All Boards => Moved Hot Topics => Topic started by: talli on 07 23, 12, 01:22:07:PM

Title: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet Porn
Post by: talli on 07 23, 12, 01:22:07:PM
Here is Mitt Romney on Video in His Own Words Swearing He Will Block Internet Porn -- not that this matters to me -- because I don't watch porn so blocking it wouldn't have any effect on my life -- but I feel that a lot of American males would object to the censorship, and he says it on at least 3 (three) different occasions:

]] ([/FLASH) (

]] ([/FLASH) (

]] ([/FLASH) (

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: takncarabizniz on 07 23, 12, 01:26:47:PM
Excuse me...he said he wants a "button" in which the CITIZEN can block all internet porn...
and why should taxpayers have to pay to allow perverts to have free access to porn in libraries?

Funny, how you attempted to twist what he said...oh wait, not funny, typical...

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: Dan on 07 23, 12, 01:29:19:PM
not that this matters to me -- because I don't watch porn so blocking it wouldn't have any effect on my life

Then why don't you defend the rich (like you defend porn) when Obama attacks THE rich?  It doesn't affect you, but you should still defend them, right?

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: takncarabizniz on 07 23, 12, 01:30:51:PM
Oh my...

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: Oz on 07 23, 12, 01:31:16:PM
He'll Block Internet Porn ?

Boy, that'd piss off the corporations who make billions off it...

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: takncarabizniz on 07 23, 12, 01:31:50:PM
It's truly unfortunate that talli-tubby doesn't understand just how much internet porn affects her...since her tax dollars support its free access in libraries...

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: dont-blameme on 07 23, 12, 01:32:16:PM
Dont confuse tallitubby/13 with tough questions,you know she picks and chooses.

Funny that she should bring porn up if it's of no intrest to her.HMMMMMMMMMMM.

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: Etc-ctE on 07 23, 12, 01:32:24:PM
"Porn Filters"  Sounds like "Buttons" to me.  I think you missed this one talli... (

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: Oz on 07 23, 12, 01:32:36:PM
Nanny-State Mitt:   You only get to see what I approve.

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: takncarabizniz on 07 23, 12, 01:34:02:PM
"Porn Filters"  Sounds like "Buttons" to me.  I think you missed this one talli... (
Precisely ETC...

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 07 23, 12, 01:34:28:PM
Record and save your porn before January, Talli...  You can always order it online...(

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: talli on 07 23, 12, 01:35:59:PM
Excuse me...he said he wants a "button" in which the CITIZEN can block all internet porn...

and why should taxpayers have to pay to allow perverts to have free access to porn in libraries?

Funny, how you attempted to twist what he said...oh wait, not funny, typical...

No, he only refers to the button on the first and 3rd videos which I posted, on the middle one he just says he'll see to it that it's blocked.

He also shows he has no concept to the real world in which there are already programs like Net Nanny which parents can already install to block porn from coming into their computers.

But please explain how a "button" to block porn from the computer would work -- unless it somehow directly called upon one of the blocking programs already in existence?

It shows for one thing who out of touch he is with the real world and trying desperately to hit "hot-buttons" with the voting public. 

Sounds good to him, but pretty meaningless to real people who know how things work!!

Exactly so, Oz -- people like Sheldon Adleson who make $Billions off porn and gambling in places like Macau!


Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: takncarabizniz on 07 23, 12, 01:36:58:PM
LOL @ talli-tubby and her perception of what Mitt said...

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 07 23, 12, 01:37:10:PM
Adam & Eve Adult Store - Shop Erotic Sex Toys and Adult Novelties (;_ylu=X3oDMTBybnZlZnRlBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkAw--/SIG=11bgig05d/EXP=1343093722/**http%3a//
Sex Toys, Vibrators, Dildos, Cock Rings, adult movies, and a variety of other adult products at the most well known name in the adult industry; Adam & Eve est. 1971. (

Hundreds of porn flicks all for you Talli...

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: garfield51 on 07 23, 12, 01:37:35:PM
I have used libraries pc and never seen anyone using them pcs for porn. Most libraries have them sites blocked. We do have a choice not to  go to them websites as most adultes do. More wing nut mind control !

