All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: D2D on 02 08, 19, 02:41:57:AM

Title: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: D2D on 02 08, 19, 02:41:57:AM
Back in 2017, then-ESPN personality Jemele Hill labeled President Trump a “white supremacist.”
She was suspended by the sports network before eventually parting ways.

During Tuesday night’s State of the Union address, Hill seemed to fantasize about Trump being assassinated (

Responding to a Twitter user who wrote, “please let @AOC yell out, ‘whose mans is this,’” Hill wrote in the now-deleted tweet, “Nah, she gotta hell: GETCHO HAND OUT MY POCKET.”

Hill was referencing the commotion before the murder of Malcolm X. As noted ( by The Federalist, “The phrase ‘Get your hand outta my pocket!’ was the same one yelled in the Manhattan Audubon Ballroom in 1965 as a distraction before the murder of Malcolm X. As the room tried to quell the commotion, another man rushed forward and shot Malcolm X in the chest.”

She has since deleted the tweet.

Democrats are the assassination party!

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: justincase on 02 08, 19, 02:50:42:AM
( (

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: D2D on 02 08, 19, 03:15:38:AM
Back in 2017, then-ESPN personality Jemele Hill labeled President Trump a “white supremacist.”
She was suspended by the sports network before eventually parting ways.

During Tuesday night’s State of the Union address, Hill seemed to fantasize about Trump being assassinated (

Responding to a Twitter user who wrote, “please let @AOC yell out, ‘whose mans is this,’” Hill wrote in the now-deleted tweet, “Nah, she gotta hell: GETCHO HAND OUT MY POCKET.”

Hill was referencing the commotion before the murder of Malcolm X. As noted ( by The Federalist, “The phrase ‘Get your hand outta my pocket!’ was the same one yelled in the Manhattan Audubon Ballroom in 1965 as a distraction before the murder of Malcolm X. As the room tried to quell the commotion, another man rushed forward and shot Malcolm X in the chest.”

She has since deleted the tweet. (

Democrats are the assassination party!

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: 1965hawks on 02 08, 19, 03:48:02:AM

First of all. Democrats didn't assassinate Malcolm X. And, furthermore, the Democratic Party is not the "party of assassination," you lying, Republican, wacko!

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: D2D on 02 08, 19, 04:10:41:AM
Actually Democrats did assassinate Malcolm X!

Yes, the Democrat party endorses assassination when it benefits them!

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: 1965hawks on 02 08, 19, 04:42:46:AM

Not only are you the epitome of stupidity, you're also a master fabulist.

Where did you get the absurd notions that (1) Democrats assassinated el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz and (2) The Democratic Party endorses assassination ?

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: D2D on 02 08, 19, 05:49:21:AM
See above!

The Democrat party is the assassination party!

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: 1965hawks on 02 08, 19, 06:36:11:AM

See above? There's nothing up there to support your bald-faced lies that would have the reader believe that Democrats assassinated el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz and that the Democratic Party endorses assignation. Sit down and shut the fuck up, you lying Republican ass clown!

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: D2D on 02 08, 19, 06:57:45:AM
Now 1965hawks thinks Malcom X's assassins were Republicans!

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: 1965hawks on 02 08, 19, 07:30:54:AM
Republican d2dvd!,

There you go again, you lying Republican! I called you a bald-faced liar for making the preposterous claim that Democrats assassinated el=Hajj Malik el-Shabazz; however, I never blamed Republicans for the assassination. No, that's what you did, you lying little bitch! That's what you always do in this forum: you create a preposterous lie and then argue as if it was actually your opponent who told that lie. Evidently, you must believe your lies go unnoticed.  Evidently, you must believe everyone else reading this thread is as stupid as you are!

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: D2D on 02 08, 19, 08:09:25:AM
There are only two choices you deny Democrats were responsible so that means you are claiming Republicans are!

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: 1965hawks on 02 08, 19, 08:50:32:AM
Republican d2dvd!: There are only two choices blah blah blah blah blah blah....


Here are two choices for your lying Republican  ass:

1. Prove Democrats assassinated el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz!

2. Prove the Democratic Party is the party of assassins!

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: D2D on 02 08, 19, 08:51:18:AM
Reason once again defeats Democrat lies!

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: Oscar_LaVista on 02 08, 19, 08:54:59:AM
prove nixon did not have malcolm x killed!  if you cannot prove he did not, then he did, obviously.  and nixon was not a democrat!

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: Jw2 on 02 08, 19, 09:00:15:AM
vs. Cold Blooded Evil Republicons?


Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: D2D on 02 08, 19, 09:29:50:AM
Nothing Democrats have proposed would have prevented a single school shooting!

Gun control laws Democrats have passed have needlessly killed numerous law abiding Americans!

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: Oscar_LaVista on 02 08, 19, 09:32:16:AM
prove somebody with a gun has never killed anyone!

you hate white people!

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: 1965hawks on 02 08, 19, 03:49:07:PM
To: stupid Republican d2dvd!

Re: reply #13

Speaking of reasons, what's youe reason for not defending the statements you made that linked assassinations to Democrats?

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: D2D on 02 08, 19, 03:51:37:PM
Oscar and 1965hawks have become incoherent!

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: dont-blameme on 02 08, 19, 03:57:03:PM
Who in the hell is el=Hajj Malik el-Shabazz? That appears to be an arab name, but x was a red headed part white wasn't he? So that raises another question which parent was the white one?

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: Jw2 on 02 08, 19, 04:02:51:PM
blame-yourself for your perpetual ignorance.

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: dont-blameme on 02 08, 19, 04:05:27:PM
Next you lying asshole will be claiming x was african American.

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: 1965hawks on 02 08, 19, 04:21:14:PM
To: dont-knowjack (a.k.a dont-blameme)

Re: reply #20


Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: 1965hawks on 02 08, 19, 04:36:21:PM
To: stupid Republican d2dvd!

Re: reply #19

Stop attacking me and do the following:

Provide evidence that would prove your allegation that Democrats assassinated el-hajj Malik el-Shabazz?

Provide evidence that would prove your allegation that the Democratic Party endorses assassination. 

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: D2D on 02 08, 19, 04:42:34:PM
I haven't attacked you but you routinely attack me!

Prove a republican assassinated Malcolm X!

There are only two choices, if as you claim the assassination wasn't carried out by a Democrat there is only one alternative!

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: justincase on 02 08, 19, 05:00:20:PM
There are only two choices, if as you claim the assassination wasn't carried out by a Democrat there is only one alternative!

Nope! Another choice is he was assassinated by someone not affiliated with a political party. You obviously believe every single American is registered with a political party. Just more proof of how stupid you are and how deserving you are of this trophy...

( (

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: D2D on 02 09, 19, 05:02:27:AM

Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: 1965hawks on 04 15, 19, 04:44:07:AM
To: d2dvd!,

I don't have to prove a Republican assassinated el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz because I am not a pathological liar like you and your Dear Leader trump and never made that claim, and I shall not be forced into defending a claim I never made, especcialy by a bald-faced liar like you.

Oh and by the way, you never did provide evidence to support your ludicrous claims that the assassins were Republicans and that the Democratic Party is the "party of assassins."

Betcha thought I had forgotten. Isn't that right, d2dvd! ?


Title: Re: Another blood thirsty Democrat!
Post by: D2D on 04 15, 19, 09:12:38:PM
Yes, you do have to prove your claim he was murdered by a Republican!

Put up or shut up, coward!