause
Post by: Oz on 11 18, 12, 10:51:57:PM
    Boehner got his bluff called.
Republicans, led by House Speaker John Boehner, want to scare Americans into accepting yet another extension of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 2% and deep cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. So they've created a "fiscal cliff" boogeyman.
Unfortunately, if you're following the media story, you may believe Republican claims that the world's about to end. But the only thing going off a cliff on December 31 is the ability of Republicans to hold our economy hostage for the sake of the rich (read below to find out why!).
  • The "Fiscal Cliff" Is A Myth. As Paul Krugman put it, "The looming prospect of spending cuts and tax increases isn't a fiscal crisis. It is, instead, a political crisis brought on by the G.O.P.'s attempt to take the economy hostage."1 Republicans are manufacturing this crisis to pressure Democrats to extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy and accept painful cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

  • The Bush Tax Cuts Finally End December 31. If Congress does nothing, the ax will fall on all the Bush tax cuts on New Year's Eve.2 Then, on January 1, the public pressure on John Boehner and House Republicans to extend the middle-class tax cuts (already passed by the Senate and waiting to be signed by President Obama) will become irresistible.3 So the middle-class tax cut will eventually get renewed, and we'll have $823 billion more revenue from the top 2% to do great things with.4

  • The Sequester. The sequester is another political creation, forced on Democrats by Republicans in exchange for lifting the debt ceiling last year to avoid crashing our economy.5 It's a set of cuts (50% to a bloated military budget and 50% to important domestic programs) designed to make both Republicans and Democrats hate it so much that they'd never let it happen.6 And the cuts can be reversed weeks or months into 2013 without causing damage.7

  • The Big Three. Nothing happens to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits on January 1—unless Republicans force painful cuts to beneficiaries in exchange for tax increases on the wealthy, which are going to happen anyway if Congress does NOTHING.8 So, there's literally no reason benefits cuts should be part of the discussion right now.

  • We Should Be Talking About Jobs. The real crisis Americans want Congress to fix is getting people back to work. And with just a fraction of that $823 billion from the wealthiest 2%, we could create jobs for more than 20,000 veterans and pay for the 300,000 teachers and 52,000 first responders, which our communities so desperately need.9 That's not to mention jobs from investing in clean energy and our national infrastructure.

Title: Re: Boehner is a TRAITOR to His Cause
Post by: Neckbone72 on 11 18, 12, 10:53:07:PM
Ahhhh ANOTHER great psuedo patriot makes his case.

Title: Re: Boehner is a TRAITOR to His Cause
Post by: dont-blameme on 11 18, 12, 10:59:49:PM
I for one would much rather see the country collapse then to give obama and the democrats one more dime to spend.
Fix the damn spending,stop the damn waste,change the tax codes,for a good start.

Title: Re: Boehner is a TRAITOR to His Cause
Post by: Dardmex on 11 18, 12, 11:01:12:PM
davik62 & Oz --- I hate Speaker of the House John Boehner almost as much as I hate Hitler Bush!
Neckbone72 --- I hate pretty much anyone who labels honest union workers as "thugs." ( ................. (

Title: Re: Boehner is a TRAITOR to His Cause
Post by: Baretta19 on 11 18, 12, 11:14:59:PM
No one should have "constructive" talks when they want their way or the highway.

Psst Hey Davik are you including Harry Reid? Since Obama won old Harry has grown a set of balls, he nows says NO NEGOTIATING ON ENTITLMENTS..Maybe you should pull your head out of the party's ass, get up off your prayer rug and pay attention.
Secondly- Obama wants more revenue and Boehner/GOP have offered a way to generate more revenue without raising taxes, Oh but Heir Obama wants it his way or the highway, Obama demands higher taxes for the wealthy as the only solution. nothing more than another tick on class warfare for Heir Obama.
Now grab your prayer rug and run along it's time for your 5th worship of the day!