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: keno on 07 23, 12, 01:39:00:PM
Boy, that'd piss off the corporations who make billions off it...

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: 1-Term-BHO on 07 23, 12, 01:39:49:PM
OZ (Obama-Zombie) must be flat broke and desperate!

Anybody/Anything that has money becomes an object of intense hatred!!

Hey, bOZo, get an education and a job and move out your Mom's basement and into the light.  We're starting to get worried that your desperation and depression
  might cause you to buy some guns and go "postal" against normal people.

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: Jim on 07 23, 12, 01:39:59:PM
Microsoft and Internet Security software such as McAfee, Norton, CA, et al  beat Mitt to it years ago by adding Parental Control features.
Internet Authorities beat Mitt to it as well by regulating Porn sites to have the .xxx extention instead of .com, and that other features are built into the website to help insure the viewer is over 18.

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: mudslinger on 07 23, 12, 01:40:28:PM

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: keno on 07 23, 12, 01:40:35:PM
Nanny-State Mitt:   You only get to see what I approve.

Damn, I thought you'd be happy, since you seem to think it's evil corporations who make billions off of online porn.

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 07 23, 12, 01:41:11:PM
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Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: keno on 07 23, 12, 01:41:55:PM
I have used libraries pc and never seen anyone using them pcs for porn.

Gorefeld, you illiterate fuck, you'd be lucky to find the off/on button on the computer.

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: 1-Term-BHO on 07 23, 12, 01:43:14:PM
Why would a middle-aged woman want to demonize a Christian man for wanting to control Internet Porn?  How does she even know about it?  Why would she care
 since she put sex out of her mind years ago (supposedly)?

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 07 23, 12, 01:43:27:PM

Just for Hooty...;_ylt=A0oG7qdCjA1QiiUAmeVXNyoA?p=gay%20porn&fr2=sb-top&hspart=att&hsimp=yhs-att_001&type=att_my_portal_home&type_param=att_my_portal_home&rd=pref

Now he can still vote for Romney....(

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: Etc-ctE on 07 23, 12, 01:44:17:PM
Just goes to show you, as I've been saying all along, people on this board do not read or watch what they are going to post, before they post...

Actually ~  it has become quite comical...

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: takncarabizniz on 07 23, 12, 01:44:24:PM
NO they don't's against the law to block them.

They can only filter...and only on the children's computers can they actually put on a block...however, libraries are bound by court ruling to offer, should the patron ask, or, in most cases, by automatic entry via a cardholder's access...and there are scads of kids who use their parents library cards to access it.  Librarians are not allowed to throw anyone out for looking at porn, unless they print any of it, or if they are deemed under age and using someone else's ID.  I know this for a fact because I worked in the library system. (

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 07 23, 12, 01:44:33:PM
I have used libraries pc and never seen anyone using them pcs for porn.

Gorefeld, you illiterate fuck, you'd be lucky to find the off/on button on the computer.

Ouch, ROFL....  (

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: 1-Term-BHO on 07 23, 12, 01:45:53:PM
OOoops, since we're talking about talliwacky, I should have said elderly woman.

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: talli on 07 23, 12, 01:48:33:PM



Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: garfield51 on 07 23, 12, 01:49:00:PM
I have used libraries pc and never seen anyone using them pcs for porn.

Gorefeld, you illiterate fuck, you'd be lucky to find the off/on button on the computer.

Ouch, ROFL....  (
But I can find the off and on button of both  your mother and wife. Your wife says you can't find hers. You daughter is to ugly for me. So I just piss on her she like that.

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: keno on 07 23, 12, 01:50:24:PM
But I can find the off and on button of both  your mother and wife. Your wife says you can't find hers. You daughter is to ugly for me. So I just piss on her she like that.

^^^^ The face of the Democrat party. Can't attack your opponent, so go after their families, in vile words.
Go fuck yourself, nigger.

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: ttopcat on 07 23, 12, 01:51:15:PM
He can't block anything,people will just route through tv, game machines, for anything they want.

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: libsareasses on 07 23, 12, 01:53:44:PM
Nanny-State Mitt: You only get to see what I approve.

Damn, I thought you'd be happy, since you seem to think it's evil corporations who make billions off of online porn.
It is the left wing companies like Hustler and ceo's like larry flynt who make all the money on porn. since they donate so greatly to the democrat party, that is ok.
demroids are the party of porn!

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: Jim on 07 23, 12, 01:55:04:PM
What in the hell is wrong with you Garfield?
Jesus!  Look at ALL the adults in this thread!

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 07 23, 12, 01:58:47:PM
LOL...  Garfield has other issues...  (

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 07 23, 12, 02:00:30:PM
Wow, Talli found the print for screaming like a bitch would with nothing to suckle on her teat anymore, lol....

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: Jim on 07 23, 12, 02:01:29:PM
In case ya'll missed it, I created a WAR BOARD where you can duke it out and say anything you want, and in turn keep it off the Current Events board. (

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 07 23, 12, 02:06:18:PM
I doubt you will get Talli to go there with her big red fire yelling print, Jim...  (

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: garfield51 on 07 23, 12, 02:09:04:PM
But I can find the off and on button of both  your mother and wife. Your wife says you can't find hers. You daughter is to ugly for me. So I just piss on her she like that.

^^^^ The face of the Democrat party. Can't attack your opponent, so go after their families, in vile words.

Go fuck yourself, nigger.
Go fuck your self, white house nigger. You rip on me I rip on your entire family. ^^^^^^^ the face of the repbob party!  And I did rip on him , read it again .

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: keno on 07 23, 12, 02:10:14:PM
You rip on me I rip on your entire family.
Of course you did, you fucking coward.

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: garfield51 on 07 23, 12, 02:17:20:PM
You rip on me I rip on your entire family.

Ofd course you, you fucking coward.

Sorry sonnie I was in nam with a bad heart.How about you coward?  You ever fight with  a bad heart for your country? I have said this before you don't want me to call you and family any names doen't call me  names. Yes Jim I see many who just call names for no reason. But not ounce I have ever heard you tell them not to . Oh they can if they are wing nuts. I have not ever come here and just called someone a name for no reason.

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 07 23, 12, 02:27:56:PM
Go fuck your self, white house nigger.
Garfield is cussing out Obama again...  (

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: mudslinger on 07 23, 12, 02:33:43:PM

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: Jim on 07 23, 12, 02:53:09:PM
Sorry sonnie I was in nam with a bad heart.How about you coward?  You ever fight with  a bad heart for your country? I have said this before you don't want me to call you and family any names doen't call me  names.
Yes Jim I see many who just call names for no reason. But not ounce I have ever heard you tell them not to . Oh they can if they are wing nuts. I have not ever come here and just called someone a name for no reason.
No, instead you insult family members who've done nothing to you. That is the sign of a coward.  And don't you dare try to use Vietnam as your free ticket to attack innocent people. Or were you part of Mỹ Lai?
And I don't protect anyone, you are all supposed adults and you can fight among yourselves as much as you desire, just don't run to me when someone gets the best of you, and leave innocent family members out of it. Or are you not man enough to do that?

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 07 23, 12, 02:55:36:PM
A bad heart should have prevented you from being drafted and absolutely would have prevented you from combat.   It was your choice?

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: garfield51 on 07 23, 12, 03:09:24:PM
Sorry sonnie I was in nam with a bad heart.How about you coward?  You ever fight with  a bad heart for your country? I have said this before you don't want me to call you and family any names doen't call me  names.

Yes Jim I see many who just call names for no reason. But not ounce I have ever heard you tell them not to . Oh they can if they are wing nuts. I have not ever come here and just called someone a name for no reason.

No, instead you insult family members who've done nothing to you. That is the sign of a coward.  And don't you dare try to use Vietnam as your free ticket to attack innocent people. Or were you part of Mỹ Lai?

And I don't protect anyone, you are all supposed adults and you can fight among yourselves as much as you desire, just don't run to me when someone gets the best of you, and leave innocent family members out of it. Or are you not man enough to do that?

Oh any one call any  black person a nigger. EVEN WHEN THAT PERSON HAS DONE NOTHING TO THAT PERSON ? That is ok to you. I insult family members who have doen nothing to me. Then why call me a nigger ? That has a lot to do with someones famlly. I'm sure you don't see the insult. They only cowards I see are racists cowards hiding behind a pc screen. But to you that is  brave . Now tell me  who called who a name first on this thread? But to you I'm a coward Sorry Jim I was in nam for the 68 tet. Also JIm the Presidents family has not harmed anyone on this  site but it is ok for the wing nuts to call them any name they want here. So I see it is only your friends family that count .  And you call   me a coward.