Title: Re: Boehner is a TRAITOR to His Cause
Post by: Baretta19 on 11 18, 12, 11:17:05:PM
This is not about the Bush tax cuts, this is about generating more revenue for you Obama dependants, The GOP has offered an alternative to generate revenue without raising taxes

Title: Re: Boehner is a TRAITOR to His Cause
Post by: Oz on 11 18, 12, 11:18:12:PM
Blamey:  I for one would much rather see the country collapse
Yes, we know.  Sad.   (

Baretta:  The GOP has offered an alternative to generate revenue without raising taxes

No.  No they haven't.

Title: Re: Boehner is a TRAITOR to His Cause
Post by: Dardmex on 11 18, 12, 11:21:51:PM
Oz --- The only one who can keep this country from collapsing is President Obama!  And he'll do it with modern Marxist-socialist economics, such as worked in Cuba! ( ................. (

Title: Re: Boehner is a TRAITOR to His Cause
Post by: Byteryder on 11 18, 12, 11:22:18:PM
The current situation is the result of a bastard deal cut between Dems and Reps strictly for kicking the can down the road past the election Date.
Both parties deserve the blame for this fiasco.

Title: Re: Boehner is a TRAITOR to His Cause
Post by: Oz on 11 18, 12, 11:43:29:PM
The current situation is the result of a bastard deal cut between Dems and Reps strictly for kicking the can down the road past the election Date.

Republicans painted themselves in a corner, as I said a year ago.
They were soooooooo damn cocksure they would win the election....

Title: Re: Boehner is a TRAITOR to His Cause
Post by: willam on 11 19, 12, 04:43:41:PM
Boys and girls, Boehner sits down in OUR White House - and you all presume Boehner's butt is getting whipped? How so. After all - four years into Obama's seizing posession of OUR White House this past week is the first week the people have witnessed Obama seriously invite Mr. Boehner in - and the first time Americans envision Mr. Obama might have seriously listened to him. 

What exactly are you progressive extremists so afraid of - in regard to that simple tipping back of home brews between Boehner and Obama last week? Hmmmm - perhaps Obama will have more than one "brew" and actually AGREE to embrace Boehner's fiscal conservatism?

Crazier things have happened - under previous presidents. It's a thinker, people. Obama knows he has to do more than RELY on overspending fiscally RECKLESS misappropriating progressives like Pelosi, Wasserman Schulz, Reid, Biden to stop his out of control federal government from full on TANKING.

Soooo what's a fiscally tanked president like Obama - to do. Post re-election campaign? Seriously.

Title: Re: Boehner is a TRAITOR to His Cause
Post by: chuck_curtis on 11 19, 12, 04:48:51:PM
Boehner is quite faithful to his cause, keeping the Establishment puppet masters happy while ignoring the grassroots, Tea Party movement.   We'll replace him, sooner or later.   The fiscal cliff is here; it's way past time to face it like men and jump down it.   It will be jumped, and the sooner the easier.

Title: Re: Boehner is a TRAITOR to His Cause
Post by: willam on 11 19, 12, 05:12:39:PM
So which "cause" has been more punitive to the bottom line fiscal state of our nation.

Tea party members? - who are actually MEMBERS OF BOTH PARTIES, not just the "party" of Boehner.

Or extremist progressives - who count Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Biden, Wasserman Schulz in their ranks - but they don't want to have a damned thing to do with any member of the other party - ever. Except maybe Paul Ryan - but then when they sit down and work with him they only abuse that fact and use it against him in the 2012 general election. 

Hmmm - I find it comforting to note that one "cause" has the distinction of belonging to both the Dem as well as the GOP parties.

I wonder why it is - progressives on here - aren't checking out the Tea Party - and imagining themselves "belonging" to their ranks, too.

After all - it's all about guaranteeing that our U.S. Constitution is honored. And upheld. And our nation is not left bankrupt by pirates and pillagers, right? So that the future needs of Americans - are indeed protected. And ensured. Not just lied about by the polarized extremist progressive party that invites no one else to JOIN THEM - but their "own". And then they close their doors, lock their ranks - and refuse to sit down and SERIOUSLY talk with anyone else. In fact - all others are dismissed. For four years running - now. And on and on... right dems?

Regrettable. Really. Dems.