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: Jim on 07 23, 12, 03:22:12:PM
1st AirCav 69/70 co B. , Search and Destroy team- Pointman.  But that does not give me any right to attack someones family members just because I have a beef with a single family member.  Obviously you and I were born with, or were taught, different values.
And as my Mom always said: "I don't care who started it!" 

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: takncarabizniz on 07 23, 12, 03:22:29:PM
Well, now that talli-tubby is begging for these subjects to be moved to the war board, I guess it will fade into the sunset. 
She wanted a current event fight, and attempting to show Romney in as negative a light as possible, when frankly, most people realize filters have been around for years, and that there are laws protecting the rights of the perverted so that public entities must be very careful how they use those filters...when I think most responsible and intelligent folks would agree w/ Romney that we need those controls at our disposal...
But, she posted it solely to get fights going...she must suffer from caserio syndrome...likes the fights, it gets her off...must be a side affect of her self-described "stomach amputation"...
Clean the keyboard when you're done talli-tubby...

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: garfield51 on 07 23, 12, 03:24:44:PM
Well, now that talli-tubby is begging for these subjects to be moved to the war board, I guess it will fade into the sunset. 
She wanted a current event fight, and attempting to show Romney in as negative a light as possible, when frankly, most people realize filters have been around for years, and that there are laws protecting the rights of the perverted so that public entities must be very careful how they use those filters...when I think most responsible and intelligent folks would agree w/ Romney that we need those controls at our disposal...

But, she posted it solely to get fights going...she must suffer from caserio syndrome...likes the fights, it gets her off...must be a side affect of her self-described "stomach amputation"...
Clean the keyboard when you're done talli-tubby...
A bad heart should have prevented you from being drafted and absolutely would have prevented you from combat.   It was your choice?
Pls speak about things you know. You know nothing about medicine  are the services. Here it goes for the millionth time I had  a heart murmur  of my mitral  valve which could only be heard if I was lying down on my left side. In the service the only gave  physicals standing up. which didn't allow my murmur to be heard during that type of physical . Oh and by the way my family Dr. was did my inducting  physical . You see I was told at a young age I would have problems with my heart when I got older. I came out of the service and started working and going to school. That is  How I became a Rn. Until I had chf at 47 and needed open heart . You see if someone wants to be a true patriot one can be no matter what. And I joined the service at 18 heart and all.(

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: takncarabizniz on 07 23, 12, 03:26:01:PM
Yes garfield?
You posted my response, why?

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: takncarabizniz on 07 23, 12, 03:27:03:PM
My son proudly serves, despite chronic bronchitis he's had since age doesn't hinder him at all.  When he gets a bad cold it bothers him, but he controls it and hasn't missed a day of work ever.

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: garfield51 on 07 23, 12, 03:34:32:PM
My son proudly serves, despite chronic bronchitis he's had since age doesn't hinder him at all.  When he gets a bad cold it bothers him, but he controls it and hasn't missed a day of work ever.

1st AirCav 69/70 co B. , Search and Destroy team- Pointman.  But that does not give me any right to attack someones family members just because I have a beef with a single family member.  Obviously you and I were born with, or were taught, different values.

And as my Mom always said: "I don't care who started it!" 

Sry Jim you do care.. YOu only point out people who are not on the right and call them coward and point them out. If you cared so much about people and familys then why not get on your friends who call other peoples familys names  all kinds of names on this borad. You pointed me out with a name and me only! No jim I have great values. But if one cross the line then all is fair . And as for valvues I have saved a white mans life who spit in my face for no reason. So don't attemp to tell me about values .

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: garfield51 on 07 23, 12, 03:35:43:PM
Yes garfield?

You posted my response, why?

My bad !( Tell your son ty for his service !(

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 07 23, 12, 03:40:22:PM
 I joined the service at 18 heart and all.
Your choice then as the military didn't need you, then, especially with a bad heart putting others in danger.  The unit comes first . What happened later in life has no bearing on your service.

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: garfield51 on 07 23, 12, 03:45:31:PM
I joined the service at 18 heart and all.

Your choice then as the military didn't need you, then, especially with a bad heart putting others in danger.  The unit comes first . What happened later in life has no bearing on your service.
You don't know what they needed and you can't speak for the military? And tell me in your great know it all wisdom how  I put others in danger ?

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: keno on 07 23, 12, 03:49:23:PM
Oh any one call any  black person a nigger. EVEN WHEN THAT PERSON HAS DONE NOTHING TO THAT PERSON ? That is ok to you. I insult family members who have doen nothing to me. Then why call me a nigger ?
Get your facts straight, gorefeld. You attacked my wife, mother and daughter. THEN I called you a nigger.
I'm not in the habit of calling anyone a nigger. Until they do something that defines them, to me, as a nigger.
Got it, dumbass?

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: keno on 07 23, 12, 03:50:48:PM
Sorry sonnie I was in nam with a bad heart.How about you coward?  You ever fight with  a bad heart for your country?
I was in Nam as well. No, I didn't have a bad heart. I doubt you did either, or you would have been on disability so fast it'd make all of our heads swim.

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: Jim on 07 23, 12, 04:02:29:PM
Sry Jim you do care.. YOu only point out people who are not on the right and call them coward and point them out.
Listen up buddy. The fact that I can't read every single thread and post  does not mean I am "protecting" anyone. However, I don't owe you any explanation of all the confrontations I've had with both Left and Right on this board. And the fact that you are not privy to my Private Message "chats" with other offenders matters little to me. At this moment I am talking only to you. Got that?   Focus clearly. I am not talking to, or about anyone else.  capiche?
Whatever others may feel about it, I (personally) consider it a cowardly act to attack someones family member. Its uncalled for, and its a lowlife thing to do.
If you are not man enough to fight your own fights on your own, without finding it necessary to include innocent family members, then I suggest you find a forum that accepts cowards and lowlifes more readily than I.   And just so you don't feel like you are being "picked-on" (because you seem to have that Picked-on mentality), this includes everyone, Left and Right.

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: garfield51 on 07 23, 12, 04:07:14:PM
Oh any one call any  black person a nigger. EVEN WHEN THAT PERSON HAS DONE NOTHING TO THAT PERSON ? That is ok to you. I insult family members who have doen nothing to me. Then why call me a nigger ?

Get your facts straight, gorefeld. You attacked my wife, mother and daughter. THEN I called you a nigger.

I'm not in the habit of calling anyone a nigger. Until they do something that defines them, to me, as a nigger.

Got it, dumbass?
Go back to post #21 you mADe . I had not said one thing to you until  after that names you called me peno. So now you the race  God!  and yes peno you have called poeple here many times the N word .

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: garfield51 on 07 23, 12, 04:17:28:PM
Sry Jim you do care.. YOu only point out people who are not on the right and call them coward and point them out.

Listen up buddy. The fact that I can't read every single thread and post  does not mean I am "protecting" anyone. However, I don't owe you any explanation of all the confrontations I've had with both Left and Right on this board. And the fact that you are not privy to my Private Message "chats" with other offenders matters little to me. At this moment I am talking only to you. Got that?   Focus clearly. I am not talking to, or about anyone else.  capiche?

Whatever others may feel about it, I (personally) consider it a cowardly act to attack someones family member. Its uncalled for, and its a lowlife thing to do.

If you are not man enough to fight your own fights on your own, without finding it necessary to include innocent family members, then I suggest you find a forum that accepts cowards and lowlifes more readily than I.   And just so you don't feel like you are being "picked-on" (because you seem to have that Picked-on mentality), this includes everyone, Left and Right.

I'm sure you don't look at every post but some   post you have been on and them talking about Obamas family you said nothing. And I only come here every couple days per month. Np I get  it they can call anyone a name but not me.. Have a great day such breve men .

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: Jim on 07 23, 12, 04:23:55:PM
Yes, of courseYOU are the victim.  And we conspire to lay in wait for you to show up just so we can victimize you.   t.i.c.
good grief

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: garfield51 on 07 23, 12, 04:53:23:PM

Yes, of courseYOU are the victim.  And we conspire to lay in wait for you to show up just so we can victimize you.   t.i.c.


good grief
Well since you saID so . Your boys like to use the N word a lot here .  And about the Presidents family peoples family. Hey Jim I know you know very little about real people of color. That why blacks vote video  is a dead  gave away. Hey Jim what does all you niggers mean when said by your boys ? And the black race is the worest race on earth ! Of course it  has nothing to do with blacks familys. But I see if one of the people who call others family names then they come and complaaint to you for doing the same thing they do. And you have seen it Jim !

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: Jim on 07 23, 12, 05:15:18:PM
Hey Jim I know you know very little about real people of color. That why blacks vote video  is a dead  gave away.
I have two neices and two nephews whose fathers are black. So stop your racist bullshit with me buddy.
Hey Jim what does all you niggers mean when said by your boys ? And the black race is the worest race on earth ! Of course it  has nothing to do with blacks familys. But I see if one of the people who call others family names then they come and complaaint to you for doing the same thing they do. And you have seen it Jim !
The difference between you and those on the Right that I've felt the need to talk to is that they eventually say" "I hear what you're saying Jim, you are right, I admit I let my anger get the best of me at times and I'll try my best to hold it down as well as I can, but if I'm attacked first, then all bets are off."  Those are the words of 6 members of the Right.  That is the difference between you and them. They have the balls to admit they may be wrong, while you fight in some vain attempt to convince people you are right. When you are not.

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: garfield51 on 07 23, 12, 07:50:05:PM
Hey Jim I know you know very little about real people of color. That why blacks vote video  is a dead  gave away.

I have two neices and two nephews whose fathers are black. So stop your racist bullshit with me buddy.

Hey Jim what does all you niggers mean when said by your boys ? And the black race is the worest race on earth ! Of course it  has nothing to do with blacks familys. But I see if one of the people who call others family names then they come and complaaint to you for doing the same thing they do. And you have seen it Jim !

The difference between you and those on the Right that I've felt the need to talk to is that they eventually say" "I hear what you're saying Jim, you are right, I admit I let my anger get the best of me at times and I'll try my best to hold it down as well as I can, but if I'm attacked first, then all bets are off."  Those are the words of 6 members of the Right.  That is the difference between you and them. They have the balls to admit they may be wrong, while you fight in some vain attempt to convince people you are right. When you are not.

My racist bullshit what racists name Have I called you ? Everytime I come here I'm called racist names as many who are assumded to be black. But again you just point the finger at me and say I'm a low life and callled you a racists name what name jim ? pls show me in a post a racists name I called you. NO I know i'm not alwasy right but I 'm alway  called some name and when I fight back by calling names I'm wrong to you. I have not attacked any of them first with racists names. AND THAT IS THE PROBLEM ! many X I have not paid any attention to them  many times. But I don't have to turn the my cheek most of the time. And I asked not to be called any racisl names. I don't call anyone those names unless they call me them first. And 99 % of the time it is not called for ! If i'm so wrong why start a fight then get mad if someone fights using anything the have to use. That is how fights go . They do but you want to restrrict others.. I have never seen you call one of them a low life are any name in the lobby. Big difference. And NO jim I will  not be coming to this board that much. 

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: Jim on 07 23, 12, 08:05:54:PM
Do whatever makes you feel good. All I ask is to leave family out of your personal fights.  Its not that hard..

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: garfield51 on 07 24, 12, 02:10:53:AM

Do whatever makes you feel good. All I ask is to leave family out of your personal fights.  Its not that hard..

And  all n's  are worthless has nothng to do with ones family ? Don't call me a name and I willnot call anyone a name how about that. That is easy. I was called a a name by the guy who told you I just call him a name and his family for no reason. go to post # 21 and read before that. Hey pal all is fair in love and war and fights. If you can't take being called a name then why call someone else a name . You guys don't mind calling blacks and their familys names. So if you get your fellings hurt don't do it to others. I will be glad not to hurt your fellings. If you keep your names to your self . And if you don't want me on your board NP. You need to learn to not call people names and whine about someone calling you and yours names . When you do it all the time !

Title: Re: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet
Post by: garfield51 on 07 24, 12, 02:14:16:AM (